Keryo Koffa

Modes of Thinking

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Feelings are an infinity beyond ideas, expressing attitudes through a link to their source, feeding, nourishing and warping the limitless consciousness on a higher level. Rationality on the other hand is a limited system frozen in time and often disconnected and blind to the infinity it originally tried to adapt, forever halted in a self-perpetuating cycle without reflection and link to the source from which it emerged. That's what it can become when the link to the higher levels is severed, when rationality is praised as the only and highest truth. But it can also be a healthy and necessary mechanism to navigate and act within reality in the first place, so let's not dismiss it. The problem is the lack of holistic interconnectedness between all the various modes of thinking, though even the lack spawns new insights and appreciation, so nothing is ever truly in vain.

Thinking about it reminds me of an idea of the brain's evolution, first the brain stem (our primordial link to our senses and desires), then the limbic system (emotions and stories) and on top of that the neocortex (rationality and systems).

Whether the brain is imaginary or not, these systems, pointers and ideas are beautiful models to gain understanding from, as long as one doesn't close oneself off and confuses the map with the territory.

We emerge through awareness itself, a layer above that come our primordial physiological drives (hunger, pain etc.) and psychological desires like the desire for love, then a layer above that come our emotional attitudes and bonds to others and reality itself, those turn into stories and philosophies which try to understand life but simplify it a lot in the process, and on top of that comes rationality and systems thinking, which tries to correlate and interconnect dualities and their relationship to each other and on top of that come systems that try to account for everything with as few variables as possible which is science, and then holistic thinking tries to integrate what science lost in reductionism and explain all emergent properties and their infinite interconnectedness with each other.

And by going through the entire chain, one will find higher and higher truth. Because if any part of the holarchy/hierarchy is a delusion, then so is everything that builds on top of it. Beyond that, the deepest reality is just awareness itself, everything else is an attempt at understanding it from the outside with dualities due to one's acquired biases by virtue of surviving in this world. It does not mean they're useless though, it just means they are ever more disconnected from their source, but they are our life and what it means to exist in this world, we just have to get good at using them and understanding their purpose, while letting our source drive us and understanding its importance and position in the chain.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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Does your Matroyoshka model allow for strange loops in which 'higher' levels feed back to (and influence) 'lower' levels? 

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ... 

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