
[nofap] 25 Reasons To Do It

134 posts in this topic

  • Spend lots of time engaging in other productive activities that will turn you into a much more qualified person.
  • Quit objectifying women, start seeing them as human beings.
  • Much higher confidence, trust and pride in self.
  • Be a free man who wanders at will. No more a desperate slave with no control over self-fate.
  • Start feeling these intense emotions all the time, instead of being numbed to the beautiful world around you. No more the walking dead.
  • Much less procrastinating. Get things done on time, resulting in much higher success at work or in school.
  • No more scared to let other people use your computer, no more fears of being caught.
  • Burst with newfound energy. Run Forrest Run.
  • Start - possibly for the first time since puberty - to really love yourself for who you are. The self that you always loved but unfortunately kept locked away in a self-built prison in your body, now has the opportunity to break free and come out. Grow that child into a man. You will find peace of mind in him.
  • Much less depression. You’ll keep finding yourself feeling happy and positive for no apparent reasons, at the same situations where you used to feel worried and distressed before. This is because no matter what, you know you have given your best.
  • Regain that long lost ability of actually falling truely, madly, deeply in love with someone. Caution! Get ready to shed some tears, because you may end up desperately thinking about that one SO, instead of getting hypnotized stupid by all that fabricated and useless, zombified novelty in porn.
  • Grow the ability to maintain a healthy long-term relationship where you can actually be trustworthy, dependable and reliable and can deserve to receive the same treatment in return.
  • THE ED. Inevitably caused by the PMO addiction. Need I say more? NEED I SAY MORE?
  • After a long enough streak, you will see that people around you will start caring more about you. The reason for this is that, before NoFap, one half of you was completely missing from their sight. That one half was busy wasting himself away in a life of secrecy built on shame. He was not present. That half of you did not exist in the real world. And the other half that did exist in the real world was constantly insecure and double minded in his attitude, never being able to give his best because of the PMO addiction. Now people will start to care more about you because you will be at least twice more present in their lives. And when I say present, I mean PRESENT. INFLUENTIAL. IMPRESSIVE.
  • Increased overall physical health, because you are keeping your sperm in your body. Read about it.
  • You can add to that health by actively working out too you know, which you probably will, because NoFap is much harder without hitting the gym anyway. Get. In. Shape!
  • Master your knowledge on how the plastic structure of your brain impacts your behavior. This new modern insight into neuroplasticity is an eventual and positive side effect of doing NoFap through YBOP and will have its positive impact on every aspect of your life depending on what you do with it.
  • Be much more creative than before. You are forcing your brain to leave its biggest comfort zone. That means it has to come up with new neuron pathways to survive. Those new pathways mean new ideas. New ideas mean better creativity in whatever you are keeping your brain busy with. Innovate your life.
  • An immense increase in willpower. One badass lion of willpower. How hard could anything be, compared to quitting PMO? No match ever. No barriers could stand a chance against you.
  • Attention Magnetism. If you’re doing it right, you will inevitably be radiating all this positive energy wherever you go and everyone - especially ladies - will be noticing you out of nowhere. They will look at you, they will want to talk to you. It’s serious and works like a charm, but when you come to think of it, it's nothing magical really: Nature runs its course when you run yours.
  • Piece of cake to initiate dialogues, especially after a certain point. You don’t even have to think about it. Much less self-consciousness.
  • No more of that creepy feeling of two personalities one of which you always have to hide and makes you feel like you'd almost rather commit suicide than found out. Honest with self, honest with all. You are one and whole and complete.
  • No, you are never complete and will never be. Always room for development, since you have the time and the energy it takes to improve yourself in any aspect.

Get rid of other bad habits as well. NoFap initiates the good domino effect for your life.

Be 1 in a 1,000,000. Really.



In contrast;

1 reason to do PMO:

Numb yourself so that you can maintain a vegetably satisfied life instead of achieving all these real traits, unlike a human but like a zombie, where, in the long run, the lack of all these traits is inevitably going to take its toll on you, quiet terribly I assure you.

Now, is there even a match here? I don't want that. You know PMO is something VERY idiotic when it has the mystical power to turn off your conscious and make you blindly ignore ALL THESE VERY CRUCIAL REASONS. PMO is THAT stupid, if you know what I mean. So if there was one single medicine that would give me all those benefits above, I'd pay all I ever had to buy that. Apparently there is none, but there is NoFap. I will give all I have to do NoFap and to run from PMO, because I know I have to and there is no other way around my life.

Best regards and best wishes to all Fapstronauts!




NoFap website

Porn addiction basics

Rebooting basics









Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Check this one out:


Edited by sgn

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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Ive stopped porn for 3,5 months and it feels amazing. Women seem so beautiful and i can see them as human beings. No stress at all when i am with them. 

You've slept a hundred nights, And what has it brought you? For your self, for your God, Wake up! Wake up! Sleep no more.

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No fap helped me realize the potential in my own relationships. I'd fap to escape reality and pretend I was never in any kind of relationship. I messaged girls on porn sites and would sext back to fake women on the internet begging them to be real. I did some stupid shit as a kid.

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I'm convinced

Edit: Nvm, I failed.

Edited by Evilwave Heddy

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Every now and then i stumble across porn and sit here and wonder how did i even watch this shit? Its plane and repetitive and just the same old loop. Erections are near non-existent when i decide to see if porn has any effect on me nowadays, it was like an old drug that i used as a teenager but now that i've found a greater path by just living life simply in the presence and focusing on much more profound things..

As a teenager sex was interesting and love was boring, now its completely the opposite. Especially after a Enlightening experience modern sexual acts disgust me and loving acts empower me. Fascinating indeed it is.

Don't get me wrong sex is amazing if done with pure love and passion but it no longer bothers me when i don't have sex anymore no matter how long. if a special moment arises between a special someone then i don't resist either, i simply go with the flow but i no longer have the care or craving for it and too be honest i feel much cleaner and pure-minded without it.

Its sorta like Psychedelics, the less often the more powerful and enlightening/meaningful the experience.



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I want to fap SO BAD, but I must GO ON !





God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I apologise for being so naive... can someone here explain what is "nofap"?

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  On 4/12/2017 at 8:26 PM, Lai said:

I apologise for being so naive... can someone here explain what is "nofap"?

no ''Friction Applied to Penis'' aka no masturbation, when a man stops masturbating, there is a lot of spiritual energy that gets lost each time a man masturbates and releases his semen, in an act of sex that spiritual energy does not get lost, depending if both lovers really get in communion with each other. 

but masturbation is pretty useless, spiritually wise, it's a lower pleasure.

now I don't know how this works for women, if no masturbation actually helps them. 

in my experience and at my current spiritual level if I masturbate I literally feel the energy leaving my body, I have perception changes as the world looks more 'empty' and less ''vibrant'', so this shit is for realz and it's a big no no for me.

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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I'm new to this forum, but I have been thinking about this topic a lot myself actually. Since having truly amazing sex, and a true emotional connection with someone, (my ex girlfriend) it's hard to go back to just having sex with someone which lacks any true connection on a higher level. The problem is, I haven't had an opportunity to meet a girl who is on my wave length yet.

As a lot of people here on this site probably do, I get deep with people, very quick, and very easy. And not a lot of people can handle it. Only ones who are on, or near, or on a similar, way of thinking will understand. And the ones who don't, I struggle to connect on a sexual level with. So my situation at the moment is, I'm looking for a Girl on my wave length, and I have met a few to be honest, but because these people are likely to attract simmiliar kind and loving people, it is likely they will get snapped up very quickly, by loving and kind men. 

So this leads me to not having sex, I am a good looking man, but I live in England. And in general, I find girls here tend to be very wrapped up in there egos in our current culture. So I am going through a stage now, where I crave sexual release, but can't get it. And the more I masturbate, the more the drive to hunt goes down. However, regarding no fap. The real problem comes from dopamine, and this comes from porn. If your masturbating to porn. You associate the natural hardwired sexual state of arousal (high dopamine release) to pornography, rather than real sex. And this conditioning, this can calm (not destroy) the hardwiring to real girls, and real touch, and real interaction.

Regarding fapping without porn, I feel if I am forcing a fap (when I'm not feeling horny) I feel this to be more damaging than if I was to fap when I genuinely felt the need to fap because I was naturally horny. The body generally has a way of communicating to you what it wants or needs, and is better to just follow your instincts sometimes. So rather than just fapping when your bored, fap when your body absolutely craves it. Personlly, I find fapping once a week has kept sex drive high, whilst keeping my sanity & stress (and potentially my health) low. (Although saying this, if I feel only a little horny, I find it's better to let it build a bit until I HAVE to masturbate)

Regarding the vibrancy of life when not fapping, I do notice a difference, I put this down to testosterone though to be honest. Because the feeling I get when I don't fap for a while, and the way my cognitions fire, feels simmiliar to the way I am after doing heavy lifting, such as squatting and deadlifting. And these excersises increase testosterone levels. I feel testosterone increases engagement levels and "On it" ness. (Excuse the informality =].

Edited by Binsmokey

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  On 4/12/2017 at 10:53 PM, jse said:

"nofac" - not exactly sure what part of the female anatomy the "c" refers to.


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  On 4/12/2017 at 10:53 PM, jse said:

"nofac" - not exactly sure what part of the female anatomy the "c" refers to.

"c" is for... cunnilingus?

And there is also "nosex" - expect rigor mortis without foreplay.

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@Lai absolutely beautiful ..

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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  On 4/11/2017 at 7:02 PM, Shin said:

I want to fap SO BAD

A technique to transform lust

Whenever you feel sex desire arising, there are three possibilities: one, indulge in it - ordinary, everybody is doing that; second: repress it, force it down so it goes beyond your consciousness into the darkness of the unconscious, and the third is when the sex desire arises, close your eyes. It is a very valuable moment: desire arising is energy arising. It is like the sun rising in the morning.

One small technique will be of tremendous help.

Close your eyes; this is the moment to be meditative. Move downwards to the sex centre where you are feeling the thrill, the vibration. Move there and just be a silent onlooker. Witness it, don't condemn it. The moment you condemn, you have gone far away from it.

And don't enjoy it, because the moment you enjoy, you are unconscious.

Just be alert, watchful, like a lamp burning in a dark night. You just take your consciousness there, unflickering, unwavering. You see what is happening at the sex centre, what is this energy.

Don't call it names because all words have become contaminated. Even if you say it is sex, immediately you have started condemning it. The very word has become condemnatory. Or, if you belong to the new generation, then the very word has become something sacred. But the word is always loaded with emotion. Any word which is loaded with emotion becomes a barrier on the path of awareness.

Just watch the fact that an energy is arising near the sex center and you will feel a totally new quality of energy. Watching it, you will see it is rising upwards. It is finding a path inside you. And the moment it starts rising upwards, you will feel a coolness falling on you, a silence surrounding you, a grace, a beatitude, a benediction, a blessing all around you. It is no longer like a painful thorn. It no longer hurts; it is very soothing like a balm. And the more you remain aware, the higher it will go. 

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  On 4/14/2017 at 5:41 AM, Prabhaker said:

A technique to transform lust

Is there a technique to transform lust for reputation points?  :P

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  On 4/14/2017 at 3:09 PM, Lai said:

Is there a technique to transform lust for reputation points

Lust for reputation points is not a worldly desire, They are real indicators of your spiritual progress. Leo should rename them into 'Enlightenment Points'.

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