
Why Do Life Purpose?

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I don't understand why I would do life purpose or really anything really except for things that would facilitate my journey for enlightenment. If "being" is the ultimate then why does anything else matter?

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Real eyes, realize, real lies.


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@d0ornokey "The courage to be".

You are alive so dare to live.

If you're going to live then you might as well make it meaningful... at least to yourself.



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The dichotomy between doing and being is a false one. You are always being, there is no way out of that. 

What people really have a problem with when talking about "doing" is the deficiency form of motivation used. The ego sees something it lacks or is deficient in and sets out to attain it using the promise of rewards and fear of punishments. Once the goal is achieved the motivation is satiated. This is the carrot and stick model of motivation. The problem with deficiency motivation is that it is only focused on achieving some end. The journey is not valued for its own sake, it is only viewed as a means to some other end, therefore the present moment is not enjoyed or fully lived.

Becoming liberated will free you from this neurotic form of motivation. Does that mean you will then sit on the couch all day eating Cheetos? It's a possibility but chances are that probably won't appeal to you. 

Authentic motivations are still present even after enlightenment. Authentic motivations are different to deficiency motivation in that the activity itself is valued for its own sake, it is not just used as a means to an end but is an end in its own right. Authentic motivations cannot by satiated, in fact the more one gets the stronger the motivation grows. 

Here is a short list of some authentic motivations:

- Fulfilment 
- Joy
- Curiosity 
- Fascination
- Love
- Compassion
- Appreciation of beauty
- Growth
- The desire to explore the richness of life

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Here's a question for you:

What would you imagine doing with your life if you were enlightened?  

You don't have to actually know. Let's just muse about it.

Also, what would you do in the mean time? You don't know when you're going to achieve liberation, and you still have to make a living, assuming you want your body to survive.

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