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Self Actualization: what's actually worked for you?

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What's "worked" for me has been to try and cultivate belief in myself and simply steer my attention away from negativity without trying to erradicate it which only fed it. Not narrowing in too much on the details or lending too much credence to my negativity. Acknowledging the trauma of being abused and neglected without letting the negative emotions control me.

I have plenty more work to do, and actively try to level set expectations - which seem to be a source of pain. I have found "god" in my own personal way, or g*d as my people say... it's impossible to really put infinite love & consciousness into words without tainting it.

What's worked for you?

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Observing my own mind. Recognizing repetitive dysfunctional thought-emotion patterns that have their roots in low frequencies. It's very invigorating when you discover again that you have a free choice on what frequencies and vibrations you want to be, transmit and receive.

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