Spiritual Warrior

How to text a girl after speed dating

10 posts in this topic

I did a speed dating event last night and it was a great experience. 

Now, I am waiting for my matches to come back, once I get that back, I'll be able to text the girls that came up as a match.

How should I approach this? I've talked to these girls for 5 minutes.. Interest has been piqued on both sides and there was some next date talk sprinkled in to the conversations. 

When I text the girl, should I converse with her through text a little bit first, trying to be funny and playful... or can I just say something like " Hey _____, you seem like a lot of fun. Do you want to get a drink with me on Saturday night and go dancing? I can teach you some next level Zumba moves ;)" (The girl that I was most into learned to dance through Zumba) 

I'd appreciate any responses, thank you.

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I like to go straight to the important part. So yeah do the Zumba text. Although you might want to suggest a place also. 

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Don’t converse over text at all except maybe sending a funny meme if she doesn’t text back after you said hey it’s x from y place (then she replies and you say…) let’s set up plans for this week what’s your schedule like?.. Use texting to set up a date/hangout and no more.

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How old are you ? 🤔

I've never seen this kind of event where I am, seems to be something aimed at fairly old people.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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54 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

How old are you ? 🤔

I've never seen this kind of event where I am, seems to be something aimed at fairly old people.

I'm 28, age range for the event was 25-35.

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I think the winky face is a bit much. Also, Zumba is still a thing?!

I AM reborn

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@Spiral @The0Self great advice, got two numbers, I had a short, playful text convo and then got straight to asking them " when are you free this week, I'd love to build on our stimulating 5 minute conversation." And boom, two dates set up. 

The nice thing about speed dating is that if the girl matches with you, then she is clearly interested to some degree. It's also much better than online because she is meeting you in person, therefore much more comfortable with you and more likely to agree to meet up. 

Wish me luck. :D

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1 hour ago, Spiritual Warrior said:

Zumba girl didn't match with me :/ idk what her deal is 

Google Bard:


Don't sweat it! It happens to everyone. Maybe she wasn't feeling the sparks, or maybe she has a different type. Either way, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Speed dating is just a snapshot of someone. It's hard to get a real sense of someone in such a short amount of time.
  • There are plenty of other fish in the sea, so don't give up!
  • Focus on the positive experiences you had during speed dating and keep putting yourself out there.

Here are some things you can do to improve your chances next time:

  • Be yourself. The right person will appreciate you for who you are.
  • Ask questions. Show that you're interested in getting to know the other person.
  • Be positive and upbeat. People are drawn to others who make them feel good.

Remember, rejection is part of the dating process. Don't let it discourage you. Keep your chin up and keep looking for love!


I AM reborn

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