
is hezbollah stage red ?

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i recently saw a spiral dynamics world map, and i was surprised to see that my country, lebanon, is stage red. 

however i was watching a video about hezbollah:

and in the video, it is said that hezbollah fighters, see death as martyrdom which is gonna be rewarded in heaven. So they glorify death and see it as a positive.

Which of course resonates with what leo said about stage red being fearless when it comes to death.. Plus hezbollah is classified as a terrorist organization by the us and the eu.

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@Majed Are you a christian or muslim?

How is your life in Lebanon?

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@Nivsch i am not religious, but my family is muslim sunni. 

my life in lebanon is normal, most of my problems are individual and have little to do with the collective of being part of Lebanon. 

you know even if you're in a more developed part of the world, you still have to work your ass off to live a good life and achieve your potential. well, it's no different here. 

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8 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Nivsch i am not religious, but my family is muslim sunni. 

my life in lebanon is normal, most of my problems are individual and have little to do with the collective of being part of Lebanon. 

you know even if you're in a more developed part of the world, you still have to work your ass off to live a good life and achieve your potential. well, it's no different here. 

What do you do for living?

Are you married? How old are you?

If its Ok that I am asking.

Hezbollah makes you problems?

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@Nivsch i'm 20 years old. And the last couple of years was hell because i had ocd, but now i'm treating it and things are getting better. 

And no hezbollah doesn't make me problems.

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1 hour ago, Majed said:

@Nivsch i'm 20 years old. And the last couple of years was hell because i had ocd, but now i'm treating it and things are getting better. 

And no hezbollah doesn't make me problems.

Nice to hear you feel better! Ocd is very challenging I have it too and I also feel better today because I learned how to deal and kind of to dialogue with this.

If you want to tell when do you live exatcly and what you do in life I will want to hear this is interesting. Only if you want.

I know Lebanon is very diverse with many groups. Don't know if this is smart to generalize it all as one color. Except Hezbollah which is really red.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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@Nivsch i live in beirut. and ocd was really debilitating, so now my focus is on recovering. 

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8 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Nivsch i live in beirut. and ocd was really debilitating, so now my focus is on recovering. 

I had a friend who went to beirut and mostly loved it. Was even there during the explosion 

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2 hours ago, Majed said:

i recently saw a spiral dynamics world map, and i was surprised to see that my country, lebanon, is stage red. 

however i was watching a video about hezbollah:

and in the video, it is said that hezbollah fighters, see death as martyrdom which is gonna be rewarded in heaven. So they glorify death and see it as a positive.

Which of course resonates with what leo said about stage red being fearless when it comes to death.. Plus hezbollah is classified as a terrorist organization by the us and the eu.

   Sure, I would agree that Hezbollah is a group that has values matching stage red values, if you go by Leo's and the modal's listing characteristics of stage red as the short following: Dominance seeking, glory and boasting, showcasing, to control and winner takes all, egotism, egotistical, power trips and power dynamics, corruption, mafia, Cartel, criminal organizations, the black market, human slave trade, human trafficking and sex trafficking rings, pedophile rings, some genres of pornography, variations of doggy style, scams, swindles, con artistry, frauds, criminal and evil acts, violence, war crimes, tribal warfare. If you agree with the following then Hezbollah would fit.

   However, that's a general categorization of Hezbollah as purely stage red, and assumes Hezbollah is just stage red. What if they're not purely stage red, and how do you account for say some elements of stage purple values in their tribalism, or elements of stage blue in how they mesh together with them building social infrastructure like hospitals, schools, farm? What about elements of stage orange individualism in their leaders and them being more separate from the Lebanon government? And backing from parts of Syria and Iran, in military supply and training, which makes Iran and parts of Syria complicit in Hezbollah's power dynamics? Even in the video the guy fronts objectivity, and struggles to define terrorism when when we have Spiral Dynamic's view of terrorism from Don Beck himself in a graph! Obviously martyrdom is a very easy concept to misunderstand and to weaponize depending on your bias and ideology, as in Zen Buddhism the concept of no self, God realization found in esoteric branch of Christianity, and many other hardcore spiritual branches they have their interpretation of martyrdom, so funny how the guy doesn't properly define martyrdom and loosely defines it to fit his life experiences in the military as dying for a cause, well that's exactly what Hezbollah, other middle eastern terrorist groups, and many different types of terrorist groups if you look at Don Beck's graph of terrorism through Spiral Dynamics. From terrorism in stage purple tribes, to stage blue religious terror or even nationalism(the guy who killed Mahatma Gandhi was a Hindu nationalist not a Muslim), to stage orange terrorists like Anonymous as a non-state org world wide, and stage green environmental terrorists and ANTIFA. Even the Uni bomber had some stage green and yellow values in him, with motivations for his acts of terrorism matching some stage yellow to green and some orange values.

   So obviously to me, the guy in video is right in being a bit hesitant to really define and clearly explain martyrdom and terrorism, and freedom fighters as that duality not only is confusing and dynamic but is very emotionally charged for most western audiences. 

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