The Renaissance Man

Why do you post on the forum?

13 posts in this topic

  • How is posting here worth your time?
  • In which ways does it help your survival? Because it does, otherwise you wouldn't do it.
  • Why posting here rather than doing anything else?
  • Why doing anything else rather than posting here?

I'm asking these questions with no bias. The question is "why", and not "should you do it".

Given all of you are in the forum investing your time (me included), I think this is a very valuable question to answer thoughtfully.

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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18 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:
  • How is posting here worth your time?

Because it's nice.

18 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:
  • In which ways does it help your survival? Because it does, otherwise you wouldn't do it.

So I shouldn't take a shower because it's not necessary for my survival?

18 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:
  • Why posting here rather than doing anything else?

Why do anything else instead of being here? It's just a hobby alongside my work and other activities.

18 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:
  • Why doing anything else rather than posting here?


18 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:

I'm asking these questions with no bias. The question is "why", and not "should you do it".

Given all of you are in the forum investing your time (me included), I think this is a very valuable question to answer thoughtfully.


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Milowda na animals!!! To only perform activities helping survival.

I'm here to read enlightening posts, and to see Someone here's progression in the gaylands. But mostly for the enlightening posts. I ignore lots of the things that don't interest me, so I'm not really wasting time.

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Sometimes I skip all other members bla bla bla and search just for the post of Leo and some other members who I got the intuition that gave insigthfull answers in the past. My bias? Yes. So what, as the owner of my own time and energy I read, answer and spend as I wish with what I wish. I call it energetic authority. Knowing well that I need to balance the time energy I spend on this activity because life demand other stuff to keep running. Is Survival? Yes. For every word I write I assume there will be some other out there to read and to value or devalue or this or that, so there is this suble assumption that what I say matter and what other say matter or thar one say matter more that other, when in fact Love is the realization thar there is no difference bettwen anything. 

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I’ve been on online forums even before Actualized existed. 

I guess I have a forum fetish.


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On 5.12.2023 at 6:10 AM, Yimpa said:

I’ve been on online forums even before Actualized existed. 

I guess I have a forum fetish.

When I was a kid the interesting part of the series ALF for me was besides the telescope that communication device. It was so old tech but I was fascinated to be able to communicate with people from other side of the globe. Forums are so comfortable to do that. I love that one does not have to care much about others feelings and concentrate on the truth.

When I was a kid my tribe was build on lies. That is why I love searching for truth. Communication is the most natural way to do it. 

I said it before because the this forum has a lot of spiritual woo woo trolls have a hard time gaslighting people here. So that makes the forum nicer than others.

Also so forum is not very high IQ otherwise I would not understand anything. Maybe when I get the Elon implant I can upgrade the platform.

Edited by Epikur

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I enjoy the discussion primarily. There aren't a lot of forums on the internet where you can discuss nearly anything without general partisanship in how the forum itself is run. It is well moderated and it is a great resource if you are into self-help, spirituality and want to learn more about humankind.

I care the most about the politics sub-forum since I enjoy learning and discussing how humans work.

I've quit most social media platforms since they are not conducive to discussion (Reddit, Twitter, etc.). Non-algorithmic, "old-school" forums are the best places for high quality discussions on the internet.

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On 25/11/2023 at 1:42 PM, Schizophonia said:

Because it's nice.

So I shouldn't take a shower because it's not necessary for my survival?

Why do anything else instead of being here? It's just a hobby alongside my work and other activities.



shower is important, because hygiene is direct health.

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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On 25/11/2023 at 1:20 PM, The Renaissance Man said:
  • How is posting here worth your time?

I take the work I do here seriously. And sometimes I have some fun too. It's worth it.

On 25/11/2023 at 1:20 PM, The Renaissance Man said:
  • In which ways does it help your survival?

Consuming information. But also, contribution to the whole.

On 25/11/2023 at 1:20 PM, The Renaissance Man said:
  • Why posting here rather than doing anything else?
  • Why doing anything else rather than posting here?

Doing other things becomes more juicy because of the work that I do here.

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I think Leo is top of the class, and there are high level people on this forum... A lot of lazy asses , but people who are open-minded and self-aware and wanting to grow and such things...  I think base line for level of substance for the individuals here is higher than other communities, and there's a lot of younger people in relatively same positions in life (more relatable people) 


I post here to get 2nd opinions from fellow fans of top dawg Leo, because deep down I'm moved to advocate for this stuff... And in my spare time I get on subreddits like NonDuality , Consciousness , Adulting - and I leave helpful comments / make informative posts sharing my thoughts when im feeling inspired.



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You can meditate for 3 hours a day, or be on this forum for 3 hours a day.

Depending on the individual, one is more productive than the other.


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I already write in my common-place book/note-taking app anyway. The act of writing by itself helps me flesh out those ideas/insights. Here at least I get to have others answering from time to time. I also spend 95% of that time just consuming the content that's very specific to the issues I'm facing. I look for very specific info of the forum by searching through Google ("search"). But I have to limit it, I tend to stay too much on theory.


Edited by Lucasxp64


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On 25/11/2023 at 0:20 PM, The Renaissance Man said:

•How is posting here worth your time?

Access to multiple perspectives from others that have a higher development of intellect, reasoning, awareness, meta analysis and genuine curiosity about the nature of reality.

other forums or social media tend to descend into attack or defence reactively instead of responsibly. 

it is not for the faint hearted or egoic mind here and can be seen as a harsh environment for one not used to taking responsibility for one’s perspectives or questioning them. A lot of spiritual groups can be ‘love and light’ but completely ignore genuine inner transformational work. 

it’s not really a matter of survival even though putting one’s self through a blender and rearranging it can better prepare one for going out and navigating the world relative to the infinite diversity out there without perceiving it as traumatic or struggling with its complexity. 

doing the theory in here is almost like a safe space for contemplative meditation, feedback and experiment.


having direct experience of source is one thing but going on to explore the universe is another. Choosing what to become interested in and explore is probably the most difficult part. 

having said that I don’t spend allot of time here. I check in from time to time. The work is out there now where when the awakenings started I would be glued to in here. 

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