
Why would God create this in particular?

47 posts in this topic

Seriously, put that “ego just doesn’t know what’s best” thing aside for a moment. Why would an omnipotent, infinitely knowing, omniscient and whatnot being create *this*? 

If the ego doesn’t know what’s best that’s God’s choosing too, and it’s stupid because he lives through the egos not through his God-nothingness-self. 

Seriously, the plot isn’t even good, which for the majority of people goes a little like: be born, have a few good experiences in childhood that you’ll cherish during adulthood, become a teenager and be attracted to the opposite sex, reach adulthood, be very wary of the outside world since you’ve learned it’s dangerous and sit in front of a computer most of your day most days doing something that doesn’t really benefit the world or that you like just so that you can manage to exist and spend the rest of your time doing chores around the house, being emotionally available to your partner despite being tired af and pandering to mini you who’s most likely destined to the same future you had/have. Retire when you’re old, too tired and frail to do anything worthwhile, and finally die.

And please don’t come at me with the usual wank “everyone is in control of their destiny” because as we have all come to agree, time doesn’t exist. Reality is NOW, God’s will is the present moment, so all those decisions that you wouldn’t condone in my example for most people are decisions that God manifested. I mean think about it, thought comes before action, and the ego isn’t prior to thought. Boom, no free will. Even science agrees with this. 

Ask yourself how many people you see smiling when you’re walking outside? Usually most seem miserable and defensive. 

You could also say “everything manifests in infinity” but we have no real motives to think that’s the case. As shitty as this world is, there’s intelligence in its design. 

Are there actual modes of existence where things weigh more towards positivity, or will it always take the self moving mountains to get but a crumb of love?



Edited by michaelcycle00

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@michaelcycle00 because an Infinite, omnipotent God is boring.  Its like being the developer of a video game.  Wouldn't you rather limit yourself and put yourself in the game itself, with limits, so that you could experience what it's like?  With challenges?  Pure omnipotence knows no challenge.  That's all it is.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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30 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@michaelcycle00 because an Infinite, omnipotent God is boring.  Its like being the developer of a video game.  Wouldn't you rather limit yourself and put yourself in the game itself, with limits, so that you could experience what it's like?  With challenges?  Pure omnipotence knows no challenge.  That's all it is.

Right, but why not a worthwhile challenge? This life is like “I challenge you to go up a million stairs without stopping and then you get nothing at all”. What a deal… 

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@michaelcycle00 You have not been adequately bored in life. Just sit down and experience deep nothingness, and then try climbing stairs. It will move you to tears. 

As @Inliytened1 said, being God is boring. And you can experience this for yourself and then everything will make sense. You’ll develop gratitude and integrate that stage green. This might not answer your question directly, but may lead you to the answers directly. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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1 hour ago, michaelcycle00 said:

 Are there actual modes of existence where things weigh more towards positivity, or will it always take the self moving mountains to get but a crumb of love?

There are many different ways to experience life right now, although the way you mentioned is also one of the ways to experience it. As long as your mind adjusts to the good and bad experiences, there is no unlimited suffering in offer.

Humans with complex emotions came here just a million years ago, whereas the universe is here for more than 10 billion years. The humans right now are the new born babies who cry for a few days after they are born. No doctor tells that crying is bad for your new born baby. Just remember that nothing is permanent.


Edited by An young being

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this world is all you, your dream of going your renegade way with the bright idea of separating from god, you made hell out of heaven so man up and fix it ... the manual with its womanual is all online

Edited by gettoefl

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2 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

Right, but why not a worthwhile challenge? This life is like “I challenge you to go up a million stairs without stopping and then you get nothing at all”. What a deal… 

Whose to judge what a worthwhile challenge is?  That's relative.  So God just picks one.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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3 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

Seriously, put that “ego just doesn’t know what’s best” thing aside for a moment. Why would an omnipotent, infinitely knowing, omniscient and whatnot being create *this*? 

If the ego doesn’t know what’s best that’s God’s choosing too, and it’s stupid because he lives through the egos not through his God-nothingness-self. 

Seriously, the plot isn’t even good, which for the majority of people goes a little like: be born, have a few good experiences in childhood that you’ll cherish during adulthood, become a teenager and be attracted to the opposite sex, reach adulthood, be very wary of the outside world since you’ve learned it’s dangerous and sit in front of a computer most of your day most days doing something that doesn’t really benefit the world or that you like just so that you can manage to exist and spend the rest of your time doing chores around the house, being emotionally available to your partner despite being tired af and pandering to mini you who’s most likely destined to the same future you had/have. Retire when you’re old, too tired and frail to do anything worthwhile, and finally die.

And please don’t come at me with the usual wank “everyone is in control of their destiny” because as we have all come to agree, time doesn’t exist. Reality is NOW, God’s will is the present moment, so all those decisions that you wouldn’t condone in my example for most people are decisions that God manifested. I mean think about it, thought comes before action, and the ego isn’t prior to thought. Boom, no free will. Even science agrees with this. 

Ask yourself how many people you see smiling when you’re walking outside? Usually most seem miserable and defensive. 

You could also say “everything manifests in infinity” but we have no real motives to think that’s the case. As shitty as this world is, there’s intelligence in its design. 

Are there actual modes of existence where things weigh more towards positivity, or will it always take the self moving mountains to get but a crumb of love?



Good question.

Every single moment is a divine opportunity to become aware of yourself. Most people aren't and that's the whole issue.

Also you're looking at a tiny splice in time in relation to the whole. It wasn't like this 1000 years ago and it won't be in 1000 years (or will it? that's up to us!)

The Secret of this Universe is You.

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You are assuming that there is a human good with human logic..

Stop making It about the human psycholochy bias so much. That is literally what we are trying to eliminate with this work

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18 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

You are assuming that there is a human good with human logic..

Stop making It about the human psycholochy bias so much. That is literally what we are trying to eliminate with this work

its not an alien mind either.  its someting in between.  its transhuman.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

its not an alien mind either.  its someting in between.  its transhuman.


is nothing ;) 

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God will create everything. Shit far worse than this. And no being god isn't "boring", it is the highest most complete state.

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6 hours ago, michaelcycle00 said:

Right, but why not a worthwhile challenge? This life is like “I challenge you to go up a million stairs without stopping and then you get nothing at all”. What a deal… 

Great post and you described my life pretty accurately too, made me think that the worthwhile challenge could be over coming this bleak life you described and creating something better. 

For example I'm jelous if those people who sell their homes in the city and buy a hobby farm in the country. Wake up early to feed the ducks, in the fresh morning air, morning mist, and sunrise. With a few acres of forest to walk through daily watching the forest change with the seasons. 

Or talked to one 70 year old lady who moved to a beautiful Mexican coast after her husband died and goes snorkeling everyday in the reefs. 

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because God is not guy who is bored and does things, he is the living unlimited void taking ever more complex forms, evolving, creating with the limitless intelligence available in unlimited existence. If for that evolution you have to be a deformed dwarf sold by his family to a circus where you will be tortured in public for the amusement of an audience of psychopaths, that is what you will be.

Every minimal movement of reality is in the direction of more perfect complexity. everything must fit, harmonize. The cosmos is a living organism of unimaginable size in which everything fits perfectly. cycles within cycles within cycles, all in one immense infinite cycle.

Every creation and destruction of the cosmos is a breath of God, who breathes infinitely, and the infinite cosmos is created, evolves and reaches something we cannot imagine, perhaps a unification in which reality becomes fully aware of itself, and then another different cycle begins.

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Drop the false idea that God created this dream. Who creates your dreams at night? God or an illusory, unconscious mind? Illusory mind aka ego weaves illusions day and night. All your time is spent dreaming, the creator of those dreams is the same, only the form of the dreams change, but their metaphysics are the same - insane garbage from your unconscious mind.  

You've been dreaming thousands of dreams, going nowhere, suffering endlessly at the mercy of the unconscious mind, with just enough joy peppered into the nightmare to keep you from seeking escape.   

Open your eyes, dear unexistant ego creations. Oh, that's not your purpose, so nevetmind. 

Ups, I said some truth. 🫢 

Ego won't like that. Waiting to hear what the illusion comes up with. Hit me. 😝



Drops of forgiveness rain over my soul. 

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44 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

That's the classic narrative, like god's grand design was heaven on earth and then we decided to separate ourselves and make it hell. But I call bullshit on that. Because separation was always part of god's grand design, without which it couldn't even hold together and wouldn't be anywhere near as amusing. Our separation is no accident. I know any narrative gets into trouble sooner or later and that it's still all me, but if we're going to assign ultimate responsibility then let us place it where it belongs.

Physical illusory separation, yes. Mentally no. When we get over ourselves and recognize our true nature as God then there is no separation. This is a mental Universe with things appearing, seeming physical. That's the illusion. That's the magicians trick. Yes, it's for a reason and not at the same time. 

The seeming, appearing separation is no accident, you're right about that but neither is your delusion. It's the only way for there to be a recognition of the Self. How can you recognize something if there's no comparison. 

Notice how nobody gets out of this alive, so-to-speak. Reflect on that deeply.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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10 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

Ok so mental separation is what I'm talking about, we're already way past physicality at this point. I think also you're still attributing independent volition to the illusory individualized mind, and hence to the apparent separation and delusion that it generates. This is exactly the problem I have with the narrative.

To argue that god creates heaven on earth and then we make it hell, is already to argue from separation. I have no issue with the heaven on earth part, just with the part that says we are responsible for making it hell. Your illusory individualized minds makes it hell, yes, but it is just a puppet on a string like everything else.

Your mind makes it hell because it is an instrument of creation designed to perform a necessary function that is integral to the function of the whole. You can't separate those two even in those terms, the grand design needs the mind doing what it's supposed to do for this whole illusory creation to work at all. They work in tandem to present a world and to project yourself into it as inhabitant.

The "outside" world and your mind are colluding to make this happen. Materialists like to put all the blame on the outside world, spiritualists like to put all the blame on the inside world, but if you ask me they are both wrong. They are designed to work in tandem, neither could "exist" or function without the other, they are not separate in any way and therefore the blame rests on the whole of the design. Not just on a small part of it that can't even exist in its own right and without which the whole wouldn't even work.

Both the physical and mental are indeed illusory and there is really only one thing actually existing. This alone should tell you that, if there is such a thing as responsibility, there is only one place to put it. In other words that's where the buck stops, and nowhere else, as there is nowhere else for it to stop, or start.

The illusion has no power of its own, and this includes your individualized mind, it's all run by the same intelligence or god. And by god I mean the absolute in the capacity of maya. So-called god realization is really just maya realization, the absolute as such has no actual part in anything, but it's the only thing that actually exists so it all starts and ends there.

Why is there any blame to begin with. You said "the blame rests in the whole of the design". And I'm not even sure what you're opposing at this point.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 minutes ago, Squeekytoy said:

I was just responding to the common narrative as outlined above by @gettoefl (and then again by  @CoolDreamThanks who basically said the same thing).

That narrative says that god created paradise for us and we just ruined it. That's the narrative in Vedanta and basically the same narrative in the bible for example.

I said blame because I was too lazy to type responsibility, but that's what the narrative boils down to. That narrative tries to shove the responsibility for turning heaven into hell, onto its illusory inhabitants. I'm just calling it out for the obvious bullshit that it is.

I'm sure it is a teaching device meant to spur illusory inhabitants into action, but that doesn't make it true, nor worth believing if your goal is to dismantle false beliefs.

Makes sense?

Ok..i understand your point from your perspective. Makes sense? What does. My mind doesn't on it's own so making sense is only relative at this point. My mom and dad having sex and me popping out from an embryo and my typing this explanation as to how I got here doesn't make sense. So there. But seriously, I respect your POV. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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22 hours ago, gettoefl said:

this world is all you, your dream of going your renegade way with the bright idea of separating from god, you made hell out of heaven so man up and fix it ... the manual with its womanual is all online

Brother, what? When did I decide to separate from God? I was born into my circumstances.

21 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Whose to judge what a worthwhile challenge is?  That's relative.  So God just picks one.

I am. Problem with relativity is nothing is entirely true or entirely false so you can make a positive and negative case for any and everything. Still, we can mostly all agree things like murder and torture is wrong.

17 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

because God is not guy who is bored and does things, he is the living unlimited void taking ever more complex forms, evolving, creating with the limitless intelligence available in unlimited existence. If for that evolution you have to be a deformed dwarf sold by his family to a circus where you will be tortured in public for the amusement of an audience of psychopaths, that is what you will be.

Every minimal movement of reality is in the direction of more perfect complexity. everything must fit, harmonize. The cosmos is a living organism of unimaginable size in which everything fits perfectly. cycles within cycles within cycles, all in one immense infinite cycle.

Cool story but there's no true evolution or movement within eternity. All already is, so if we're in this pile of shit right now it's not because God is evolving, it's quite simply because that's what God is manifesting itself as. This very next second reality could jump forward into the equivalent of a billion trillion years of evolution and save us from this moronic existence, but it doesn't.

10 hours ago, Squeekytoy said:

The illusion has no power of its own, and this includes your individualized mind, it's all run by the same intelligence or god. And by god I mean the absolute in the capacity of maya. So-called god realization is really just maya realization, the absolute as such has no actual part in anything, but it's the only thing that actually exists so it all starts and ends there.

Precisely, all these bad choices from people are ultimately a manifestation of the absolute. But even the people in here have the idea that maybe if other people had taken better choices we'd be in a much better place and put the whole blame on them, without acknowledging that those choices are a manifestation of the absolute. If those people could've taken different choices, all things accounted for, they would've. But they couldn't, and they didn't, with no true control of their own. And now we're here.

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1 hour ago, michaelcycle00 said:

Cool story but there's no true evolution or movement within eternity. All already is, so if we're in this pile of shit right now it's not because God is evolving, it's quite simply because that's what God is manifesting itself as. This very next second reality could jump forward into the equivalent of a billion trillion years of evolution and save us from this moronic existence, but it doesn't.

Maybe God doesn't mind suffering a little, as it accounts for atleast half of the experiences possible.

1 hour ago, michaelcycle00 said:



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