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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Gone Psycho

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This guy says Hitler didn't want to kill Jews, he killed because a Muslim told him to do so! At this points he is obviously making shit up to build a narrative against Muslims. And he is pretty good at it too. No wonder so many people are blind to the atrocities going around. 

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Who are you to judge Netanyahu? He is a child of light and you are a child of darkness ;)

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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26 minutes ago, HMD said:

This guy says Hitler didn't want to kill Jews, he killed because a Muslim told him to do so! At this points he is obviously making shit up to build a narrative against Muslims. And he is pretty good at it too. No wonder so many people are blind to the atrocities going around. 

   Proof he's an antisemite and a hypocrite then, can't accuse others of misinformation and antisemitism, yet you yourself do antisemitism. Shameful. 

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@Leo Gura I have been trying to open myself to that possibility 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@HMD Sounds like that Muslim did suggest killing the Jews to Hitler. But, they already had plans to do so. Lots of people in history wanted to kill them.

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@Thought Art Maybe some fascist right wing extremist scholar did because Islam teaches Love and Peace. But he is using this to build a narrative against the Muslims of Palestine so he can justify killing them. And I want to bring attention to this, that’s all. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@Danioover9000 justifying the means with the end. But he is a child of light, now, isn’t he? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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Netanyahu is a self-absorbed narcissist who doesn't care about his people. He is a clown, not a true leader. This man shouldn't govern anyone or anything; he should be sitting in his coach solving sudoku.

However, if we're talking about someone really crazy, it's Yahya Sinwar, who governs Hamas in Gaza.

This man has been killing Palestinians with his own hands. He spent 25 years in an Israeli prison, not for killing Israelis, but for killing Palestinians suspected of cooperating with Israel. His obsession is chasing Palestinians who he believes are cooperating with Israel. Many of the Palestinians he killed weren't actually cooperating, they were just people living outside Sharia law, not believing in God, and engaging in secular activities forbidden according to Islam. 

One example to his brutality and usage of force towards his people is that at one point, he forced a man to kill his brother by burying him alive, all because of his suspicion that the brother was collaborating with Israel.

Yahya Sinwar is obsessed with Israel, an ideological fanatic like Ben Gvir but possibly even worse. He has been like this since a young age. When he went to prison at 28, he was asked why he was still a virgin. He responded that his love for Palestine is greater than his love for women, and most of his time is spent on liberating Palestine (from Jews). 

His ideological view of Israel, Israelis, and Jews is much worse than any statement Netanyahu could make. Netanyahu said that Israel is light, while Hamas, and maybe also the Palestinians, are dark.

It's not politically correct—something you wouldn't expect from Western leadership—but it has truth in it.

Once you understand how Hamas operates and what they believe in, you realize that they are not governed by any goodness or lightness, this is pure evil, a pure and unreasonable force of evil that many Palestinians are hijacked by.



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On 03/12/2023 at 6:47 AM, HMD said:

@Danioover9000 justifying the means with the end. But he is a child of light, now, isn’t he? 

   Of course he's the child of light, don't you know Satan was also an angel?

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@Lila9 Issue is that Benjamin get support from the West while Yahya Sinwar does not. He is a terrorist for sure. Yet Benjamin is not. When both are horrible. This is the issue. Nobody denies Yahya sucks.

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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:

Netanyahu is a self-absorbed narcissist who doesn't care about his people. He is a clown, not a true leader. This man shouldn't govern anyone or anything; he should be sitting in his coach solving sudoku.

However, if we're talking about someone really crazy, it's Yahya Sinwar, who governs Hamas in Gaza.

This man has been killing Palestinians with his own hands. He spent 25 years in an Israeli prison, not for killing Israelis, but for killing Palestinians suspected of cooperating with Israel. His obsession is chasing Palestinians who he believes are cooperating with Israel. Many of the Palestinians he killed weren't actually cooperating, they were just people living outside Sharia law, not believing in God, and engaging in secular activities forbidden according to Islam. 

One example to his brutality and usage of force towards his people is that at one point, he forced a man to kill his brother by burying him alive, all because of his suspicion that the brother was collaborating with Israel.

Yahya Sinwar is obsessed with Israel, an ideological fanatic like Ben Gvir but possibly even worse. He has been like this since a young age. When he went to prison at 28, he was asked why he was still a virgin. He responded that his love for Palestine is greater than his love for women, and most of his time is spent on liberating Palestine (from Jews). 

His ideological view of Israel, Israelis, and Jews is much worse than any statement Netanyahu could make. Netanyahu said that Israel is light, while Hamas, and maybe also the Palestinians, are dark.

It's not politically correct—something you wouldn't expect from Western leadership—but it has truth in it.

Once you understand how Hamas operates and what they believe in, you realize that they are not governed by any goodness or lightness, this is pure evil, a pure and unreasonable force of evil that many Palestinians are hijacked by.


   Sure, and I'm not justifying what HAMAs did, not condemning either side too much here. Juwt know that historically there's been a lot of conflicts back and forth between Israel's culture versus the Islam cultures nearby them, for 100 plus years. To me, having that long history of bad blood and tribal warfare, combined with a harsh geography and environment, creates these sorts of evil people. The answer always lies within, forgive yourself and your enemies first.


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Just now, Karmadhi said:

@Lila9 Issue is that Benjamin get support from the West while Yahya Sinwar does not. He is a terrorist for sure. Yet Benjamin is not. When both are horrible. This is the issue. Nobody denies Yahya sucks.

   And this is what John Mearsheimer calls the Amerixan hegemony. Anything America touches outside and to other countries, because it's so biased and preferential to capitalism and Neoliberalism as ideologies, and thinks everh place must have western values and democracy, corrupts. Long list of thongs America screwed up on, from the Iraq war, to the pacific war and dropping nukes on Japan, and the horrors of Vietnam.

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@Lila9 I agree. With all that I think Netanyahu is destructive to Israel, there is still no comparison to sinuar which is another dimension.

About the palestinians we have to be careful and not to generalize, but surveys show that 65% of them support hamas and 65% of the paleatinians in the west bank support 7.10.

The seperation between hamas and the palestinians is therefore a myth. Palestinians are identify themselves with hamas and as you mentioned too, not really because of Israel.

But Israel does has the responsibility to not get their condition worse and to help them to heal, and this war, with all the maybe difficulty to say that, is a necessary step towards that although not enough.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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5 hours ago, Nivsch said:

@Lila9 I agree. With all that I think Netanyahu is destructive to Israel, there is still no comparison to sinuar which is another dimension.

About the palestinians we have to be careful and not to generalize, but surveys show that 65% of them support hamas and 65% of the paleatinians in the west bank support 7.10.

The seperation between hamas and the palestinians is therefore a myth. Palestinians are identify themselves with hamas and as you mentioned too, not really because of Israel.

But Israel does has the responsibility to not get their condition worse and to help them to heal, and this war, with all the maybe difficulty to say that, is a necessary step towards that although not enough.

   Sure, but I think the comparison between Yahya Sinwar and Netanyahu is a false conflation, because Netanyahu has some support from the west, namely the USA and Biden, while Yahya Sinwar doesn't. While we may have more reports of what Yahya Sinwar did, we don't have as much reporting on the war crimes and other destructive actions Netanyahu did, so keep this in mine for those reading.

   Just because you state we shouldn't generalize the Palestinians, and you cite statistics that 65% of Palestinians shows support in Gaza, and in West bank 65% support 7/10, doesn't nullify the generalization you just did. In another context, that's like Destiny claiming he's not poisoning the well, but proceeds to poison the well by saying John Mearsheimer's source for his argumentation that Ukraine is the west's fault is a Nazi sympathizer, knowing that saying one of his sources sympathizes with Nazism would trigger the thought terminating cliche in the current power structure, bias and preferences of his fanbase and viewers, largely white American males from the USA with likely Neoliberal/capitalistic/western values to negatively associate John Mearsheimer as a Nazi sympathizer and commie for saying the Ukraine is the west's fault and appearing to side with Russia.

   Nope, Israel is partly to blame for the formation of HAMAs, and making some Palestinians side with HAMAs all because the right ring party of Zionist nationalists in Israel, the Lukwid party, pursued a two party state in order to exercise soft power and oppress Palestinians within Israel, West Bank and Gaza.

   Yes, Israel has the responsibility to stop this land grabbing they're doing onto Gaza, especially after the war, but we'll see as it'll be hard breaking that land grabbing tendency for the past 80 years.  

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On 12/4/2023 at 5:42 PM, Danioover9000 said:


   Of course he's the child of light, don't you know Satan was also an angel?

"Eat this fruit and your eyes shall be open".

Translation - Be enlighten instead of a dumb donkey.

God is actually the villain trying to keep humans dumb and enslaved.


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On 12/4/2023 at 9:59 AM, Nivsch said:

@Lila9 I agree. With all that I think Netanyahu is destructive to Israel, there is still no comparison to sinuar which is another dimension.

About the palestinians we have to be careful and not to generalize, but surveys show that 65% of them support hamas and 65% of the paleatinians in the west bank support 7.10.

The seperation between hamas and the palestinians is therefore a myth. Palestinians are identify themselves with hamas and as you mentioned too, not really because of Israel.

But Israel does has the responsibility to not get their condition worse and to help them to heal, and this war, with all the maybe difficulty to say that, is a necessary step towards that although not enough.

If Israel bomb cities of course they are going to generate support to a resistance to the bombing, whoever that is. Then when people lose family, homes, take horrific injuries, they radicalize and become terrorists throwing rockets at Israel. Its why nationalists are generated in war for example, a want to protect the homeland.

The worse you make the conditions for the population the more they'll join with whoever is standing against that.

At the bare minimum it had to be a carrot and stick approach, but emotion, hatred, and general stupidity of the leadership in the region hasn't led to a want to solve the problem, only seek revenge. Well, that generates revenge. As i've said before each action generates a consequence, I don't know why anyone wants to see the consequence that comes from this, but they seemingly do.

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@BlueOak Well written. Those to whole evil is done, do evil in return.

“Israel may be able to hunt down and kill Hamas’s second-in-command leader Yahya Sinwar, but if they do, he will become the Middle East’s version of Ernesto “Che” Guevara. Resistance movements are built on the blood of martyrs. Israel ensures a continual supply.“

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