
Experience Of Being God

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Hi, just wanted to drop a post about the experience I had after a meditation session at the park this weekend.

I was intensly focused on the present moment and I might have also had some help from a green herb you might know. An amazing thing happened, I felt so intensly alive, so free, so happy.

My life situation right now is pretty dicy and my mind can find a million and one things to bitch and moan about, but as I turn towards my presence, I feel this incredible joy of being in the body.

I was walking after that in a state of pure bliss. I needed nothing to be added to this moment. The intensity of being present is definitely something that is in the process of awakening and deepening within me thanks to all the spiritual exercises and practices.

Thanks to the herb, I was able to amplify that and experienced being the noself.  My focus was completely inwards, it was like I was observing emptiness. Nothing on the outside mattered anymore. I was complete. In fact there was no outside and there was no me looking at some emptiness. It was like emptiness was taking a bath in itself and it was more me than anything my mind identifies with.

Working on making that my natural state by continuing my quest to be conscious of the inner self, that self which never changes no matter what. The self that is always here. God.

Thanks for reading and good luck on your journey as well!

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Hey, this is God

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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