
Do people still think marketing is evil?

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As a marketing pro myself, I wonder if people still think this way. Marketing is just how products get to market. it's the entire process of how products are conceptualised, and then tested to gauge demand, and then itemised for release into the marketplace. So this covers product development, market research, what we call the seven Ps (place, product, physical evidence, price, promotion, people, process), digital marketing (social media, SEO, e-mail lists, etc.), and tailoring products to fit different markets globally. 

This can be misused and some advertising can be misleading or harmful, but there isn't a practice that cannot be misused, is there? 

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12 hours ago, Lila9 said:

It might be because most of the marketing in the world is low consious and based on psychological manipulation in which you basically convince people to buy something that they don't necessarily need and isn't going to improve their lives and solve their problems, though you convince them it will by selling them a stroy, fantasy, dream, and by your success of doing that you are making yourself richer, which is bad because it comes at the expense of other humans insecurities and desperation without providing them the full "promised" value which lured them to make the purchase to begin with.



Yes, I get that. This is the longstanding view. But I wonder if people still believe this. Advertising isn't inherently bad, and it's only a subset of the entire practice/industry. 



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@Lila9 Whether marketing is good or bad depends on your perspective.

Harmon Brothers, who are considered the best in the video marketing industry, have created some amazing videos. In my opinion, marketing is both an art and a science.

However, it is up to the individual to decide whether they will use it in an ethical or unethical manner.


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7 hours ago, bebotalk said:

Advertising isn't inherently bad, and it's only a subset of the entire practice/industry. 

Bad for who? 


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6 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Bad for who? 

Bad for those viewing and consuming it. Who else? the gist of this thread is pretty easy to gauge. 

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@Lila9 Leo's Life Purpose Course sales page employs the same manipulative techniques. In my opinion, using manipulative tactics is acceptable as long as you deliver the promised results/benefits.

I think you'll find this documentary very interesting:


Edited by Zest4Life

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38 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

I agree that there isn't one type of marketing, but I tend to believe that most of it, today, is not the best or the most concious type of it.

The most common marketing strategy today is to convince people that there is a problem and to offer them a solution to that problem at the exchange of $90.99.

There is lots of psychological manipulation and explotion of the human nature and human basic needs like looking good, feeling secure, feeling accepted, valued, belong, etc. 


It is true that most products we buy we don't need. But they often do fulfill deeper needs. Nobody needs smartphones in themselves, but we need to communicate. Nobody needs microwave ovens, but people need to eat.  Though people have free will, and have the choice to not see adverts. Not all adverts are "evil" as they stand. Yes, marketing can have issues, but I don't think many of the old critiques have relevance these days. I'd also argue that peer pressure exists independently of marketing, and peer pressure is arguably lesser these days due to Western cultures being anti-bullying. 

I've always thought that marketing being evil was an exaggerated point that lacks nuance. there are shitty doctors who abuse patients or misrepresent facts but nobody says medicine should be banned. No human practice can be without flaw or blame. 

Edited by bebotalk

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I'm not sure if you would consider this to be "evil marketing", but I think it's brilliant xD 

smels like being an idiot.jpegdisappointed his mouth.jpeg




Edited by Zest4Life

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There are certainly degrees of evil, but i've always seen modern marketing  and advertisment as the quintessential example of deciet and falsehood.
The music, the words, the images, the packaging. all designed to lull zombies into consumism. 

The goal isn't to present the product - it's to make you a regular buyer.
You kinda see the Lucifer himself orchestrating all of it

Directed by the devil:


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On 2023-12-08 at 9:14 PM, bebotalk said:

As a marketing pro myself, I wonder if people still think this way. Marketing is just how products get to market. it's the entire process of how products are conceptualised, and then tested to gauge demand, and then itemised for release into the marketplace. So this covers product development, market research, what we call the seven Ps (place, product, physical evidence, price, promotion, people, process), digital marketing (social media, SEO, e-mail lists, etc.), and tailoring products to fit different markets globally. 

This can be misused and some advertising can be misleading or harmful, but there isn't a practice that cannot be misused, is there? 

   Sure, partly agree that most people misunderstand and some demonize marketing. For example the YouTube rap community and react community, if they don't like another YouTube Channel trying to grow, will call them 'clout chasers.', as if to imply the person is chasing clout, seeking drama and stirring up attention to gain a following, which actually is normal considering that marketing is so important for an early business, to promote and advertise yourself as a freelance Indie whatever to a wider audience initially, then to niche down into what you do, your target demographic/psychographic, and what you're good at doing, and who you ideally want to be. 

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There would be no Actualized or forum if it wasn’t for his marketing genius.

That crazy sun of a….

Edited by Yimpa


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You can't control what people will do with the information you give them.

You can be mindful of your intent. Just aim to improve lives where you can, rather than sucker people into wasting their money.

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55 minutes ago, BlueOak said:

You can't control what people will do with the information you give them.

I believe in marketing you can if they are a bunch of unconscious controllable sheep. You can target people's emotions and senses just to get them to buy certain things. Fear sells. Instill fear and there they go. Numerous techniques will do the trick but only if you're not aware that this is happening. Sometimes even if you are. This is happening on all levels on a very wide scale. Control them, and you got them by the balls.


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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