Guys! Stop Seeing It As A "Rejection".

Princess Arabia
By Princess Arabia in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
I'm a female, so take it from me, we are not always rejecting you, perse, if we don't give you a number, go on a date or even acknowledge your approaches. It's not always about you. It's called making another choice.  If you chose to buy apples instead of oranges are you rejecting the oranges? No, you just chose to buy apples instead. If you didn't like how a particular shirt fit your taste and you chose to buy another shirt, we're you rejecting the other shirt? No, you chose the one that suited you best.  I see so many comments on here about how "she rejected me". No, she made another choice. Whatever you're doing in a particular moment something else is not being done. It's not always a rejection of one thing to chose something else. Sometimes, but not always. This is why we need to get over ourselves. I don't want to turn this into  Spiritual mumbo jumbo, but the Universe is doing it's thing and is rearranging circumstances to align with your core being and giving you what you ask for. But it doesn't happen on a physical level but on a mental level.  That so-called "rejection" might just be what you asked for. You don't know if she was the right fit for you but the Universe did, based on your alignment with it. People are constantly being selected and deselectted from your life without your conscious doing without you even realizing this is happening.  Bottomline, try not to take things personally, not in a "I don't give a fuck" way or, "her loss", or "I'm not good enough" way, but say to yourself "that's just not a right fit for me at the moment" kind of way.  Women get approached all the time, attractive or not (attraction is relative). It is how we have set it up. Men do the approaching. We as a society created that norm. So, it's not that we're rejecting you, it's more about making another choice that is most suited for us, whether it's the right choice or not is left to be seen. IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUT YOU. IT'S NOT ALWAYS A REJECTION OF YOU. Infact, it almost never is.   
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