
She said: "my money is my money. Your money is our money."

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@ivankiss Ivan loves his momma

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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“Put your money on meeeeee

cuz I can barely breaaath”

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@AerisVahnEphelia I got a good laugh out of that thanks 😂 he doesnt need game since his woman is running game on him...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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19 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@ivankiss Ivan loves his momma

I really do. Our connection is terrible though, if it wasn't obvious so far :D


10 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

he doesnt need game since his woman is running game on him...

Now you're just being a dick :D

How the fuck can you possibly know what's going on in my life? Based on 3 or 4 relationship issues that I vented about here?

Zero validity, all assumptions, ignorance and judgment. Not to mention immaturity. Possibly some envy, too.


I'm really surprised lately by the quality of these moderators that Leo picked... But then I take a better look at Leo, and it all kind of makes sense.

Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss I apologize for that,im just saying how i see it,but be real you dont have game,i dont dispute you cant get women but your game is non existent.

You dont understand that i can see through everything just with your thinking from those 4 vents and queastions i asked you ,since thats my top value in life understanding on a deep level, but how defensive you are im spot on, my style is harsh yes it cuts to the core of the matter since i thought im talking to a man, but okay again dont take it personal im not even caring about you as an individual but for the deep understanding of the matter at hand...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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8 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

I'm really surprised lately by the quality of these moderators that Leo picked... But then I take a better look at Leo, and it all kind of makes sense.

lol, you should see one of the warnings he's gave me..

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@Francis777 You mean the one where you said "real man is one that is not scared to take finger up his ass" i guess thats normal in your world not here...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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7 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@ivankiss I apologize for that,im just saying how i see it,but be real you dont have game,i dont dispute you cant get women but your game is non existent.

You dont understand that i can see through everything just with your thinking from those 4 vents and queastions i asked you ,since thats my top value in life understanding on a deep level, but how defensive you are im spot on, my style is harsh yes it cuts to the core of the matter since i thought im talking to a man, but okay again dont take it personal im not even caring about you as an individual but for the deep understanding of the matter at hand...

Cool man, still not very cool, no matter what you're doing or trying to achieve. 

We fundamentally disagree on what relationships are. I think we established that a while ago. Nothing wrong with that, but I'm sorry, I cannot value your opinion or advice on the matter.

I'm doing fine, no worries. It sucks here and there, but I'm doing perfectly fine. I have incredibly deep and meaningful relationships, with tons of sex and fun. Some disagreements or some arguing here and there won't kill me. 

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@ivankiss Im not even talking about relationships with man and a woman im first talking about one you have with yourself...

What it comes down to is you wanting the benefits of someone with game while not having it and you lying to yourself, other than that i have no problem with other stuff its your choice,but since you know the best and never try to understand my pov then that's that,i guess i wont be messaging you ever again have a nice life i truly mean it 🙏

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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7 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

im first talking about one you have with yourself...

Yes, we are all working on that, aren't we?

7 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

have a nice life i truly mean it 🙏

Thank you, truly.

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@meta_male Because game has nothing to do with anything that's not related to you,game comes from deep understanding of yourself that came from you creating the understanding in the first place(you can only understand this if you are a student of the game) so then your mindsets and your world connects with your behaviour.Simple terms you cant lead a woman if you first know how you lead yourself,you cant impact a woman emotionally and communicate with her if you dont communicate with yourself effectively first, thus game has nothing to do with woman but yourself and how you are with yourself and then you stand on everything you are and dont move from it,you communicate clearly how it goes with you so she has to fit into your relationship you have with yourself,but if you make it about a woman and learn to have relationship with a woman, then you will always come short and not being able to give amazing experience since focus is not on you but her...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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19 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I'm seriously starting to give up on women. In terms of having a serious, committed monogamous relationship, that is. And that sucks, because I have no alternatives.

The fuck is going on nowdays? Is everybody gone completely bat shit crazy? 

I'm fucking fed up with all the double standards, the hypocrisy, the lies, the manipulation, immaturity, stupidity...

I know a lot of men feel the same way. And I'm sure some decent women that have been fucked over a few times too.

Is all hope gone?

Thankfully, I'm a fairly good looking guy that brings plenty to the table. I could just fuck around with no strings attached for the next 20 years, easily. It's not hard for me to get pussy, at all. But that's not what my heart really wants. That would satisfy only my dick, and not even. Someone else though, who's less fortunate, could not do not even that.

I feel for those men.

I stay out of these man vs. women debates pretty much at all times, because I think it only deepens our hate and pain... but goddamnit, I cannot play dumb or keep turning the other cheek for much longer. I accumulated tons of nasty feelings towards the opposite sex, simply by dealing with their bullshit.

So yes. Her money is her money. My money is our money. But she wants to be equal, of course.

My mind is blown.



she has millions in the bank and you hardly have a bank account

how far from wrong am i there

of course you dont share your assets equally at the start with an unknown potential liability who hasn't a pot to piss in

we each pay our share in partnering but the money i have in the bank is no one in the world's business until i sign on the line to the contrary

pretend each is penniless and see if you can love each other accordingly

Edited by gettoefl

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1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

I'm really surprised lately by the quality of these moderators that Leo picked... But then I take a better look at Leo, and it all kind of makes sense.

Offended, hurt, butt hurt, rectum enraged, booty bothered, ass mad, 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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16 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

Offended, hurt, butt hurt, rectum enraged, booty bothered, ass mad, 

Haha, sorry not sorry. I say what I see. Not all of you suck, and even those who suck have plenty of good qualities, I guess. But overall, not setting a super good example.

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@ivankiss I guess it depends. Sorry if I derailed your thread a bit as well.

For me, a sense of humour goes a long way. Particularly in this thread I had a lot of fun. @Princess Arabia I think had fun as well. 

Overall, the mods are pretty good. We are just people like you at the end of the day. Imperfect, working on ourselves, well intentioned. 

These are some of the best mods we have had. I get compliments every day. People message me they say, “Thought Art, these are really the best mods we’ve ever had”. It’s amazing really. Some of the best mods in the history of the forum. 

People pleasing isn’t in the mod guide book. ^_^

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art For sure. A pilot is also just human, just like me. But if he sucks at what he's doing, I'd rather not get on that plane.

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