
What are the plans made by god?

5 posts in this topic

I can’t interpret the meaning of god, in any way. Not only am I not god, which, I supposed to believe, I have no clue about god, if I was god, I don’t know what I’d do. If this was what I somehow as god wanted, why would I want that? It’s not just that I don’t know what god is, I don’t know anything, but, I want to know what is going on. Even just trying if I try to interpret things that people say, I fail. Even if I try to interpret my own mind, there’s not much I can do. Should I go on?

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God is total and utter mysterious not knowing. 

Full blown divine ignorance. 

You got Exactly right!!

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Watch this video, pay very close atrention when he mentions Gnostics. A profound video, lots of truth here. 

Could save you some confusion.  

Probably the deepest truth spoken in a movie ever. 



No resistance. No thinking. Silence. Flow. Surrender. Let Love in.

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2 hours ago, jdc7733 said:

I can’t interpret the meaning of god, in any way. Not only am I not god, which, I supposed to believe, I have no clue about god, if I was god, I don’t know what I’d do. If this was what I somehow as god wanted, why would I want that? It’s not just that I don’t know what god is, I don’t know anything, but, I want to know what is going on. Even just trying if I try to interpret things that people say, I fail. Even if I try to interpret my own mind, there’s not much I can do. Should I go on?

God has no plan as a brain has a plan.

Is more like moment to moment, God is in the process of awakening itself.

That´s why I always say to people in this forum: BE VERY careful of outsourcing responsibility to 'God' and just 'let go'.

You are literally Consciousness/God. If you don´t take charge of yourself, nothing else will. Because there's nothing else outside of you! No God up in the sky caring for you.

Is total responsibility. We can make a hell or a heaven out of this. We are in hell right now, but little by little we are moving towards light. 

Sadhana and Energy/Consciosuness work if you really want to take charge of this fucking dream that is all yours . Stop complaining. 

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I believe that no one knows or understands the magnitude and purpose of the cosmos.

Anyway from what I have seen in psychedelic trips, it is not that God wants something, but that the fact of the absence of limits makes the infinite inevitably manifest, and this manifestation, in addition to being infinite, is perfectly synchronic. existence cannot not exist and cannot not be perfect. God is not someone who wants something, it is the consequence of infinity. It seems like you are trapped and at first you may have the horrible realization of being trapped in the infinite cycle of existence. Having this realization is a horrible experience, an eternal prison. existential horror. but then you realize one thing: infinity. You are free, there are no limits, there is no prison, it is absolutely free and perfect, breadth and glory.

Edited by Breakingthewall

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