By Danioover9000
in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
People who suffer from what I like to call dunning Krueger, and the dick head effect when it comes to thinking they are the best all of a sudden using A.I programs, and avoid being truthful to themselves and to others. Please share examples of people who are deluded by A.I technology thinking they're a know it all and above critique:
Based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, Integral theory and other lines of development, ideology beliefs indoctrinated by culture and family upbringing, information ecology that manufactures consent, self bias and preferences of being an Australian nationalist. Shad is peak stage orange individualism, and intellectual hubris and too logical and too egotistical to know that he's bad at artz even when his brother Jazza has 4 years of professional art skills and techniques he could have learned from, but no he double downs on his hubris, using A.I programme to upset him.
Because of all of that I think Shad is lower in cognitive development, at catetorical thinking similar to atheists and skeptics, lower in moral development as a moral objectivist and modernist, otherwise he would have moe compassion, love and circle of concern, and actually listens to his brother's feedback and be open to being wrong and willing to get the correction, typically a more left brain than roght brain type. I think his personality typing and traits is that of more close mindedness, conscientiousness, disagreeable, probably an extrovert and body intelligence bias due to his interest of HEMA, and neurotic. 9 stage of ego development, I think he's mostly at conformist stage with some opportunist stage ego, and he is egotistical towards even his brother. I suspect a traditionalist/conservative/nationalism bias even though he's from Australia he talks proudly of his HEMA and his family, proudly of his books and him being a writer and how he rrames it is definitely heavy analytical thinking, and his love of historical European martial arts, while having more dominant kinesthetic bias, I think he's more in his head, more active headspace energy than body and heart space energy, which gives this sense of him being a dick haed. I feel like his line of thinking is similar to religious fundamentalists, some aspects of pre rationale stage but also rational stage in that his values are at stage blue to orange, and he gets defensive and unwilling to admit faults genuinely, and if at all is a distraction and faking of genuine willingness to learn.
This man even made a video on Nun Chucks whicb is blatantly wrong and highly biased, discounting the striking power and martial arts applications for locks, choke holds and versatility in Nun Chucks, even the 70's Nun Chucks were used by police and criminals who enjoyed the lethality of them such that the government banned nun chucks later on.