
why heterosexuality is natural and homosexuality a deviance

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reproduction only happens between men and women. and evolution happens through reproduction. Hence the naturality of heterosexuality. 

if you say no, wonder, why are there more heterosexuals than homosexuals?

homosexuality is a deviance in that it deviates from what's natural. 

now since men and women are social constructs, and abstract categories, relativity operates, and some people are not heterosexuals. 

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naturalistic fallacy + gay animals exist + sexual pleasure is not motivated by reproduction (no one gets aroused thinking about reproduction)

Describe a thought.

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1 hour ago, Majed said:

reproduction only happens between men and women. and evolution happens through reproduction. Hence the naturality of heterosexuality. 

if you say no, wonder, why are there more heterosexuals than homosexuals?

homosexuality is a deviance in that it deviates from what's natural. 

now since men and women are social constructs, and abstract categories, relativity operates, and some people are not heterosexuals. 

   Why are more heterosexuals than homosexuals? Well, mainly because of war, famine, shorter life span, not that much advancements and developments in society and life, personality traits, lower cognitive development and more traditional moral frameworks, a mostly stage blue/red world Era, organized religions and orthodoxy monopolizing the sexual urge by tying it to marriage and controlling for good social behaviors and social norms of traditional masculine roles and traditional feminine roles within their communities. Oh and alcohol, lots of alcohol.

   Yes, homosexuality is such a deviance that it was brutally punished in history, from ancient Greece and Rome up to the 80's, and somewhat today.

   Although be careful a bit, that's a naturalism fallacy, but also human species bias too for primate species and homo sapiens. Can't think of homosexuality in other species in the natural world, but I can for transgenderism and asexuality. For example there's cloning and asexual reproduction in plants, but also threesomes and polygamy, probably non-consensual sex as flowers entice bees, which collect nectar and pollen, to pass the pollen onto another flower, with the bee having little choice than follow it's instincts. Slugs are also androgyny, hermaphrodites in that slugs can be both have male and female sex organs, A certain fish species, can't remember name but it was in David Attenborough documentary, can change it's sex from female to male during the mating season. So many strange sex dynamics and dimorphisms as well, even in insects.

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1 hour ago, Majed said:

reproduction only happens between men and women. and evolution happens through reproduction. Hence the naturality of heterosexuality. 

if you say no, wonder, why are there more heterosexuals than homosexuals?

homosexuality is a deviance in that it deviates from what's natural. 

now since men and women are social constructs, and abstract categories, relativity operates, and some people are not heterosexuals. 

Men and women aren't social constructs. 

So then any trait that limits reproduction should be curbed. Does this mean those with disabilities aren't good?



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You can consider it an exception just like any other genetic exception. For example most children are born with a normal heart except a few. This does not mean it's abnormal. Yet it occurs, just not as frequently or regularly. 

Most people are born straight. Yet some are born gays and that's perfectly okay. 

A Lot of couples don't wanna have kids. This does not make anyone "impotent" or "worthless." 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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Maybe it exists to balance things out. Who knows. Who cares. Why not be concerned with why mass shootings occur. Why poverty exists. Why domestic violence happens. Why are so many people drug addicted. Did you choose to be straight. Did you choose to be born male. Did you choose to be whatever race you are. You didn't even choose your preferences. They were all predetermined just like people who are gay. Why do you like burgers instead of broccoli. Do you know. (insert whatever foods you like and dislike). Because one tastes better? Why does it tastes better to you. Can you answer that. Are you operating your tastes buds. No. 

Just because something happens more often doesn't mean what occurs less is not natural. I experience more sunny days than blizzards. Aren't blizzards a natural occurrence. What is a fact is that humans have limited minds, therefore limited perspectives, therefore limited arguments, therefore limited world views, therefore limited ways of thinking, therefore limited ideas, therefore limited understanding, therefore we should leave what God created alone and live our lives the best we know how and let the limited homosexuals be to do the same.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Okay, but notice that being gay naturally occurs as well. Therefore it's natural.

Not every member of a population needs to reproduce. 

There are some species that have population variances I am pretty sure. 

Plus, reproduction isn't the only thing that animals do.

Even if a gay people don't reproduce... Women give birth to gay children... and will continue to... naturally. 

Even if it's a deviation... It's not unnatural, and that isn't really an argument that being gay is bad. 

Don't know, I have met many gay men in my life and they all seem pretty natural to me. Lot's of fun to spend time with. Some even HAVE KIDS. Biological kids.

We have tall people, short people, smart people, dumb people, autistic people, gay people, straight people, all kinds of people. People people dancing on the people purple hat cheata print dancin on the people...


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I think your argument is flawed bc 

1. Makes an assumption that non-natural is bad 

2. 'why are there more heterosexuals then?' ignores the cultural, and historical reasons as to why 

3. Implies evolutionary psychology is the only + right lens to use 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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45 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Okay, but notice that being gay naturally occurs as well. Therefore it's natural.

Not every member of a population needs to reproduce. 

There are some species that have population variances I am pretty sure. 

Plus, reproduction isn't the only thing that animals do.

Even if a gay people don't reproduce... Women give birth to gay children... and will continue to... naturally. 

Even if it's a deviation... It's not unnatural, and that isn't really an argument that being gay is bad. 

Don't know, I have met many gay men in my life and they all seem pretty natural to me. Lot's of fun to spend time with. Some even HAVE KIDS. Biological kids.

We have tall people, short people, smart people, dumb people, autistic people, gay people, straight people, all kinds of people. People people dancing on the people purple hat cheata print dancin on the people...


We also have ignorant people..Infinity

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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btw i'm myself sexually fluid, and didn't say that homosexuality is bad. i just shared the results of my contemplations.

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4 hours ago, Majed said:

reproduction only happens between men and women. and evolution happens through reproduction. Hence the naturality of heterosexuality. 

If by natural, you meant something very common and hence perceived as a normal character, then homosexuality is not natural. Here you can compare homosexuality positively with unconditional love or honesty, which is also rare and not a normal character seen among living beings.

If by natural, you meant it is an evolutionary trait, homosexuality is most probably natural. A rudimentary evaluation of evolution is not enough to know which is normal and which is not according to evolution, since evolution is not limited to direct forms of survival like reproduction or the majority or minority. Evolution also doesn't care about right or wrong or happiness or suffering, the only thing it is concerned with is survival of time. But most characters, if not all, created by evolution and has survived time, helps survival in one way or another, although it may be in inconspicuous ways. In this case, you can compare homosexuality positively with a queen ant which is evolutionarily essential, but highly rare numerically.

If by natural, you meant homosexuality is not created by humankind, of course it is natural. It is a character commonly observed in animals and well documented, so there is no question about that. Also, there are several medical studies complementing that it is perfectly natural in human beings.

But when it comes to God's pov, everything is natural. There is no exception.


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You and that other guy seem to think a lot about homosexuality 


like a lot

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7 hours ago, Majed said:

reproduction only happens between men and women. and evolution happens through reproduction. Hence the naturality of heterosexuality. 

if you say no, wonder, why are there more heterosexuals than homosexuals?

homosexuality is a deviance in that it deviates from what's natural. 

now since men and women are social constructs, and abstract categories, relativity operates, and some people are not heterosexuals. 

You are fundamentally wrong.

Mammals and animals that have social groups naturally have a percentage of individuals that are homosexual. It is the most natural thing in the world.
The percentage usually increases when competition for resources, space, or mates increases, because the need for companionship and the sex drive doesn't go away. People are born biologically and chemically attracted to certain body type(s), characteristics, personalities, energy whatever. 

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They are both natural at the same way that blue eyes are also less common but still natural.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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I see it more as a spectrum. There are many men who are attracted to both, maybe one more than the other. Many people project negativity on this to surpress their homosexual urges.

One can look at it through the lense of polarity with every person having feminen and masculine personal traits and one is looking for the complimentary parts. 

Another aspect is conditioning and what one has learned to connect to sex and arousal. I've listened once to a tv show where people could call and talk about different subjects and there was a construction worker who had sex with the wholes he drilled when his collegues were at lunch break. This is explicable with conditioning theory as well as all the other kinks.

Therefore I wouldn't see it as deviation. However it may appear that way from a stage blue perspective.


Edited by Starlight321

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52 minutes ago, Starlight321 said:

I see it more as a spectrum. There are many men who are attracted to both, maybe one more than the other. Many people project negativity on this to surpress their homosexual urges.

One can look at it through the lense of polarity with every person having feminen and masculine personal traits and one is looking for the complimentary parts. 

Another aspect is conditioning and what one has learned to connect to sex and arousal. I've listened once to a tv show where people could call and talk about different subjects and there was a construction worker who had sex with the wholes he drilled when his collegues were at lunch break. This is explicable with conditioning theory as well as all the other kinks.

Therefore I wouldn't see it as deviation. However it may appear that way from a stage blue perspective.


   So, if you see it as a spectrum, are you saying you're an outsider, objectivist, and agnostic to this situation of homosexuality as a nature deviation, versus heterosexuality as the most natural sex orientation in humans, in our sex biology and sex dimorphism as human male and female bodies?

   Sure, I can agree that one can look through a lens of polarity, with every person having feminine and masculine personality traits, one is cherry picking for complimentary parts, the main issue is if and when those deviations, and excesses of masculinity and feminity happen, and when political and other ideologies start trying to impose their social constructed gender roles, at the expense of the traditional male and female gender roles, at the cost of moral degradation and imbalances?

   Another aspect is conditioning and learned behaviors to connect to sex and arousal? I'd partly agree that there could be some form of indoctrination from family upbringing and culture for each sexual orientation, but for heterosexuality? Even if we grant you that heterosexuality is indoctrinated from culture, from stage blue societies, the consequence of heterosexuality is sexual reproduction of our species for the majority and average of mankind, and conformity and communities that are bonded by marriage between man and woman, and from that children which continues the human species into the future, how does that undermine heterosexuality as an ideology?

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Let’s zoom out even further and realize that all of humanity is fucking weird


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1 minute ago, Yimpa said:

Let’s zoom out even further and realize that all of humanity is fucking weird

As opposed to what?

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia Me, I’m the most normalist there is 😉🌅

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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