Keryo Koffa

My Current Understanding of God and (Non-)Duality

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Our desires are God's desires. The problem with me saying that is that in our minds god is a useful duality to describe the state of complete integration, unconditional love and total formlessness, different from our limited forms. But "capital-G God" is absolutely everything and limitless, not just the whole, but every distinct superposition as well. And what you are feeling right now, living life and integrating your experiences is a desire to witness, be and experience whatever your emotions point you towards, physical reality a manifestation, a grid to snap your desires onto and create a feedback loop. What you want and what God needs, is to let it all out find contentment, but you can only do that authentically, by dissolving dualities through the experience of both sides, to intuit their relationship and finally dissolve their distinction into unity. In the process of living and integrating consciously, you will feel suffering and appreciation. You will want something and suffer if you lack it, while appreciating it when you do have it. If you have enough of it, the lack dissolves and you're content. The appreciation of your experience itself is a meta-phenomenon that can hold you inside reality but it is a beautiful way to exist. Eventually, after you dissolve all lacks, you're pure contentment and your state of mind is the same as God's. Yet you still exist separate from divinity inside this reality until your physical death (probably), but everything will flow and there will be no resistance, you will be living from the highest form of love your physical body can manifest. (Theory) You might divide again if you feel the desire to experience yourself and dream of limitation, that would be a lack that would enter you naturally through the ever changing flow of emotions and yearnings that drive God to explore himself as well.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Do not confuse your desires for God's desires.

Whatever your agenda is, that's ego. God has no agenda.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If God has no ego, then God must be egoless…. 

But shit… God can’t be egoless if ego was imagined by God to begin with…..

I AM Lovin' It

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@Keryo Koffa  

My vision of life is similar. I see a path, an evolution, a stage. Everything points in one direction, I just have to stop resisting. reality tends towards something, I am the reality tending towards something.

God is not someone who does things, it is reality in movement, and that movement always points in one direction. God is a primordial force, he is the pure creative power that arises, the source of existence. something, not someone, and that source always flows in one direction, it is inevitable. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Energy of Desire comes from one place and one place only. From God.

Ego can only corrupt that energy for its own selfish purposes. But it's the maker of it. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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@Leo Gura I've yet to reconcile that contradiction in my mind. Maybe contradictions don't have to be reconciled but can simply be let go of. I act on my own desires which include Insight. But that's understanding through interconnection. And reality is infinitely vast and infinitely interconnected. If I let go of everything I desire, would I still exist as unbiased perception or dissolve into god? The only knowable truth comes from the only knowable thing, consciousness. I'm becoming more aware, but I am addicted to rationality. My psychedelic experiences make me ever more aware of the megastructure like a tree, that I am a small branch of.

I'm rewatching your videos and reinterpreting all of existence through different pointers, catching the relative space in-between. At one point, you said that God is holographic. I know that God is limitless and without bias, but everything that exists, does so because of god and it is made of god because god is all there is. The way I understand it, god is dividing itself, so bias is created. I am bias right now. Maybe it is a delusion. But bias exists, if only as a concept, I can point at bias, that's how we communicate. Any thing is bias, since it is not god. But then what is god's relationship with bias, does he have no bias or every bias simultaneously, is that the inflection point? He still creates a split reality from inside of himself. Becoming that split reality. Or is god only consciousness? But that's a duality. Bias is a duality, the pointer to God, is that a duality? God has no agenda. But I need to understand why in order to make peace of it.

Or maybe this whole process of writing as much as I do is just the ego self-perpetuating itself, while none of it matters because the truth is immutable and only needs to be consciously realized... thinking less and being more

Rationality sure is one hell of a drug though!

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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20 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

My psychedelic experiences make me ever more aware of the megastructure like a tree, that I am a small branch of.

You can be a small branch, a giant branch, or an enlightened branch. The list goes on. God loves it all as God :)

I AM Lovin' It

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Left is right is up is down.

The Contra code also makes the game Contra easier.

I AM Lovin' It

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God has no agenda because God is THIS.

Now for some jazz for you sexy spiritual spirits


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What is love? 
What is desire?
What is agenda?

When I doubt, use Google.

What is Google?

I AM Lovin' It

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

God has no agenda because God is THIS.

Now for some jazz for you sexy spiritual spirits


 >.< When metalheads try to play jazz, it's like a new guitar player trying to play Smoke On The Water. It's like "huehue, jazz is funny and quirky, let's play funny and quirky". It's not actually jazz, they don't listen to jazz -_-

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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3 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

Rationality sure is one hell of a drug though!

I think that the first step is to empty our mind. Rationality is a trap. I fall in if very often. 

The question is, what do I get by doing mind maps? Is this the reality? It is impossible to know, just by intuition, what good is it for me? I see only two things clearly: in this life I must follow a straight and clean path, and seek the maximum inner openness to the now, to the depth


Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Leo Gura I went to sleep early and woke up at 3:30AM contemplating for 5 hours straight. My takeaways are:

Everything is love, that which doesn't look like it, is an emergent property of its limited channeling into Dualities which is what we call Ego.

Imagination and Realness dissolve into Arbitraryness. Arbitrariness and Consistency dissolve into Truth (Potential of any Supeposition but definite expression of one like our Reality)

God is defined as Love, Truth and Infinity at the highest possible level and is proven by Consciousness. God is our highest form, my most actualized self.

God is Being without Need. I am a part of god and the whole of god, the differentiator is Ego, which is self-imposed.

I appreciate Leo for having inspired self-contemplation inside myself, Leo is a duality and so am I, we are god.

My desires still stretch infinitely far and the potential for self-delusion is vast. There is so much I want to experience.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Leo Gura Scrap everything I said. It clicked. I'm no longer trying to rationalize the world with consciousness as a dimension that interacts with it.

Consciousness is everything. I am illusory, the people at the supermarket are me, I am our relationships, I interact with myself, everything is myself. I love myself, all of reality is an aspect of myself, the human is a story, the only story, all humans are equal to this human. Physical reality is a simulation conceivable on both levels, the hypothetical physical as much as the conscious one. This human is the only perspective and yet he is just as much a character. I'm playing a video game, I am the video game. This is so trippy, and I was preparing for psychedelics next week, now I realized so much just through contemplating and tying some of it to physical reality. This human has bias, I do not. This human loves experiencing himself, I love everything. Humans are ego, the totality of existence is just itself but there is consciousness, there is always consciousness.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Leo Gura This avatar is and communicates through duality. Consciousness is limited to this dream, time, configuration. The avatar desires because it lacks, this lack perpetuates itself, ego. Everything is consciousness. Am I interrupting the dream? I am the dream! I dream to be him. This is one dream, there are many, infinite. He is too limited to tell what's outside of himself right now. Nothing is, until God wills it to be, then anything can be. Qualia and perception change and phase in and out of existence all the time. Something outside of its current consciousness maintains it, as it is not aware constructing this reality yet. This world is beautiful. This human seeks love, this human is love because God is love, just a more limited form. This human wants to live more fully with more love until it is ready to dissolve back into the Source. Nothing is lost, God is everything. And life matters and means because its love, but so does everything because love is everything.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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