
Why do most games involve god killing?

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   Pretty interesting if you think about it, how most JRPGs would have a god as some final boss:


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These games were mostly developed in Japan. Japanese culture, they have a lot if gods. Good and Bad gods 

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Pretty interesting. But before that that even so many games have some kind of god. 


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Greek gods have the right to be bashed in any way the creators want. I don't know about other gods though.

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15 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Pretty interesting if you think about it, how most JRPGs would have a god as some final boss:


Because what hurts most than to kill a father or mother image.

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   I mostly agree with about 80% of the video in terms of historical development and political situations, but the last 15% and the 5% that's the conclusion is really sketchy and simplistic I disagree. This 'problem' of false god killing in games, and the question of 'Why do most games involve god killing?' I feel is insufficiently answered. I don't think it's merely cultural discontent in the sociopolitical, or psycho-socio domains, or even a bio-psycho-socio interplay, but I think it's deeply existential to what GOD is and what the DEVIL is, God being omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent(as Shinto accurately describes god as a disembodied sprit everywhere and in everything), Omniform and Omniferous in it's true natures and features, the DEVIL being an inversion of GOD in many multifaceted layers of self/other deceptions and delusions, and duality itself, even making the thought/concepts/ideas and beliefs of a false god being killed, possible. In fact I feel like he's just outsourcing the opportunity for originally answering why god killing is possible as a concept, and just outsources it by citing historical events and political changes in Japan yet doesn't tackle the existential and philosophical implications of such a notion, the idea of KILLING A DEITY! Like bro it's a significant thought pattern in a person's head, or even the collective ego to consider that it's merely not enough to show the prior historical context yet dodge the question.xD

   The narrator of that video isn't aware of and knowing of the developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Carl Jung's Architypes, Integral Theory's lines of development from individual to societal domains, and various ideological beliefs indoctrinated from birth and by culture, by information ecology and intake designed by big tech companies and other corporations to manufacture consent in the wider population.

   My simplistic answer to this question would be because we became more humanist, atheist, scientific, rational, secularist, and believe more in state, capitalism and neoliberalism as well as egalitarianism, and the separation of church and state happened, and we slowly became less patriarchal, theocratic and traditional as time goes on, which is why this trope exists today, which is why video game makers are not getting burned or stoned to death for featuring god killings in video games. Just the times are different, more developed in consciousness and technology, and it's a newer worldview, from the western hemisphere influencing the eastern hemisphere of the world, most of the world is modernized and somewhat westernized with some locations still having a religious orthodoxy ideology, and theocratic rulership and autocracy. Interesting how the narrator brings up that capitalism and toxic work culture is a factor in the declining birthrate and social isolation of Japan, but doesn't bring up how feminism and egalitarianism from the west could also play a part in combination to capitalism and neoliberalism as an ideology. 

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3 hours ago, nhoktinvt said:

because gods are the villain

   Because GOD = existence and everything, we exist today thanks to GOD, and thanks to the DEVIL that inverts truth to falsehood and creates these dualities which gives a sense of self. Otherwise we'd never exist to begin with without a god and devil.

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@An young being

4 hours ago, An young being said:

Greek gods have the right to be bashed in any way the creators want. I don't know about other gods though.

   Sure, especially considering how selfish they were depicted in Greek mythology, yet there's probably a very good reason why that is the case at that time.

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Consider that Star Wars is about the Freudian death drive, like the Death Star annihilating a whole planet in seconds, using magic to choke your enemies from across the room, lightsabers (phallic symbols) puerilely cutting people in half, darth vader being the shadow archetype.

Harry Potter is the life drive / libido through the Easter story of Jesus, magic wands, broomsticks, snakes, centaurs and hippogriffs representing the mergence of gender, Harry Potter is JK Rowling's male avatar.

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I would love Hindu mythology to be depicted in games though. It's so vast and colourful.

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Cause it feels epic vs rat killing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 hours ago, MysticalSnow said:

Consider that Star Wars is about the Freudian death drive, like the Death Star annihilating a whole planet in seconds, using magic to choke your enemies from across the room, lightsabers (phallic symbols) puerilely cutting people in half, darth vader being the shadow archetype.

Harry Potter is the life drive / libido through the Easter story of Jesus, magic wands, broomsticks, snakes, centaurs and hippogriffs representing the mergence of gender, Harry Potter is JK Rowling's male avatar.


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@An young being

4 hours ago, An young being said:

I would love Hindu mythology to be depicted in games though. It's so vast and colourful.

   Wasn't there a few games with Hinduism themes? I think one was Asura's wrath, and a few more. Yeah, for gameplay, game mechanics and probably world building it makes sense. 

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4 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@An young being

   Wasn't there a few games with Hinduism themes? I think one was Asura's wrath, and a few more. Yeah, for gameplay, game mechanics and probably world building it makes sense. 

I think there are a few, but there are no mainstream or aaa games that I have heard of. There are many interesting, funny and philosophical stories in Indian mythology. If they create a good fight between Shiva and Vishnu within the game, it would sell millions of copies in India.

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