
Are We Denying The Reality of Death?

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I have been thinking about death. I have come to the conclusion that people who claim that "Death is imaginary" are overlooking and denying the reality of death. They are overlooking that

1. If death is imaginary, then so is love.

2. But love is not imaginary. 

3. Therefore, death is not imaginary.

A simple modus tollens argument formation demonstrates that if love exists, then so does death, and if death exists, then so does love.


Furthermore, people who argue that death is imaginary seem to be comparing death to the concept of tomorrow. Yes, it is true that tomorrow is imaginary, but death is not something that can happen tomorrow. Death is something that can only occur in the present moment just like change is something that can only happen in this present moment. I think this teaching of "death is imaginary" is a very dangerous teaching because it seems to deny the reality of death. But death does happen just like change happens. 

1. If death is imaginary, then change is also imaginary.

2. But change isn't imaginary. We experience change right now.

3. Therefore, death is not imaginary.


I am just wondering what is meant by "death is imaginary?" More importantly, what is meant by "death" and "imagination?" If there is no difference between imagination and reality, then death is also considered to be a reality. It is a fact that we lose people in our lives. Sure, we may be imagining a past where somebody did exist and we had memories with them, but we cannot deny that we are imagining that person and us losing them.

1. If imagination is reality, then me imagining a past with someone and losing them and me imagining a past where I lose myself is a reality.

2. Imagination is reality.

3. Therefore, my own death and the death of someone is a reality.


Also another form of the argument:

1. I am thinking of a person who has died and who I had memories with.

2. I cannot deny that I am thinking right now about that.

3. Therefore, it exists.


I also see the other perspective that

1. If consciousness is eternal, then death is imaginary.

2. Consciousness is eternal.

3. Therefore, death is imaginary.

But this perspective seems to deny the fact that

1. If Consciousness abiding in this particular human form will cease to exist; then death is a reality.

2. Consciousness abiding in this particular human form will cease to exist.

3. Therefore, death is a reality.


I don't know. What do you guys make of these arguments. I see the arguments from both sides, but it is more practical for me to live as if death is a reality and not just a thought like tomorrow. Death is what gives life meaning and makes me fight for making the most of my present moment because my present moment could change into eternal nothingness right now.

Remember: If the premises are true, then the conclusion has to be true! If you deny the conclusion, then you must find fault with at least one of the premises.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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shoutout to @Raze for inspiring me with the link spam :D

I AM reborn

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Death is imaginary means you will continue after the death of your body. You come up with valid arguments, but your premises are not true, really. 

Death is real, meaning you will experience the idea of being dead at some point, but you will not experience the end of being you, the end of being awareness. 

Remember that you can create any form of valid arguments, but if the premises are not referring to actuality, then your conclusion will also not. 

I can create an argument saying that, for instance, all humans have wings, and socrates is a human, therefore socrates has wings. Now, the conclusion is true if you take the argument within itself, but it is another question if it refers to reality. 

And so, in this awakening or increasing awareness work, you need to bring yourself to higher levels of awareness, and then let yourself, so to speak, to create and produce your argumentational forms, otherwise you get lost in a thought loop like that, you see. 


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you have made an elaborate dream

love is the only weapon to die before you die

which by killing off fake you reveals real you can never die

it doesn't matter what you do in life, only how you do it which is the same as with whom you do it

don't aim for any benefit or reward or goal in life then what you do is infused with love and your higher self

its quality not quantity

live in love

that's how you get out of here alive

Edited by gettoefl

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Do you have even ONE single evidence that you gonna die? 

Please show it to me . I want to see it .make me see it. Actually show it to me .Actually bring it forth. Actually provide one single fucking evidence that death is real. 

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People don't seem to get it . Death is a belief that you've been brainwashed with by society..science..and religion.  To keep you asleep .

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14 minutes ago, Someone here said:

People don't seem to get it . Death is a belief that you've been brainwashed with by society..science..and religion.  To keep you asleep .


There is no "they."

There is only the receding state of confusion/unconsciousness of an Infinite Mind becoming ever more aware and aligned with true desire: Pure Unconditional Love. 🔥 💖 

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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4 minutes ago, tuku747 said:


There is no "they."

There is only the receding state of confusion/unconsciousness of an Infinite Mind becoming ever more aware and aligned with true desire: Pure Unconditional Love. 🔥 💖 

That's a vague poetic Way to put it.  I don't like playing these Zen games . I like to shatter people's delusions.

Death is a fiction. 

 Full stop ✋ 

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11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

That's a vague poetic Way to put it.  I don't like playing these Zen games . I like to shatter people's delusions.

Death is a fiction. 

 Full stop ✋ 

Amen! 🙏 💯 

I have friends who are quick to blame the government or the elite or the boogeyman before they take responsibility for state of mind. Blaming "others" gets us nowhere. This lesson keeps appearing in my experience when talking with people.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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13 minutes ago, tuku747 said:

Amen! 🙏 💯 

I am used to people friends who are quick to blame the government or the elite or the boogeyman before they take responsibility for state of mind. Blaming "others" gets us nowhere. This lesson keeps appearing in my experience when talking with people.

I see . I don't believe in conspiracy theories as well . But imagine you are dreaming and believing the dream is real . How you convince yourself that it is real ? By calling waking up =death . 

I do believe Illumiinati exists btw . Who do you think owns the drugs industry..the tobacco industry?  This is just speculation but I like to voice my opinion. 


Edited by Someone here

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On 03/12/2023 at 5:01 PM, r0ckyreed said:

But death does happen just like change happens.

Death = Change. It's really that simple. Becoming a corpse is just a more deliniated change than other forms of change.

On 03/12/2023 at 5:32 PM, Vibroverse said:

but you will not experience the end of being you, the end of being awareness. 

The subtle point is that the sensation of being "you" will die, but awareness may be eternal. I don't believe for a second that @LastThursday will continue indefinitely. For example, the child version of @LastThursday already (literally) died when he became an adult.


Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I see . I don't believe in conspiracy theories as well . But imagine you are dreaming and believing the dream is real . How you convince yourself that it is real ? By calling waking up =death . 

I do believe Illumiinati exists btw . Who do you think owns the drugs industry..the tobacco industry?  This is just speculation but I like to voice my opinion. 


You Are The Illumunati 👁 

The Illuminati is You ✨️ 

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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@LastThursday the past never happened. You didn't grow up . You are imagining this right now.  You are never going to awaken if believe you were born and gonna die. 

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@LastThursday the past never happened. You didn't grow up . You are imagining this right now.  You are never going to awaken if believe you were born and gonna die. 

Obviously, God will eventually stop thinking he's "Schizophonia", that's what it's all about.

Ditto for "you".

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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3 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Obviously, God will eventually stop thinking he's "Schizophonia", that's what it's all about.

Ditto for "you".

No one mentioned God here.   fuck God . This has nothing to do with God. 

You bring to the table the definitive evidence that Schizophonia will die into the table and then Ditto for you .

Edited by Someone here

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It seems like I'm the only one in this forum who gets that death is just a belief. 

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1 minute ago, Schizophonia said:

Obviously, God will eventually stop thinking he's "Schizophonia", that's what it's all about.

Ditto for "you".

Exactly. If that isn't death then I don't know what is.

8 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@LastThursday the past never happened. You didn't grow up . You are imagining this right now.  You are never going to awaken if believe you were born and gonna die. 

Everything is concertinaed into this. It's this which is the source of everything including the sensation of being "me" and all my memories. Anyway, we've had this conversation before about death, and you know my views. See above.

57% paranoid

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@LastThursday you are smart ..I acknowledge that . But also you are quite arrogant and full of yourself.  Its very obvious that my view is the correct one ..at least in this case (you can't neither prove past ..being born ..childhood..nor can you prove a future death).

But your intellectual dishonesty is blinding you. 

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