Keryo Koffa

Consciousness, External Reality and other Singularities

3 posts in this topic

Everything and everyone that exists and is knowable is part of your consciousness and your limited identity is an interpretation. That's just rational but I also awakened to it. However, that still doesn't answer if this singularity of experience is all there is, or just all it can know. Because it might be a holon and emergent property of an unknowable external reality that it is an independent part of, with infinite other singularities like it that can only be known once they merge. But maybe it is knowable, maybe our external reality is exactly what it is and our infinitely constructed experience of it is all we can be. Either way, we still have to explain consciousness in and of itself and it's hard for me to visualize it evolving out of dead matter by pure virtue of complexity. So then it's fundamental, but if it can exist independently, where does it come from, does it just spawn into existence? An external reality can be intuited even if it is always a projection, it might exist regardless. Our external reality might just be real and our evolutionarily evolved form tries to grasp it and psychedelics show how it interprets the outside stimuli from the inside through its evolved structure. So maybe consciousness is an emergent property and we only have to recreate the same complexity? But consciousness is so radically different and distinct, the self-awareness as an experience in and of itself, not just as a reaction but the conscious perception of the reaction too and not just that as a deterministically concluded motion of atoms that expresses itself in a biological megastructure as a behavior and a tendency for internal rewiring but the act and existence of consciousness in and of itself, it really seems there's nothing more fundamental than it and yet we can manipulate it externally and maybe discover some of its mechanics, it shrinks when less neurons fire and grows when more regions fire interconnectedly, but maybe that's just god playing the game of acting out a biological automaton's reaction just like kids interpret emotions into objects. This is definitely going to be the topic of my next psychedelic contemplation.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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there are no atoms moving around. Everything is just a single unified hologram. Is the content of a movie made of atoms or is it just content? Atoms are just another image that appears if you zoom in enough, but they dont exist without the zoom as everything is rendered like a video game engine, only what's in the POV of the player.

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I know they're the interpretation of reality but at my current state of consciousness, I cannot definitively conclude that there isn't an objective external reality outside of the Singularity of [My Experience/Universal Consciousness/God] that behaves in a definitive deterministic manner and in which I as God reside in together with the possible singularity of other gods. It's simply that I couldn't see it by virtue of being a black hole from which no light can escape. And like a black hole, I can only see what enters my consciousness and not what is outside of it, but there might be a whole universe outside of it and perhaps it is possible to travel inside it and maybe we're already doing that and morphing and picking up new qualia in the process, so that we change, even as the Godhead. It's all hypothetical though and in truth we couldn't distinguish the difference if it is truly external or we're just imagining it. But somehow, that concept really fascinates me, even if it might forever remain a mystery.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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