
Why am I addicted to patterns/trauma triggering?

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Why do I (we?) get hooked on what triggers air trauma more specifically patterns of inconsistent attention/affection?

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Simply because you have not inquired deeply into what trauma fundamentally is.

Think of it like this: you’ve probably had times when you’ve lost something, only to soon realize that you’ve been holding onto it the whole time. With that realization, what will you do next?

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Because it maintains your legend, it is a fantasy way to give you importance.
If you start to simply be productive and be happy, then it is as if everything that could have happened no longer has any importance, and your ego does not like it and tries to maintain continuity.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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19 minutes ago, Alfonsoo said:

@Judy2 how can I fix this?

Understand that you have to generate within you what you think is lacking. Give the love to yourself you so direly seek.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I used to have extreme death anxiety. I would think of non existence have a panic attack and I would have a fight or flight response and I would have to go outside and run. It was a weird mental disorder I was scaring myself into running from something that you cannot run from. After I awaken my fear dissolved and I am able to see the mechanisms that are at play with the mind. The ego is here to put you to sleep. You have a thought you react to it that stores it in your identity , dosent matter if its good or bad if you react to it you store it in a bank of identity. Your mind just constantly goes into the identity bank and says to you do you want to remeber this? if you react to it it will store it in the identity bank if you dont you will put it away in memories. If you react strongly it will send you it more ! You can program your mind into a fear loop that you cannot get out of if you do this unconsciously. You need to just let your mind do its thing and let it do what it wants without reacting and just watching. If you have this about the fear of non existence is like a secret hack to enlightenment as its not something you can overcome  its the only thing thats not real and it will become so burdensome you either kill yourself or your third eye collapses in on itself. You are scared cause you are reacting to your thoughts, just stop that just hang out and listen to them, fear can be tamed and only works because you let it.

when you think about something you connect it to another neuron so if you constantly link a fear to another neuron you will have links of that fear to every other aspect of your life. like sadhguru says when you fear something you plant a potato and when you keep doing it you are planting another potato. Soon you will have a mind will of these fear every neuron is linked to it and the fear is draining every aspect of your life. If you can overcome the fear of this time you will delete the neuron in your mind and since its linked to every other aspect you can see God, cause its like all the other neurons are dying at the same time.


Edited by Hojo

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