Ima Freeman

Intellectual understanding is futile

24 posts in this topic

If one could find an intellectual, literal truth, it would be subject to forgetfulness, like all the other intellectual concepts too.

Knowledge is impermanent. Both are not accessible in deep sleep. Fatigue, tiredness, sickness and faint deny access to complex intellectual concepts.

The mind with which words and sentences are thought of is unstable and impermanent.
It collapses, as everything collapses which once was built up.

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One could contemplate further:

What does this mean for any knowledge of the past and future? What past events have "you" gone through? What is the "you" which has gone through past events? What is your fundamental identity, or your fundamental existence?

Describe a thought.

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45 minutes ago, Ima Freeman said:

If one could find an intellectual, literal truth, it would be subject to forgetfulness, like all the other intellectual concepts too.


Futile but still enjoyable when not taken seriously.

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Depends on what context you're using. Intellectual understanding is necessary and useful as well.

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Futile outside its field of relevance.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I think intellectual understanding that comes from alignment might be useful, because we are still in the relative level of reality, in some sense. 

I think source is not just the highest mystic of all, so to speak, but it also is the highest philosopher, the highest intellect. 

Because we are thinkers by our nature as humans also, so to speak, we cannot stop thinking and creating models of reality, so it is best to do that from a place of alignment. 

Because what is rationality other than thinking in line with reality, and who knows reality more than the source within. 

The trouble is when we give our essential focus to thinking, instead of to our inner love and resonance, so to speak, that is the source and womb. 


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5 hours ago, Ima Freeman said:

If one could find an intellectual, literal truth, it would be subject to forgetfulness, like all the other intellectual concepts too.

Knowledge is impermanent. Both are not accessible in deep sleep. Fatigue, tiredness, sickness and faint deny access to complex intellectual concepts.

The mind with which words and sentences are thought of is unstable and impermanent.
It collapses, as everything collapses which once was built up.

But that's what reality is.  That's what you are.  A bundle of concepts.   Are you going to forgo reality?  I kinda like it. So should you - After all, you designed it so that you could lose yourself in it and forget that you were the developer.  Isn't it absolutely magnificent?  You should take a moment to be conscious of the Absolute brilliance.   The problem with this dream is that God attaches itself so deeply so that it can become real, that it doesn't want to let go.  That's the cost.  Suffering is the cost.  But it's wonderful to feel mortality even for but a flash in eternity.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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It’s truly a paradox when reality appears so illogical and irrational, yet also makes perfect sense. 


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What is a better alternative to thinking, writing and speaking for spiritual advancement?

To what extend is philosophy worthwhile for achieving happiness/peace/presence/awakening?

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9 minutes ago, Ima Freeman said:

What is a better alternative to thinking, writing and speaking for spiritual advancement?

To what extend is philosophy worthwhile for achieving happiness/peace/presence/awakening?

It establishes a framework.   Look at it like you would spiral dynamics.   Logic is needed - but then you can transcend into mysticism.  Mysticism incorporates rationalism but also transcends it.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 hours ago, Ima Freeman said:

If one could find an intellectual, literal truth, it would be subject to forgetfulness, like all the other intellectual concepts too.

Knowledge is impermanent. Both are not accessible in deep sleep. Fatigue, tiredness, sickness and faint deny access to complex intellectual concepts.

The mind with which words and sentences are thought of is unstable and impermanent.
It collapses, as everything collapses which once was built up.

@Ima FreemanYou raise a good point and something I have wondered myself. 

Self actualization seems to heavily depend on a healthy sharp mind/body. But what about the disabled, or elderly, or severely disadvantaged (either economically or circumstantially)? One day we might get dementia or be stuck in a hospital bed or a log term care facility. We won't have access to books or podcasts. Will spirituality or actualization be possible then? 


Edited by Parallax Mind

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So it is a necessary foundation?

But how to understand reality if the rational mind is not accessible due to illness, tiredness, injury, drugs?

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1 minute ago, Ima Freeman said:

But how to understand reality if the rational mind is not accessible due to illness, tiredness, injury, drugs?

Oh no, please don’t try to understand this using intellectual understanding!

It is possible, of course. I can’t tell you. You already know deep down.


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16 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

How is this possible? 


Amazing. No arms, no legs, no fingers, no toes, an extra finger, an extra toe, 2 bodies in one.....the list goes on. Consciousness wants to experience it all.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, Ima Freeman said:

To what extend is philosophy worthwhile for achieving happiness/peace/presence/awakening?

Philosophy is ultimately more intellect.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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@Osaid if You go to origin of philosophy you will find there the love of wisdom. It is good to use the words love, wisdom, beauty. This is something we can relate to not only at the level of mind but also of the heart.

However, too frequent use of words such as God (wtf???), Infinity (another ephemeral) and Absolute (always described relatively) actually turns the discussion into mental masturbation.

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I find intellectual understanding valuable in this realm. Our brains are pattern detecting savants , so the more quality inputs, we give it, the more the subconscious can go to work, and put some of the pieces together.

I’d say some of my better insights that involve actually knowing we’re probably spurred by some of the books I’ve read along the way. Unfortunately, the majority of us aren’t gifted enough to have a library card to the Akashic records so I do find intellectual pursuits valuable, if kept in their place.

Edited by mindfulstepz

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Below is an example that if you search qualities of life you'll find them everywhere. I'm so glad to hear those words of humble wisdom from one of the best mathematicians ever walked this planet - Mr. Gregory Chaitin:


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Structured intellectual knowledge is a manifestation of the intelligence of reality. It is the human tool by excellence. It can be useful in understanding reality if used correctly, and this means not having it as a source of understanding but as a tool that nuances and structures what is manifested.

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