
Different levels of control:

2 posts in this topic

The Author's Influence: A Test of Control Over Your Reading Experience

Hello, fellow explorers of consciousness!

Today, I propose a unique experiment to highlight the dynamics of control between an author and a reader. As the author, I set the stage for what you encounter on this page. But how strong is your control as you read through? Can you alter the course of your experience, or is it me who shapes your journey with my words?

Preparation: Before you proceed, choose 3 words that you will try to see in place of what I have written. This is your anchor in the experiment. Write it down to solidify your intention.

Experiment phase: As you continue, attempt to impose your will on the text. Try to make the next sentence you read be the one you've chosen.

Focus. Concentrate. Read on.















The diversion: At this moment, as you're trying to control your reading experience, I'm going to insert a sudden shift. Regardless of what you're expecting to read, I'm going to talk about the stars in the night sky. How they're numerous and distant, yet we can see their light from ages past.

The result: Despite your best efforts, the topic changed to something entirely out of your control but in mine. Did you manage to see your words in my sentence, or just the ones I choose?

Reflection and Discussion: This exercise was not just about whether you could read your chosen words, but also to show that as an author, I have the ability to steer your attention in unexpected directions. Did you feel the tug-of-war for control? What does this say about our interactions with the written word and the power dynamics it involves?

I look forward to reading about your experiences and insights. Let's unravel the layers of authorship and readership together.

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Beautiful exercise. Integrating different experiences holistically invites mutual respect and understanding.

The three words I have chosen are “I. Love. You.”

I focus, concentrate love, you read on.



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