
Chest pain/discomfort persist even after 2 years of the intense LSD trip

25 posts in this topic

Hi all,

Hope you all doing well. I would like to share something with you all, hope to get some advice/different perspective on my situation which I have been struggling with for a long time, I originally sent this message to @Leo Gura on to his direct message in September 2023, I guess he didn't get the chance to go through my message, as he receives 1000's of message every single day, so I'm posting this message into the public forum, so everyone can participate and share their perspectives, and help me to see my problem from different perspectives and maybe offer some solutions. Thanks in advance, also this post/discussion will also be helpful for someone who is also going through a similar experience, and looking for answers/guidance, and also this post could also highlight the certain dangers that may come with the use of Psychedelics, and how to prevent this type of extreme cases like mine, Psychedelics are great, but we also need to talk about the certain dangers that might come with them especially if you have any mental conditions like panic disorder etc.

Here is the original message:

Hi Leo,

My name is Inder, I have been your YouTube channel subscriber from past over 5 years, and joined this forum a couple of years ago. I have deep exposure to most of the content on your YouTube channel, I have watched 100s of your YouTube videos and finished your life purpose course. Not just consumed your content passively, but actually tried to embody it on a daily basis for the past 3 to 4 years. 

Overall my life has improved greatly, I'm building my career in the Data and AI space, that's the career I have identified for me from the life purpose course. You have trained me indirectly through your YouTube channel and life purpose course.  Basically, you are a verrrrrrrrrry big part of my identity, in the world of the internet where everyone is trying to bullshit each other, initially, I observed your teaching for many years, so I can decide if I can trust you. After years of learning from you, I have developed a deep trust in you, we never met, and I don't know how you are actually in real life, but in the world of online, you are the person I trust the most. Basically saying I'm deeply invested in your teachings.

Now, why I'm messaging you, I created a post on this forum 2 years ago about my GOD/Death experience on LSD and how it led to massive chest pain.

Here is the link to my original post:

After going to 2 Emergency visits to the hospital after LSD chest pain, and seeing a cardiologist, have done a Stress test, echocardiogram, Cardiac MRI, blood test, chest X-ray, Chest ultrasound, etc. Plus I visited 2 more doctors back home in India when I went to visit my family from Australia. I have done some medical examinations recently for my Visa purposes. In the end, everything came clear from the medical perspective. No issues at all. 

 I'm also suffering from GERD, Acid reflux, and muscular-skeletal chest pain. Have tried Sleepry elm bark powder, apple cider vinegar, drinking green juice, proper diet etc, to compact this chest pain and discomfort issues, but nothing really worked for a long period of time.

I don't really care about GERD and acid reflux too much, what really hurts me is the deep chest pain and the discomfort in my heart area, and difficulty breathing, almost every day feel like today is my last day. It all began after that LSD trip in which I died and experienced the GOD consciousness. 

is experiencing persistent chest pain and discomfort for many years is the cost of experiencing GOD, I thought LSD was the safest substance in the world, Before taking LSD I did deep research into it and bought a medical kit to test my product, it was all pure form of LSD. Still have chest pain and discomfort to this point, even right now as I'm typing I'm in slight pain in my chest area, just 30 min ago it got a little intense then I just sprayed some deep heat pain spray on my chest to feel a little comfortable. 

I tried to find answers to my chest pain issues everywhere from the medical point of view and my observations as well, whenver I tried to observe this chest pain and try to understand it, it felt very mysterious and unknown, not able to find the answers and solutions to this problem of chest pain and discomfort in 2 years.

I suspect this could be HPPD caused by LSD, or some kind of metaphysical pain that came from other dimensions. That's why all the medical reports came clear.

Somedays I think about why I followed Leo's path and why I went into the path of psychedelics and spirituality, it would be better if I just lived an ordinary life.

I suspect this LSD chest pain was caused by the deep anxiety that I had on that day, that massive panic attack I had before experiencing GOD, I feel like there is trapped anxiety in my chest area that is causing the chest pain and discomfort or my mind got traumatized or maybe this chest pain is just in my mind and doesn't actually exist in the physical body.

I don't know what to do, I don't know why this chest pain exists, and I don't know why I even took the LSD in the first place(I know it was my intuition, but again why I followed my intuition, and get myself in trouble)? I don't how to fix this issue. should I do more LSD/psychedelic trips? do more trips to heal my mind? I'm lost.

Leo, I'm directly messaging you after 2 years of pain, suffering, and fear of death on a daily basis, seeing many doctors, and tried different things. I wanted to explore all the options before reaching out to you for advice, pointers, and insights into my problem of chest pain/discomfort. 

What can I do?

Please help? 

Little update 27 Nov 2023: Acid reflux is almost gone by consuming apple cider vinegar every morning in the water, haven't had any major issues in the last 2months, that's a relief. But chest pain/discomfort still persists to this date.

Also, I'm seriously considering doing Mushroom trips in the future, and see if doing more psychedelics trips helps me with this problem, please guide me if this is the right way to go about his problem.

Thanks all, looking forward to hearing from you.


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It’s probably repressed emotions stuck in that area. You opened channels through  the use of the chemical that caused an increase of energy in the systems.

Cold be u have had some unprocessed trauma that u are not aware of


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Its almost certainly energetic in nature. Look into heart opening practices.

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@Giulio Bevilacqua Yeh, I also get the similar feeling, it could be the repressed emotions stuck in that area, because that LSD incident was quite extreme for me, my mind still in shock to this date, even just thinking about that incident, I get anxiety and water in my eyes, but in the last 2 years I have recovered a lot, but still a long way to go to fully heal my mind, what I learned from that experience is never push your comfort zone too much in a very short period of time, otherwise it leads to massive ego backlash, slow and steady progression works the best. 

Just curious have you also been through the similar experience and come out the other end fully healed?

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Yoga poses such as bridge, cobra, and camel as well as basic stretching with your hands clasped behind your back are good for physically opening the chest and heart region.

Heart centered breathing is useful as well. YouTube has many, find one you connect with.

There are many types of heart centered meditation, metta probably being the most well known. 

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12 hours ago, Inder said:

@Giulio Bevilacqua Yeh, I also get the similar feeling, it could be the repressed emotions stuck in that area, because that LSD incident was quite extreme for me, my mind still in shock to this date, even just thinking about that incident, I get anxiety and water in my eyes, but in the last 2 years I have recovered a lot, but still a long way to go to fully heal my mind, what I learned from that experience is never push your comfort zone too much in a very short period of time, otherwise it leads to massive ego backlash, slow and steady progression works the best. 

Just curious have you also been through the similar experience and come out the other end fully healed?

Yes I know this stuff body contractions going through it.

I give you some pointers and see what resonates most in you.

Continue with psychedelic experimentation with the intent to meet the physical contraction and see what hides behind it. Obviously this needs caution and low dosage and slowly upgrading. The risk is that u open more and more stuff that is hided In the body if you go too fast.

You may look into Scott Kiloby, he uses psychosomatic inquiry to unlock stuck trauma and repressed emotions in the body.

Workoutwitch, is a woman that uses soft physical movements to heal trauma. That’s only body based. 

Energy Transmission such Shaktipat could do the job. 


Edited by Giulio Bevilacqua

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@Inder  This sounds like birth trauma symptoms that got leaked because LSD weakened the repression system.

We all have some trauma stored in our system because of being born, which is very traumatic, but for most of us it is safely locked away by repression.

Birth trauma symptoms tend to be very physical and visceral, involving the heart and gut, cramps and pains, and the feeling/thought content is usually related to death, almost dying, wanting to die, or fighting for life.

I've seen it many times where LSD weakened the repression and now someone has new symptoms that get leaked.

It's a guess, but it's my best guess.

If you'd like to have an explanation, read Imprints: The Lifelong Effects of the Birth Experience, and The Biology of Love, both books by Arthur Janov.

If those books make sense for what you're going through, paths to healing will follow from there.

Definitely do not take LSD again, if my guess is right, the advice to continue with psychedelics is dangerous and will make it worse, not better.ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=P8SICW8342O7&keywords=biology+of+love&qid=1674590805&sprefix=biology+of+love%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-3

Edited by flowboy

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You probably just damaged your body. Psychedelics have the potential of doing that but people like to brush it under the rug. Or say it's all "spiritual" pain don't worry. Just do more psychedelics. Especially the problems with the heart area and lsd are very common. Why do you think Ram Dass the lsd guru had a stroke and went into a wheelchair? Stuck emotions? 

Also I smell a strong desire in you to do psychedelics again and I believe it will override all rationallity in you. If my guess is correct you're likely to invent any bs excuse possible just to justify doing psychedelics again regardless of your health safety. It's a common thing that happens in psychedelic communities. 

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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@halfknots Yeh I tried some yesterday, felt good after that, during yoga I really felt lot of tensions was concentrated around the heart area front and the back, thanks for the suggestion.

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@flowboy Interesting explanation, never thought of in that way before. I'll check the book. but thanks for your feedback.

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@Salvijus Thanks for your input, Ram dass died at the age of 88, had the stroke when he was 66, average world wide life expectancy is 72 years, in some countries like Afghanistan it is even lower probably around 60, so seems like he lived way more than majority of people on this planet, what else do you expect from a 66 old men, he had to have some health issues, having a stroke is very common in that age bracket.

I'm not trying to promot Psychedelics, its just having couple of trips in a year, helps us connect with Truth, and realise we can't escape pain, discomfort and death. and that is good reminder, because in any way you go in life, whether you want to make shit ton of money, or having an amazing career or get lots of pussies, it is going to require facing your biggest fears, and overcoming your limitations, and becoming a new person, that process itself is quite painful and feels like death sometimes. For me everything is spiritual whether is Money/career, pussies etc.

And if people are not going to die without the use of Psychedelics, they could die through other ways depression, shortage of money, stuck in comfort zone, natural calamities, disease, terrorism, by serial killer, car accident, plane crash, house fire, etc etc etc, I can keep on going with this list. 

So yeh life is a tricky beast, Yeah I'm craving some Psychedelics experience, its been a while, sometimes I get lost in my career, and busyness of life, sometimes I just need to chill the fuck up, experiencing the love, acceptance and Truth, to get my batteries recharged, and then continue playing the game called Life.

I agree with your point that sometimes people just brush off this type of psychedelic pains, just by saying it is just spiritual etc. and They fool themselves. Due to this exact trap that many people fall into, calling all pain spiritual, I have done varieties of medical tests, from various sources, and sometimes multiple time, so I don't fool myself, by ignoring medical science, but after going through the medical approach with no relief, now I'm trying to look for alternative ways, and alternative explanations.

Edited by Inder

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2 hours ago, Inder said:

after going through the medical approach with no relief, now I'm trying to look for alternative ways, and alternative explanations.

Okei that makes sense. But just be honest to yourself why you're doing it. Is it because you genuinely believe this will heal your pain or you simply can't help yourself and you want that experience at any cost. 

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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@Salvijus The reason why I'm considering Psychedelics again, because I waited 2 years, thought pain might go way in long run, but still it is going to this day, and after going through other non-psychedelic approach, with no results, so I'm thinking I need to visit the source of the problem which caused in the first place. Yeh it is risky, but having this pain for life is also risky.

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@Inder I think out of all the ways to deal with that problem. Psychedelics are the most risky and least logical and least likely to work. I think something else is driving your bahvior and thinking process and you can’t help yourself but to want them so badly. All your mind needs is a tiny possibility that it may work and bam. You're hooked. The story of dozens of psychonouts really. 

But it's fine. Would be interesting to hear how it went. Let us know :)

You cannot love what you need. 

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This is actually the only shaman that I respect and think he has a good balanced and deep knowledge on the subject of psychedelics. You can contact him and ask for his opinion on your situation and the pain etc. I've sent him an email previously, he does respond to them. 


You cannot love what you need. 

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What's your thoughts on me doing Psychedelics again in the future in order to imrove this chest pain and discomfort, do you think if psychedelic approach will help the situation or make it worse. Really interested in your opinion, I get the sense that you have decent Psychedelic experiences. And I have tried heart opening yoga, it was great, felt good in my chest area, but sooner or later discomfort returns if I skip any day. Thanks looking forward to hearing from you.

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You may have traumatized yourself. Have a look at the work of Dr Bessel van der Kolk on this topic and if you haven't already take a look at Leo's video about body awareness.

Deep breathing exercises, yoga, trauma release exercises (TRE) and myofascial release therapy are all things that you can try.

Edited by Monomachus

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On 11/26/2023 at 10:38 PM, Inder said:

is experiencing persistent chest pain and discomfort for many years is the cost of experiencing GOD

Seeing a guru writhing in agonizing pain is not conducive to having a productive satsang. Nonetheless, pain and GOD, IS.

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