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Does Form/Change Really Require Death?

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Ultimately is permanent/impermanent a duality?

I’m really stuck on why form needs to be impermanent. Can’t there be a form that subsists forever and ever and doesn’t “die”? If you say no then that seems limiting to infinity. Everything should be possible including a permanent form.

Also why does change require “death”? Couldn’t there just be change with forms constantly morphing and evolving without the full stop called death?

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if there was a permanent form, it would prevent the rest of infinity from existing so form has to be temporary. So yes "absolute infinity" excludes permanence so it's not actually complete and will never be complete no matter how much other parrots say it.

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Much like those times you cannot contain your laughter when you find something hilarious, that, too, you cannot contain forever. 

I AM Godzilla

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The fact of being infinite means that movement is always the case, and movement is a cycle. cycles within cycles, and I suppose everything will culminate in a total cycle, where infinity is unified and then everything desintegrate and the cycle begins again, for eternity.


Edited by Breakingthewall

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Anything in motion is always changing relative to the point of its observer.

Nothing can perpetually keep in motion forever.

Edited by BlueOak

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On 12/7/2023 at 0:11 PM, Bruins8000 said:

Ultimately is permanent/impermanent a duality?

I’m really stuck on why form needs to be impermanent. Can’t there be a form that subsists forever and ever and doesn’t “die”? If you say no then that seems limiting to infinity. Everything should be possible including a permanent form.

Also why does change require “death”? Couldn’t there just be change with forms constantly morphing and evolving without the full stop called death?

God IS the permanent form.  Satisfying infinity. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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55 minutes ago, Francis777 said:

Form can exist forever so long as you keep imagining it, can you? Would you want to?

Consider that what exists beyond form is better than anything you can ever imagine.

Why would you ever prefer one form over another and choose to exist as that forever? When you awaken to love you surrender to preference/form.

Could you give up your current form now?  Not so easy.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 7.12.2023 at 11:41 PM, Bruins8000 said:

Also why does change require “death”? Couldn’t there just be change with forms constantly morphing and evolving without the full stop called death?

Of course there can. It's called "life", and death isn't somehow the end of life... it is simply another aspect of the exact same thing.

Death = Change = Life = Permanence = God. Different names, same singularity.


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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Everything in motion changes from the point of observation, and nothing can perpetually stay in motion. We are talking physical things here, everything is moving, even if it seems still to you. This applies to every function inside your body, every physical thing you've ever seen, every physical thing in the universe small or large, every belief, dream or thought you've ever had, and every natural force you've ever experienced.

Motion is the only reason you can observe the universe, otherwise, nothing would be visible. There would be no distinction present. That is why god, infinity or you are stillness, given motion to observe.

Edited by BlueOak

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@Bruins8000 Death is synonymous to change. People just take this word too seriously and misunderstand it. If you play with clay and create something and then twist it and remold it to something else the last form or what ever that was "died".

Ok lets say you hold a rock in your hand, there are atoms electrons etc in them, the moment it warms up in your hand it changes to the micro level, that means the old one died, as soon as you let go it will cool down and once again it will die from the last form. Your body is forever "dieing" (changing). But it's so minuscule that you don't notice, but its the case. Material things cannot be permanent. It's just how it is. This question of "If the universe is infinite then it's possible" is just logical mind masturbation of the ego. And that's why you are stuck 😉 some questions just can "paralyze" you. You need to KNOW when to let go of these questions.

Edited by inFlow


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