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The Reason For Reality

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The following is a quote from Leo's video "All religions explained in one video"



...Nothing, here, I mean literally. You are literally nothingness. This cannot be believed or logically understood. It has to be directly experienced. You are the nothingness, so you are it. Once you realize it, you can actually be it. You can be the nothingness. So, the self is nothing. OK, so that’s step one.

The second step is to — and, by the, way, when you experience that, that’s called enlightenment, when you realize that, that’s called enlightenment — so, after you get your first enlightenment about yourself, then comes the next, even bigger enlightenment.

And that is, answering existentially: what is existence? Have you ever wondered about that? What the hell is existence? How can existence even exist? Ever wondered about that? What turns out is that you can have an enlightenment experience that will reveal to you the absolute nature of existence. And what that absolute nature is — is nothingness.

Existence and nothingness are the same. They arise out of each other. Or, more accurately, existence arises out of nothingness. And that nothingness doesn’t go away, it’s always there. This is referred to as the Void in certain Buddhist traditions or, maybe, Zen traditions. They call it the Void.

So, all of reality comes from nothingness. Now, this might seem like: “OK, that, kind of, maybe makes sense, or whatever.” But see, I’m telling you here to believe it or to take it on as a theory. I’m telling you that you can actually get a direct encounter with this truth.

The other enlightenment that you can have — there are multiple enlightenments that you can have — another enlightenment that you can have is that other people, others around you, everyone you see, are also nothing, also nothingness.

And what that means is that, because you’re nothing, and they’re nothing, that you and them are identical, the same, at an existential, metaphysical level. You’re identical. So, you can have that enlightenment experience. And then, ultimately, what you discover is: you piece all these things together and you get a direct experience of the absolute truth.

And the absolute truth is, basically, that existence arises out of nothing. This nothingness, this ultimate void, is God. The word “god” refers to this nothingness. Because it’s the source of everything, right? It’s not a personal god. It’s not a god with a beard.

It’s not a god as “him” or “her”, but it’s god in the sense that it’s the source of all reality. And this nothingness is a unity, it’s a One. And it has no space, it has no location, it has no distance, it has no size, because nothingness doesn’t have any of those qualities.



I think this is a really awesome idea.

I want to start this thread to really expand on this idea.

Specially that this "nothingness" which encompasses all of reality, is the source of all reality.  Or like Leo put it "this nothingness is a unity, it’s a One"

So if we take that as the ultimate truth, then that means everything in the universe (apples, clouds, water, the ocean, mars, bubbles, fingernails, fire, wind, protons, thoughts, ideas, desire/will etc etc etc) all came from this nothingness. "He" (the nothingness) is the source of all those things.

Ok, now lets think about this.  That means that this nothingness created all these things (everything in existence).  That means every enjoyable experience that you've ever had and will have in this world and everything you see in this world is all unity with this nothingness and sourced in this nothingness.

So given all of that as absolute truth. I guess we can ask "why did he do it?"

Obviously if this nothingness is the source of all reality, he must of had a reason for doing it. Think about it...image you had the ability to create an entire universe and an entire reality with trees and planets and humans etc etc (what if God was one of us...just a stranger on a bus....) why would you do it? Just for fun? Why would you create these little humans with brains and eyes and tastebuds and genitals and the entire universe etc etc...WHY DID "HE" (the nothingness) DO IT? 

Before I start postulating ideas as to why he did it, (And again i'm assuming that there IS a reason) let's realize that whatever the reason issss, it wasn't made known to us. Meaning, this nothingness never "communicated" with us and told us why "he" decided to be the source of all of reality. So we'll also have to examine why it's been kept a a secret from us.

Ok, now for what I think it the reason. I think the reason for "him" having "created" all of reality (including "all of us") was in order to give us "humans" pleasure.

Think about it. Look around the world. There's this thing called food. Theres lots of different types of food. Hundreds of different species of fruits and veggies and tins of different flavors and spices and meats and fish and chicken and duck and thousands of ways of preparing all of them. Isn't it awesome? Don't we all really enjoy eating good things?

Now image that the world as we know it had no food. No apples, no oranges, no fruit smoothies in the morning, no veggies, no meat, chicken fish or any spices....nothing! 

And in order to stay alive, all we had to do was eat this weird type of rock which tasted like dirt, but gave us ALL the nutrients we needed to be healthy  and function great.

That means three times a day (or once a day...whatever) every person would just eat this rock and that would be all he would need to ingest for the day to be completely 200% healthy. 

If you've imagined this, now snap back into reality. Realize that reality could have easily been like that.

If we're taking it as absolute truth that this nothingness is the source of all reality. Then that includes food and all of their delicious flavors. 

Ok back to the point. Why did "He" (this nothingness) "create" all of reality. So it makes sense to me to suggest that he did it in order to give us "humans" pleasure.

We can see this from the very fact that in our reality exists this thing called food with its many flavors and "He" could have just have easily created reality with thos little rocks. 

The same ideas holds for SEX. Obviously ONE of the purposes of sex is the continuation of our species. If no one had sex for 100 years...bye bye humans.

But we can again go ahead and imagine that sex wasn't pleasureful (or much less pleasureful). This "nothingness" obviously "has some desire" to give us pleasure from the fact that he "created" this reality with so many ways for us to achieve high levels of pleasure. 

Now, first of all i apologize for the long post. Thank you, if you've read this far. 

Ok for all of you who do meditation and all that good stuff. Maybe try this:

The next time you eat something. Right before you put it in your mouth, just think for a second or two that the pleasure your'e about to experience is a direct result of the fact that this "nothingness" "decided" to create a reality where you should constantly achieve high levels of pleasure throughout the day. Also try during the actual chewing to continue to "meditate" this fact. This should bring all of our minds very close to "becoming one" with this nothingness.

I think that doing this is a good way to achieve enlightenment. 

Again this is all based upon this absolute truth that this "nothingness" is the source of EVERYTHING and ALL OF REALITY....everything. 

Thank you for reading!










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My eyes glazed over after the first five sentences. 

You're theorizing about enlightenment when there's nothing to theorize about. 

Why this reality? Why anything? Because. 

All of this is mind-stuff. You've had your fun theorizing, but now it's time to throw it all away; that is, of course, if you're seeking Truth.

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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Lol, "He" is YOU!

Get enlightened and then all your questions fall away.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's a lot simpler to just assume that there is no reason for nothingness to "create" existence -- without falling into the trap of nihilism (i.e. avoid the "OMG, everything is meaningless. I feel empty and depressed." at any cost) 

Looking for meaning is a series of big hairballs, best to just cough them all out . At this point, I'm perfectly happy with words such as  "isness" or suchness" , "thisness." There doesn't have to be a reason for existence - it's a bad assumption to think there must be a reason. It's also a bad assumption to think that there was a beginning to all this.

Edited by Spider Jerusalem

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"Enlightenment" is even beyond nothingness, it's everything and nothing at the same time, I heard one Zen master say: "I love paradoxes" I embrace them. So that became my focus. Reality is all these different Qualities of experience that we are aware of. The ultimate truth is beyond these qualities and yet it enables these qualities to exist. So the general direction that one should pursue is the "letting go" of control (the nothingness) and being aware of all the qualities that one can be aware of, even the "bad" ones (existence arising from the nothingness). And also take nothing I say as true, see for yourself. Namaste.

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Reality supersedes reason. Reason is a mechanism of the human lens and nothing more. 

Edited by Emerald Wilkins

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