Kuba Powiertowski

God is not some woo woo unknown thing.

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God, whose manifestation You are, is not some woo woo unknown thing.

Of course, unlimited infinity is by definition never knowable by finite cognitive apparatuses. But this does not mean that knowledge at all, however partial, is impossible. How are you going to free yourself from this illusion of being a puppet in the theater of existence if you keep questioning everything and using enigmatic statements? What You Are is not only Emptiness and Silence but also the Hot Furnace, the Fire of Creation. And it is within this limited manifestation in dualistic existence that you can experience this exciting process of self-discovery, release, and co-creation. The Void is filled with the Eternal Fire of Love. This is the Source of Wisdom, Beauty, and Creation of the Unknown. And You Are That. Everything you have at your disposal here can be used to restore the knowledge of Who You Are. True Knowledge means Trust. Knowing means Trusting Yourself. Don't let yourself be told that it's too difficult, don't be fooled by generalizations. Question everything, but don't stop there. Everywhere you go, you can recognize it, you can find out what is it. Of course, it's never 100%, there will always be that piece of mystery that will add spice, flavor, and beauty to this process that will never end.

Have more faith in yourself. You are the only one worth believing in.

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“The Buddha, the Godhead, resides quite as comfortably in the circuits of a digital computer or the gears of a cycle transmission as he does at the top of the mountain, or in the petals of a flower. To think otherwise is to demean the Buddha - which is to demean oneself.” ― Robert Pirsig

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ... 

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haha~ perhaps a woo woo unknowable thing?

It is certainly possible to practice unknowability, but such (inconceivable) knowledge is not relative to the person.

In terms of such inconceivability function, it is actually the underlying totality of your own mind right now, which is the spiritual. The spiritual, is another name for nonpsychological perception, or selfless awareness. The unknowable is so because it is nonoriginated, therefore no-self is self-evident to those who see by means of selfless nonoriginated awareness.  It's just a function of awareness no different than the psychological function.

Buddhism calls this "sameness within difference." Most students of buddhism assume this only describes enlightening kinetic evolution, but the nature of complete reality comprising human potential in terms of rachMiel's "Buddha" and "Godhead" (mentioned above) is just this "sameness" in terms of unified awareness. It is not somewhere else nor does it exist at some other time (or not). It's you, it's just that you (in terms of the person) is not it.

It is actually possible to slowly and gradually, over a long, looong period of time, to forget habitual use of the psychological apparatus of the being that is going to die, and just arrive at seeing what is, without experiencing the "endless rounds" re-capitulating one's personality-based, self-referencing pattern-consciousness.

In some teaching traditions, such vagrancy from convention (habit-consciousness), is called liberation.



ed note: add "endless rounds" in penultimate line

Edited by deci belle

Nana i ke kumu  Ka imi loa

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