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Trying to grok the Hypercube Infinity

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Leo posted the Hypercube Infinity video of a 4d tesseract. I'm trying to see how this relates to reality? I've seen those things on psychedelics but is it like reality because it's infinite? Can someone explain a little bit?

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Can’t explain that sorta thing

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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An example known from the history of mathematical thought. Imagine a meeting of a two-dimensional being represented by, for example, a square with a three-dimensional ball or sphere. Since the ball exists in 3D, it does not have to come into direct contact with the 2D being. He somehow "sees" her in his space. But a square does not have this possibility due to the limitations of the dimension in which it exists. The only possible experience of the sphere through the square is "passing", penetrating one through the other. And so the square will experience the sphere as a dynamic process of changing its cross-sections. From the point of one pole of the axis of rotation through increasingly larger circles of its cross-section up to the equatorial cross-section and again smaller and smaller cross-sections up to the opposite pole. This process, played in a loop for a 2D creature such as a square, may relatively be perceived as infinite for it - but! - only because there is a relative flow of time within which the entire event can manifest itself. This, in turn, is conditioned by the possession/experience of memory! You can now scale this whole situation to your experience of 4D objects as processes. By analogy. This is the only way you will experience them as a 3D being. As a process over time. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Riemann Metric Tensor. The brain will explode :)

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Of course you are not a 3D creature. You are essentially multi-dimensional. But until you restore this quality of yourself, restore yourself fully, you will sometimes look at these fragments of infinity that you are, through a 3D keyhole. You can, of course, and it is even pleasant, but avoid assumptions about the nature of what you are experiencing. Your theories will be, to put it mildly, very incomplete :)

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Note one more thing. The 3D mind will only ever be able to experience maximally only objects 1 dimension higher. That is, when experiencing the 5D of an object or entity, I will experience its 4D shadow. The same applies to even higher dimensions. Only shadows that say less and less about the entities that cast them. Holistically, these entities are beyond your perception. But - Metric Tensor can measure them. You can sew them a suit, for example:)

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The Riemann Metric Tensor is one of the best indications of how powerful the Mind of God is. My tiny human mind was literally run over in the ecstasy of Self-discovery..

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A few more comments. What appears as a process in time in 3D, a dimension above, is always static, motionless. You cannot graphically reproduce the movement of a 4D object in 4D space beyond a mathematical description. Simply put, 4D space is outside the conceptual and descriptive frame of the 3D mind. Time is therefore always a relative experience. Note that as you experience spherical vision in lucid dreaming/astral projection - you experience yourself in 4D in a completely different time dimension. Memory is practically non-existent, it is rudimentary. The thought becomes/manifests immediately. But I'll talk about this in a separate thread when I collect these experiences into a coherent 3D image :)

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Interesting. Just like the 3d effects created using 2d animations, we may be able to see 4d effects in our 3d world despite not being able to conceive or understand them.

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Big tesseract nerd here. Used to draw it while bored at class, all the time. Bellow is what I believe to be my first attempt ever. It was 10+ years ago.

Absolutely love the band. Definitely one of my all time favorites. Beautiful Music.

As far as reality goes, there are no dimensions, in actuality. But 4D and above, could be perceived, I guess. No matter how many Ds, it's all going to be just duality. Just a more mind-bending one. Perhaps time/space - bending one.

Reality is D-less. But Ds can be imagined, constructed, perceived, experienced, etc.

A tesseract makes sense only if there is an observer, time, and a distance that's being traveled. It is not percievable all at once from a 3D perspective. Only partially. 

This is a 2D representation of a 4D construct, viewed from a 3D perspective:



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Funny thing is... We only assume we can perceive "3D" accurately, as it is, in it's entirety.

You never see an entire chair. Only from an angle. Only one side. Might as well be 2D with some special effects. Some light and some shadows.

Perception can get super twisted. It is not absolute. Being is.


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6 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Funny thing is... We only assume we can perceive "3D" accurately, as it is, in it's entirety.

You never see an entire chair. Only from an angle. Only one side. Might as well be 2D with some special effects. Some light and some shadows.

Perception can get super twisted. It is not absolute. Being is.


So there can be a being who can view 3d in its entirety just like we can view all aspects of a two dimensional object.

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The question about the existence of higher dimensions is a bit like asking about the number of angels and demons. What is the Dream of the Absolute is the Reality of the Relative. In this sense, everything that has a built-in logic at its base - happens, exists. Give 1 reason why this shouldn't be the case. And not everything has to meet some requirements of efficiency, utilitarianism or functionality. It can exist for the beauty that it is. The mere fact that these logical, coherent spaces exist in the 3D mind is sufficient indication of their existence. And at the same time I would like to remind you of the anthropomorphic conditioning of the 3D mind. This is best expressed by the question about the curvature of space-time. Do you require higher dimensions where it curves like you need 3D to crumple a 2D sheet of paper. An interesting answer was given by one of the physicists: 

"Your intuition is correct. The intrinsic curvature is indeed equivalent to embedding in higher dimensions. Unfortunately most people don't understand the difference between physics and math. The math can describe the intrinsic curvature without referring to higher dimensions. However, from the physics standpoint, the mere ability to calculate things is different from understanding what actually is happening in the physical reality. And if space is curved, then one of two tings is happening. Either (1) there are invisible higher dimensions, in which the curved space is embedded, or (2) space is curved in time while the 4-dimensional spacetime is flat. Because higher dimensions have not been observed, the latter option must be correct. What constraints this puts on General Relativity is a different question. If you feel you truly understand something, never surrender to what others tell you. If pioneers believed what everyone else says, Earth would still be flat."

For now, spacetime is still flat😊

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You can not grasp the cube. 

Is this grasping being done inside or outside the cube?



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13 hours ago, An young being said:

So there can be a being who can view 3d in its entirety just like we can view all aspects of a two dimensional object.

Not only that there can be, but there already is, and it is you. 

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