
best 5 meo dmt vaporizer/vape pen for real time managment control

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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI OK so  my friend gets this vape pen with 1:12 cartrigre and Just see how IT goes?He vapes a bit  Here and there  and If he see the light then OK?

I Wish him a breakthrough Leo had on 30 mg snorted but thats maybe too advanced.

Doesn't sound like this friend is ready for a breakthrough. Be careful not to force this on unprepared noobs. You could really freak them out.

And don't give chemicals to friends. You don't want to be charged as a drug dealer.

Edited by OBEler

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@Leo Gura Yes thats a big No to give Friends anything, it will destroy relationships If gone wrong and can be a legal issue. I will therefore not give him anything, he will do on his own one day If He really wants it.

But besides that he seems to be the ideal candidate for a breakthrough. He studied Astrophysic, is very interested in how reality works and he took 1 tab LSD already and had a strong trip but he liked it and wanted IT even stronger. He then took 5 mg dmt, and saw a little light. He handled that very well and is begging for a breakthrough experience.


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@OBEler He can figure that out himself if we wants it

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I made a mistake, I squeezed 1 ml liquid into a 0.5 ml cartrigre. It didnt leaked but was complete full. Is that OK?

And how do I store these cartrigres for longterm usage (2 and more years)?

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@OBEler oops. I don’t really understand what you mean. With that size cart what I’m familiar with it 200ml. 

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@Thought Art I bought 0.5 ml cartrigres. so I should put in 0.5 ml liquid and not 1 ml.

However I removed the liquid and measured again. Suddenly there was only 0.5 ml in it in all bottles. My hands were oily so there was a leak somewhere in the syringe.


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@OBEler Don't over-fill your carts. Fill them about 90% up and leave a gap of air at the top for the lid.

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@Leo Gura @Leo Gura OK thanks for the advice.

I will buy next time a good syringe to fill these cartriges.I must have lost many material

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9 hours ago, OBEler said:

And how do I store these cartrigres for longterm usage (2 and more years)?

You don't ideally. Better to store dry substance. Nevertheless, you can freeze it like everything else.

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Tip: if you store carts in a cold area the DMT will crystalize out of solution and your cart will lose half or more of its potency. So they should not be stored in cold places.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Bandman handling substances is not politics, you can easily buy some and test what happens when you freeze it and then reheat to dissolve back into the solution. My guess is nothing, I don't see where the drug could be lost.

Edited by Girzo

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7 hours ago, Bandman said:

how do you know all this?

Direct experience is king.

7 hours ago, Bandman said:

Same with news stuff like the israel gaza war, how do you come to conclusions about what is happening? do you just find quality sources and then create a story in your head using the info of those sources? and then verify/falsify that story again again to make it more robust?

My political conclusions come from a lot of study and contemplation of situations and human psychology in general.

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6 hours ago, Girzo said:

@Bandman handling substances is not politics, you can easily buy some and test what happens when you freeze it and then reheat to dissolve back into the solution. My guess is nothing, I don't see where the drug could be lost. 

How do you want to heat the cartrigre without damaging it? I need about 60 Grad Celsius to dissolve 5 meo dmt. And If you Store liquify pro solution in a fridge it despires probably really fast because IT needs room temperature.


@Leo Gura

I vaped with a 1:12 cartrigre, two times 5 seconds and damn is that strong!the effect comes after one Minute so fast. I dont know how I can do dose control here. There is just a big wave which hits you I dont know how to build Up the effects. It was still low dose because no breakthrough or anything like that but I felt not confortable to redose again. 



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27 minutes ago, OBEler said:

How do you want to heat the cartrigre without damaging it? I need about 60 Grad Celsius to dissolve 5 meo dmt. And If you Store liquify pro solution in a fridge it despires probably really fast because IT needs room temperature.

I won't solve your problems for you. You use some some weird product like Liquify Pro, you deal with the outcome. I don't have such problems with standard PG/VG mix.

To redissolve just keep it in a warm place, you don't need 60C, but even if, it doesn't damage anything. What's warm? A cup of wot water with a small plate on top for example.

Also, no reason to use cartridges, they are inferior in every aspect to normal vape tanks. Their only advantage is they are cheap and as a drug dealer you can fill them and sell directly to noobs.

34 minutes ago, OBEler said:

I vaped with a 1:12 cartrigre, two times 5 seconds and damn is that strong!the effect comes after one Minute so fast. I dont know how I can do dose control here.

Take shorter tokes, spread them over longer time, or grow bigger balls. 1:12 is already a baby concentration, so you can't make it weaker on that front.

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"Also, no reason to use cartridges, they are inferior in every aspect to normal vape tanks. Their only advantage is they are cheap and as a drug dealer you can fill them and sell directly to noobs."

"Take shorter tokes, spread them over longer time, or grow bigger balls. 1:12 is already a baby concentration, so you can't make it weaker on that front."


Cartridges are convenient and user friendly, people just overthink/overcomplicate things. Also one can easily make a lower concentration. Myself and many others in my circle use a 1:16, and for those that are extremely sensitive or want to wade in as slowly as possible even a 1:32 is used.

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@halfknots Carts are convient which is why I like them. 

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7 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@halfknots Carts are convient which is why I like them. 

Plug and play. No choosing your atomizer or box mod, no messing with settings, no accidentally having your settings wrong and burning/massively overdosing as can happen when you have a full tank and too much power behind it.

Especially with draw activated pen vapes, there's nothing to focus on other than the unfolding experience.

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@halfknots Yeah, It's convenient, I don't have to worry about it at all. If I vape on my bed, I can just place it beside it. No flames, just turn it on and go.

Plugging didn't work for me in the best but I will also have to give that more try. 

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Just found this awesome Video about  demonstration of  vape pen with 5 meo:

For those who are thinking about using a vape pen,watch this!  IT really is the best (thanks Leo for doing the research again and bring me to this vape pen)

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@OBEler I like that he has different ratios. Cool video, cool tapestry.

Edited by Thought Art

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