
An analogy to Understand what is Really Happening...

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Let´s use the energy analogy. Let´s say the Whole of Infinity is one Wave of Energy.

In this One Wave of Energy, objects, animals, humans are produced/constructed/created.

In an object, the wave of this one energy continues perfectly to the next object, to the next molecule, there is perfect conductivity of the energy, like a gold cable. (One of the best materials for conducing electricity)

The same happens in animal, since there is no ego or sense of individuality in this Energy, it also conduces well, although maybe, is already not a 100% perfect conductor, let´s  say animals might be copper cables. 

But meet the humans. In the human, a sense of individuality and sense of individual existence is created. Here the Energy STOPS. And it stops and gets twisted so much (the cable is folded in such a way by this ego) that a whole sense of Individual Existence is created. Suddenly there is ME vs Reality. Fear, frustration, desire, confrontation, suffering, gets created.

From here, it starts a seeking to go back to the unlimited One Perfect Conducive Energy. To get back to superconductivity. To finally be at ease. To completely disappear as an individual Existence. To become limitless Energy, to experience the ultimate Bliss, the Ultimate Liberation.


Edited by Javfly33

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13 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

to experience the ultimate Bliss, the Ultimate Liberation.

And what's that ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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9 hours ago, Someone here said:

And what's that ?

Is difficult to explain.

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Hence, No self. No doer. No individual. Illusion. Appearances. No thinker. Energy, frequency and vibration.

Just God at play. Source Energy. All one Source. You, me the same energy, vibrating at different frequency. 

This energy is LOVE. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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2 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

You, me the same energy, vibrating at different frequency. 

This energy is LOVE. 


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