
sharing my chat up line

7 posts in this topic

hello, what's your name

hey i am susan

oh hi susan, so do people call you sue for short, mind if i call you sue

sure alright

cool, mind if i call you please haha

you are cheeky!

you like that huh! so how bout i can have your number?



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This is like you looking to cheat the exam since you just studied night before,you cant cheat the game even if someone gave you perfect lines...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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You can't verbally trick a girl into getting her number. That's not how game works. You have to actually talk to her and establish an emotional connection so she wants to actually talk to you again.

Learn to have a proper conversation, not childish gimmickery.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The only time I used a line was by accident, but it was a good one.

At a bar, which gave out free jelly beans, I held a red bean and a blue bean in my hands and to a nearby hot girl said:-

"You take the blue bean, you wake in your bed and the story ends. You take the red bean, and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Not an exact Matrix quote, but you get the drift. She laughed and it was comedic enough to break the ice. But it was kind of an impromptu accident to be honest.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You can't verbally trick a girl into getting her number. That's not how game works. You have to actually talk to her and establish an emotional connection so she wants to actually talk to you again.

Learn to have a proper conversation, not childish gimmickery.

conversely talking to miss hot stuff all night and establishing a scintillating emotional connection

is an utter waste of time

unless you land the digits

so do it 

and stop showboating how amazing a raconteur you are



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A girl who sets healthy boundaries, yet still wants to get to know you despite all the weird shit you’ve said or done… that’s a keeper.

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I think it doesn't really matter what you say, it is the vibe and the rythm that you're in. If we're in sync with her emotions of excitement and have total confidence to express those emotions, then we will be able to find the words to express those feelings and get her number no matter what we say (although she might not respond later). I very difficult thing is how do we get in sync, especially if we don't have lots of experience with hot women.

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