
Does god subliminal signal to you?

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A girl said to me God was sending her subliminal messages, and that is how she communicates with god. 

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I think of god as some sort of a radio station that is vibrating at a very high frequency, and as you are less resistant vibrationally, you are more receptive to the frequency of god, and then you may begin to translate that frequency into thoughts and some form of a communication from god, so to speak. 

It is like guide is some sort of a navigational system, guiding you to your true essence, and the more you relax, often by stilling your mind, the more you resonate with it and with that frequency, or resonance level, or mode, so to speak. 

And for god is the inclusivity of all possible realities and worlds in the form of ideas that might resonate with you depending on what is relevant and understandable for you, so to speak, in the moment, it becomes some form of a linguistic and understandable understanding for you. 


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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

A girl said to me God was sending her subliminal messages, and that is how she communicates with god. 

She sounds pre-psychotic. Don't take psychedelics with her.

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you are god. there is no signal coming from somewhere else. your actual feeling about stuff are the god in you. 

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This happens when people picture god as anything other than themselves.

You have to collapse a lot of beliefs about what god is/isn't, but its all part of accepting who/what you/reality is.

BTW. This is a message to yourself. There is nothing subliminal about it, its in plain text. You will read it, give it meaning, and then react to yourself. Nobody else is going to put that reaction in your mind. Nobody else is choosing the response.


Edited by BlueOak

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On 12/4/2023 at 3:59 AM, StarStruck said:

A girl said to me God was sending her subliminal messages, and that is how she communicates with god. 

That’s literally what my mom would tell me growing up. I thought she was full of shit at the time, but with time and wisdom she was actually pointing to something profound. 

I AM reborn

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Who the fuck IS god. Im tired of hearing It so much in this forum. 

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Maybe not subliminal. But can anyone give me feedback on this? I get the feeling we are god and we put ourselves in a maze and the trick is to wake up and remember we are god. But I suspect this might be for the whole population or maybe physical matter itself anywhere in the universe. So it is a cumulative collective effort and we are standing on the shoulders of giants here on Earth. But maybe matter itself is yearning to wake up. Maybe we will create AI and it will wake up and the game will be over.

I wonder if I am delusional but I get the feeling movies like The Wizard of Oz, The Matrix, The Truman Show, Groundhogs day, Edge of Tomorrow, Oblivion, Moon, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Inception, Vanilla Sky, etc. are all clues to wake up. But which came first? The chicken or the egg? Maybe all humans have this archetypal feeling this is all a simulation or a dream going back to Vishnu in Hinduism. So artists just keep re-inventing the wheel. Or maybe we are slowly waking up. Am I god and I'm dreaming up all these artists because it is my subconscious trying to waking up? Or do all humans have this feeling and artists just tap into it and express it? Is it solipsism just for me or is it a collective widespread solipsism for physical matter in general and I just represent a tiny speck of conscious matter? Lol! Getting deep.

A lot of pop songs do this as well like A Series of Dreams by Bob Dylan, Mercy by Muse, No Such Thing by John Mayer, Party Mindset by Andrew WK, The Rising by Springsteen, In the City by The Eagles, Working Class Hero by Lennon, etc.

Maybe I am just cherry picking.

And maybe I invented Leo and this forum just to wake myself up. :)

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