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Are we headed towards a Trump dictatorship, and could supporting Israel cause it?

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A recent article came out from conservative scholar Robert Kagan argues we are headed towards a Trump dictatorship.

The main reason I don’t buy it is I just don’t see how Trump can get the political capital to get enough support to pull off such a radical transformation of government.

However a recent interview has worried me.

Top middle eastern Faraz Gerges has said he’s never seen the Middle East population this angry at the USA.

The main reason is the US supporting Israel’s current bombing of Gaza, which so far has killed 17,700 Palestinians, and according to the IDF only 7,000 of those were actually Hamas militants (some say this is an overcount as well). 
But this isn’t the only reason, many in the Middle East have a supreme dislike of the USA for supporting war in Yemen, toppling Libya, the Iraq war, the Afghanistan war, large sanctions and retracting the nuclear deal with Iran, Obama’s drone campaign among other things which have produced an extremely large body count.

the Middle East currently has a major extremism problem as extremism has spread throughout and has been festering due to being pushed down by dictators (many US backed) after failing to topple them during the Arab spring. This could result in extremists further targeting the US. That’s not to mention Russia or China.

If a 9/11 like event was pulled off by extremists during a Trump presidency, we would have a very serious problem. When 9/11 happened it wasn’t used to transform America into a dictatorship, but it was used to start two wars and severely limit civil liberties with the patriot act, and was done with massive public support. What would Trump do if given such an opportunity and knowing the second he leaves office they will be trying to get him in prison?

Keep in mind it could cause a much more dangerous chain reaction. For example a war with Iran which would need a serious commitment of US forces, and if China would use the distraction as a chance to take Taiwan.

Edited by Raze

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There's credible sources saying that the Isreal attack was orchestrated by Putin/Iran to distract the world from the Ukrainianian invasion. I think the Ukrainian conflict is more important to world order, not saying the middle East isn't though. 

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3 minutes ago, Parallax Mind said:

There's credible sources saying that the Isreal attack was orchestrated by Putin/Iran to distract the world from the Ukrainianian invasion. I think the Ukrainian conflict is more important to world order, not saying the middle East isn't though. 

There is no credible source of that, it’s just rumors. The WSJ article saying that had 0 evidence. It’s extremely unlikely it wouldn’t have leaked to Israel in some capacity (that Russia or Iran were involved) if it was being planned from that high up.

Edited by Raze

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14 minutes ago, Raze said:

There is no credible source of that, it’s just rumors. The WSJ article saying that had 0 evidence. It’s extremely unlikely it wouldn’t have leaked to Israel in some capacity (that Russia or Iran were involved) if it was being planned from that high up.

This article for example backs my claim.

Yes it's opinion but I think it's likely Putin was involved. 

And yes you are right a Trump presidency could be dangerous so remember to vote.


Edited by Parallax Mind

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18 minutes ago, Parallax Mind said:

This article for example backs my claim.

Yes it's opinion but I think it's likely Putin was involved. 

And yes you are right a Trump presidency could be dangerous so remember to vote.


Neither the WSJ article nor that article provide proof, it’s speculation. Secretary Blinken himself said the US has not seen any proof Iran was involved. 

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