Leo Gura

UFOs Are Here

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5 hours ago, Puer Aeternus said:

Potential absolute nonsense for your entertainment, so take with a heavy bag of salt here- 


My mother dabbles in the new age, beyond what I’d generally be interested in. My intimate family happened to be gathered around the time of the UFO congressional hearings. 

Inspired by the coverage, my mother told me a story of how one of her medium friends was riding the on a train car (L Train, Chicago) with her son. She’s sat on the seats, facing across from the other passengers. And randomly comes to the realize that, ah shit. One of these depressed commuters is an alien disguised in human form (this medium could somehow tell?). Apparently she chuckled to herself and went on with her day-

Everyone kind of laughed, like haha yeah right. I essentially thought to myself, sure it could be true. But I have no way of ACTUALLY knowing. 

Then a week later, I’m listening to The Danny Jones Podcast (formerly Koncrete) with James Fox… Very interesting podcast, James Fox seems like a skeptical minded, reputable guy to me. I recommend his alien documentaries.

But during the podcast, Fox mentions a discussion he had with Robert Bigelow (Aerospace Billionaire with Gov Contracts). Bigelow essentially teases to him that hey, they’re walking among us. Here’s the clip of you’d like to watch: 

Not much detail is provided, it’s very possible that Bigelow is spreading misinformation, I still HEAVILY doubt this. But I’d be lying if chills didn’t run down my entire body at that moment and the timing of it all.

Whether or not aliens are really walking around in high-tech human skins suits. It does make a fun, tinfoilesque story tell. Even more fun to contemplate. Any of you bastards aliens? Besides the obvious Leo of course. 




Wow, great video, thanks for sharing.

I don't doubt they are among us, why not?

Do you think you can be an Alien and not know about it?

You live like a human but you feel deep inside that something is not right :D 


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You don't understand anything, Leo has been subtly hinting at it for a long time, alien consciousness, you know... it couldn't be more obvious, he is the alien! and actualized is the way to contact humans, but he doesnt know how to say it after pretending to be a human for so long, it's like admitting to your girlfriend that you chat on tinder, it's very embarrassing

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5 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

You don't understand anything, Leo has been subtly hinting at it for a long time, alien consciousness, you know... it couldn't be more obvious, he is the alien! and actualized is the way to contact humans, but he doesnt know how to say it after pretending to be a human for so long, it's like admitting to your girlfriend that you chat on tinder, it's very embarrassing

You got jokes today, huh. Thanks for revealing that side. You're usually more serious and poised.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


This guys says there's a UFO housed in Las Vegas.

I've been patiently and carefully following Grusch ever since the congressional hearing, so it was exciting to see him on Rogan's podcast. 

In fact it was Grusch and the congressional hearings that made me properly dive into many of the UAP cases. 

I went through a significant shift over the course of a few days where my entire worldview moved from UFOs do not exist and Aliens are not here, to one where UAPs are real and that at least some of these are definitely NHI's. There are just too many first-hand witness accounts of obviously non-human craft. 

It's amazing really. Utterly mindblowing that this is happening.

I posted this video (below) a while back but no one saw it so I'll try again here. IMO this is *the* most significant UAP event happening currently, or at least in recent months. @Leo Gura and anyone else I'd be interested in your thoughts.


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11 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

You don't understand anything, Leo has been subtly hinting at it for a long time, alien consciousness, you know... it couldn't be more obvious, he is the alien! and actualized is the way to contact humans, but he doesnt know how to say it after pretending to be a human for so long, it's like admitting to your girlfriend that you chat on tinder, it's very embarrassing

That makes sense with his bald shiny head he‘s also starting to resemble the gray aliens

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8 hours ago, HMD said:

@Leo Gura The problem with all this UFO business imo is that we assume the aliens are trying to hide from us and they don’t want us to catch them. At least that’s how it seems from my perspective. 

But why would the aliens want to do that? Are they afraid of us? Are they afraid of disturbing us? Is there some sort of Harry Potter thing going on where they can’t disturb the muggle world? Why do we assume that they are capable of fear? 

Because humans are selfish and violent. If an alien craft goes anywhere near a populated space it will be instantly shot down. As much as we all want some sci-fi scenario of alien communication, we really don't want that. Humans will panic, scream and fight off any sort of alien encounter. Just look at the videos from the recent Peruvian jungle cases. Self-survival takes over.

If the NHI are capable of visiting earth they are certainly intelligent enough to know not to interfere with humans, at least large numbers of humans in populated areas.

Of course some of the NHI's do want to communicate with us, and that it was the abduction phenomenon is. But they always take people when they alone or with 1 or 2 other people.

Communicating with NHI's is not going to look like some sci-fi movie. 


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3 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

There is only you. 

What about you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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21 minutes ago, Space said:

goes anywhere near a populated space it will be instantly shot down.

I guess there are Alien Spacecrafts that are in shambles and rumbles somewhere and Aliens are being held captive by the Government, or the Aliens died and got buried or they sent for their homies to pick them up after they got shot down.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Just now, StarStruck said:


You're telling someone "there's only you". So I'm asking what about you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

Well if it’s all one

one consciousness or one god

then why wouldn’t they

maybe they need some resources like fentanyl or something 

Let's assume this stor-y or stored duality is correct for a moment of self indulgence. For the same reason I wouldn't walk a community into a bear cave or wolf den.

Shared experience goes both ways. If you immerse yourself in something you become part of it, and if let's say one world out of 50 or 5 million were insane, or less hyperbolic, they were destructive. Would it be worth exposing your populations to them on mass? Its the same reason a public speaker should consider their words very carefully, because if 50 million people see it, you have to consider how people across a wide spectrum are going to respond.

If you just incarnate onto earth, do a bit of work here, then leave, in a couple of lifetimes, you'll get over it. If you get out that is. Apparently, mystics would say the doors open now to come and go. I've no reason to doubt their motives for saying that, but we'll see when I go knock on it. Hopefully another half-century from now.

That's what I would have said about all this in the past.

Now I understand its all a creation of the mind anyway. So we are just playing games with words/worlds. Another person I used to respect once said, aliens will never manifest unless enough people's minds are focused on them. I don't believe that now either, because during all the 90s and millennium hype nothing happened and people were alien-mad back then.

Edited by BlueOak

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I'd recommend watching The Behavior Panel's YouTube analysis of when Graves, Grusch and Fravor testified. In summary, they interpreted Graves and Fravor to be displaying what appeared to be higher authenticity than Grusch. 

In any case, listening to the panel's analysis reveals the variety of ways in which people convey information verbally and nonverbally.

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On 28/11/2023 at 5:20 AM, Hardkill said:

If outer space aliens are here, then what do they want?

I am pretty sure they are here to shoot intergalactic documentaries or some sort of reality show, they are watching us back home and laughing at us.  

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29 minutes ago, Brivido said:

I am pretty sure they are here to shoot intergalactic documentaries or some sort of reality show, they are watching us back home and laughing at us.  

Like people watching bacterias under a microscope?

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On 28/11/2023 at 4:14 AM, Leo Gura said:


This guy says there's a UFO housed in Las Vegas!!

If there are UFOs, then why? 
What do these aliens want?

Is it surveillance, and if so for what end?

If there are state secrets in actually contacting aliens, then why not tell the masses? Would there be mass fear? I think most can handle the concept of aliens existing, unlike in prior times. 

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@An young being Like watching porn under a microscope.

That's a good idea, no other alien would know what the microscope guy is watching. Provided they have a feeling called secrecy.

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