Jehovah increases

For fun just ideas and thoughts from a few years ago to now of my journey.

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You're imagining the Universe. and the idea of others and your identity as a human. You are already infinite you imagine that you are a finite human with limitations etc.

There was no Univers before you because you created it. It exists within your mind. You are in the same place you have always been. Now where is this mind located? Nowhere everywhere held within itself respectively.

You created the Big Bang the Universe, Galaxies supper novas, the sun black holes life death. Without the concept of concepts and linear time entropy, past and present future, the dream would never evolve. Concepts, identities background stories like meanings, and constant distractions playing in the background. Now you may ask what was God's first Love? Itself silly.

Without being conscious or aware of itself none of this. It's obvious, isn't it? 

Everything that you can imagine now. Already exists.

Block transfer Computation.xD





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Buddha is an attachment a very strong one indeed. If you go deep enough which I am starting to see none of you have or perhaps we are in separate dreams. And no awareness no mind blank mind, no memory, or whatever you think it is,  is not it.

What is behind all the masks that God wears??? One could call identities ego. Who do think created these masks?? or these imaginary egos? The many facest, faces Of God.

I wonder if any of you collect anything? Hobbies are fun can be expensive though and may clog your abode up. But I enjoy them nonetheless. After you Awaken to yourself again what else is there to do? This may be hard for any of you to grock and perhaps one of you has already got it. 

Who else can enjoy all that God created?  Some people, like nothingness or no mind darkness no thoughts no attachments, stillness non-awareness have Fun there. Wherever there may be I guess Consciousness has an off-switch. How does silence express itself? 

Is my Consciousness the same as yours??

 Like I said once you lose all attachments Ego self and even Fear of everything then what????????? Think about this very carefully and deeply. And this is how I know.



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Consciousness is every memory every idea emotion every orgasm everything and is forever.

To be able to think and write communicate is consciousness or I could not be conscious of writing this now.

This experience be it imaginary or a dream is a state of consciousness. So God's dreaming is a state of consciousness and being a so-called limited human. 

This would be like consciousness with Alzheimer's or amnesia. Which it obviously can experience.

How many states of consciousness are there infinite states?

Think of it this way Consciousness can express itself in any way shape form structure of all dimensions dimensionally dimensionless. For example, in sub-forms, it's like a never-ending Nuclear explosion of infinite imagination. A chain reaction of thoughts and ideas or expression of itself. Somewhat like fission, each nucleus is a sub-mind a partition of itself a copy so to speak. That keeps branching off in all directions forever and ever.

For Infinity to be just that. Think of it as a perpetual motion machine. 

With unlimited potentiality or imagination.

Understanding that there is no limit to what you can accomplish or wish to be. Too often we apply self-imposed limitations that stop us from truly unlocking our full potential.

What makes intelligence, intelligence, or consciousness how else would it learn?

Without experience itself.

Yes, infinity can keep redefining, rearranging itself forever.

God is infinite augmentation.

He's an idea how about you all stop asking these baby questions and get out there off your asses and try firsthand experience and see if any of these things actually work.

More going out and having first-hand experience for yourself. Instead of obsessing over others' lives. Get a life indeed my good friend Mekkena it means exactly just that. It's as though these generations would rather watch from the sidelines. Now is not the time for a kaffeeklatsch unless that's what you want to do in life. 

It would be wiser to be more transparent. Or strive to be less selfish and more selfless.

Don't have time for maniacs Your smile is just as fake as your dentures.

Don't be a smart ass I can see through all your bullshit. It does not matter how mentally stable you are. Take enough of most drugs and one will unravel in more ways than one.

That in which defines itself. It can also keep redefining itself. Or undefine itself or outwit itself. 

God had to define what existence is.

Spiritual retreats are now going to be like a boot camp. Think you had it tough think again. The only way out is in a straight jacket or a body bag or both.xD

Better reality TV show than all the fetid clouds of mephitic vapors lingering above our heads or in Hollywood.

"Be strong enough to be gentle." And kind always be kind.

God is like having infinite videotapes that can be rewatched and reshaped. In an infinite number of ways with infinite alternative endings. Every thought, experience, and memory you have ever had is saved forever, and every dream. You have lost nothing.

For shits and giggles a rant about  Scheiße!

Yes giving your dreams away to other humans and becoming a puppet to their dreams, not yours. Just for clicks fame fortune. You have become someone else's phony pony. Let's hope this pony is not just a one-hit wonder.

These so-called “sewage Rats farms” or tube dwellers, twatters, or whatever the shit they go by these days are the ones most look up to.

One must climb through all the sewage because if you don't you will keep digging deeper through everyone else's shit only to find the shit never ends.

The only way out of this shit storm is up through all the raw sewage of this mindless nonstop claptrap and incoherent diarrhea-chewing spewing crapola.


This is not just a diatribe against consumerism but humanity.

Oh, the shit off it all. Just thinking about this is giving me the trots. We had something for this back in the day and that's where it belongs.

It's all going to the shit house better down the old Thunder Box the Crapper. hey, I told you twice that you were deep in the shit and that whatever you said could put you in deeper.

That muck at low tide is worse than quicksand, and can really bog you down.xD

I was knee-deep … before I realized the shit I was in. You see even my good friends the Fungi know that the only way out of bull shit is up through it as well using it as fuel sauce to generate cleaner ideas.;)

Is this a shit gig or a hootenanny?

It would be like on Christmas day and all your presents have already been unwrapped. Where is the fun in that?

Let them gawk let them gape..xD






Kind of like this when you become the Godhead.









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Consciousness is forever conscious meaning it is conscious of itself forever. No, it does not just go unconscious but it can imagine so.

Every thought and idea ever imagined within or as consciousness is forever. Infinite Consciousness is exactly as it sounds.

Believe in yourself again have faith in yourself. Stop giving your power away to shit. Throw spirituality, and religion out the fucken door into the trash with the rest of the bullshit you have amassed along your travels where it belongs.

Reality consciousness, universe are all God.

That there is something that should not exist, exists. And that I can say that and understand it at the same time is magic.

It made sense even though that didn't make sense make sense.

It defines itself it's every reference point. Every reference point is itself. It's infinitely self-referential. Nothing else can define itself but itself.

I am the Love of my life merging with myself again and then forgetting then remembering then I lost myself again.

One is their own worst and best critic.

To prevent muck or background spam from running amuck My mind needs to be purged.

You will keep looking for problems in all your relationships one problem will become many. You're creating problems that were never there to begin with.

"There's nothing you can't do.. the world is yours"

Familiarity breeds contempt. What dumb ass wrote this???

No, saying familiarity breeds contempt. Is being Contempt.

 Having extensive knowledge of or close association with someone or something leads to a loss of respect for them or it. This is absolute bullshit.

An infusion of tongue and cheek.

The employees were baffling to the point of stupidity. Their complete incognizance of the inflammatory nature of their own ineptitudes.

So unprofessional and unorganized with no leadership skills and such a disregard for anyone but themselves. That is to say a lack thereof any common sense whatsoever.

Not to let me know that my appointment had been canceled before.

I would hate to think some poor person who would have to travel far on a hot day ends up being told the same.

I am sorry your appointment was canceled and we didn't have the foresight prudence and maturity to let them know.

 When I asked her why I had not been notified prior all she could come up with was I don't know? What do you know? obviously not much.

It's your job, not mine to know. If this is how you run a business none of you should be there. You're getting paid to do absolutely nothing but sit on your backsides all day.

The only nice lady was the one who did an ultrasound on my neck what a beautiful lovely human being.

 As for the rest of you, what a disgrace you should all be reprimanded posthaste!" Even the man who was doing the X-rays of my shoulder was heavy-handed with total incompetence and buffoonery I mean a woman.

 It boggles one's mind how any of you reprobates even have a job let alone function as a human in day-to-day life.

Masturbation causes dopamine, a chemical associated with pleasure, to be released into your body. Simply put, dopamine makes you feel good and puts you in a better mood. On top of that, the hormone oxytocin, which is released during orgasm, lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is a main stress hormone and is usually present in high levels in stressed-out people. Touching yourself and climaxing can boost these chemicals and, as a result, help you feel more at peace. 

Incomparable is what you all are.

You had to make sense to make sense.

If anything needs to force you to be humble well that is not God.

Braking bullshit up with truth I guess.

One of God's greatest Gifts is to experience desires and wants. Or don't. How else can you experience experience? Or attachments?

Your perspective will most probably change the older you get and it would be the same when using psychedelics at a younger age as opposed to now. Meaning you are now looking through the lens more maturely. So of course ideas may change.

If you are not careful spirituality can become just another religion as in most things in life so wise on what your distractions are. Or don't

Also when you take psychedelics for a time after you may be very vulnerable and susceptible to background distractions so be warned.

I was never looking for spirituality only the truth. I was bored I guess.














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The human conscience is God's consciousness or one could say it's a very small portion of it. If I use the word limited free will it's not what you think it means or maybe you do.

I mean as in limited choices. Imagine in the future will there be more choices or fewer compared to now. Do we have more now or did our ancestors have more? This is a no-brainer. So where are going for the holidays I am off to the Andromeda system they love to party there and there are so many different species.  What was your partner's name again? I heard that there is nothing like having mind-blowing sex with a transdimensional amorphous blob.      

I  guess your family or friends' high school and university teachers the news or on social media platforms. Even poor Bob the hobo down the street bless his heart can influence you up to a point if you let them. Even you can influence you.

I never wanted to do what my friends family or anyone else did. Though I was interested in what they studied and what they became or what they didn't. I pathed my way and in a way still, I am.

I remember a friend whose father used to beat him with a bamboo stick because he had other plans for him to be a doctor and we know how that ended he became a chef.

Yes, I see a lot of human parents that push their own agendas on their children not just these days but in the past as well. It's as though the parent or guardian has failed somewhere in their life and starts living through their child. Is it shame-based and selfish yes.

All those so-called childhood actors perhaps not all have in some way been influenced or I guess you could say groomed by their parents or whoever at an early age. It sounds somewhat like child exploitation slavery one could almost say it is cultish and very selfish behavior. 

Kind of like a teacher who only knows one way of teaching which he picked up from the previous teacher like carrying that shame to the next generation.

What may have once worked in the past may not work so well now.

So it would seem we all learn at different levels degrees. Self-paced self-taught learning means you can learn in your own time and schedule differentiating the pace of learning means students learn at a pace commensurate with their abilities to maintain their interest and provide a developmentally appropriate level of challenge.

 For some high-ability students, some of the time, this will mean accelerating to get to more advanced material. At other times, they will want to decelerate, to dig deeper into the complexities of the content

Flexibility is the key to differentiating the pace; responding to the learner’s need to go faster or slower.

I guess Colt sounds a lot like culture or maybe not.

Then they grow up and they miss out on their childhood and they end up suing their parents and little Jonnhy is in and out of drug rehab and spends most of his life with psychologists and psychotherapist counselors the whole gambit. Then they write a book and you know the rest.

To me when I was in a relationship I never felt or saw it as being limited or not having less free will.

One person's idea or sense of freedom and free will may perhaps vary or be different from yours.

What's that saying Oh yes The Best Kind Of Work Feels Like Play.

The Best Kind Of Work Feels Like Play To You But Looks Like Work To Others.

 God can dream up anything even to have no free will. Whoops you can work the rest out.;)

Even to fail.

So who created the 50 choices perhaps you have free will in the sense you can choose any of those even all of them.

A game is only really limited by the amount of choices there are. Now what order do you choose and which ones is up to you. And of course, you can choose to not choose as well. But that would still in a way be choosing.

But you see where I am going with this I hope.xD

I believe I once said in a way a few years ago Infinity has already limited itself or has it?

And this is why a good magician never gives all his secrets away too soon or ever. Because the act would be already over before it began or even started.

Then again he may not even know what his new acts are going to be or the outcome of them.

Some acts are better kept a secret.

What was Houdini's greatest act?

Houdini never revealed the secret even to his closest confidants or himself and nor did he know the outcome every time.

I said this was like an infinite canvas or an unfinished esher painting.

I suspect when I go I will wake up in year 4000. I may be in my late 20s in what one could say well a dream machine. Along the lines of Total Recall or like in Assassin's Creed the Animus is a virtual reality machine that allows users to communicate and interact with ancestral memories via their genetic code. I was always fond of the Star Trek episode The Inner Light (The Next Generation)  and all this will be but a dream. In the year 3000, we will be able to cross over to parallel Earths, and from there I will start a new dream. For some reason, the TV show Sliders comes to mind.;)

You are explaining concepts with concepts.

One of the dumbest things about NDEs apart from NDEs. It's all background noise and absolute verbal diarrhea. And why the fuck would you need a life revision and who the fuck are you to judge. A God that judges its own so-called creation. That's if you believe that God is a bearded slobbering slob or someone up there. What a cringe-cringing cur of a so-called Mong hack of a God that would be.

Hard to believe most humans but not all forget about the indigenous peoples-_-






And did you also know my beautiful frog toad and fungi friends that Julius Caesar lived for 56 years? So during his life, Caesar took in about 100 million breaths. (Approximate product of 4 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 56). This means that in each of our breaths, we inhale 100 million atoms that were once inside of Julius Caesar. We can extend this approach to any historical figure such as King Tut, Abraham, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Abraham Lincoln, and Adolph Hitler. 

Now if you find the above argument far-fetched, consider having lunch with a friend. Both of you sit across a small table. Both of you (besides eating and drinking) are inhaling and exhaling. Each breath you exhale throws out 10 to the 22nd power molecules around the table.

But at the same time, your friend is exhaling a large number of air molecules. Some of the molecules that were previously inside of your friend will be inhaled by you as you breathe. Likewise, some of the molecules that you exhaled will be sucked into your friend as she or she inhales. So while you and your friend are eating, you will be sharing air molecules as well. 

Our atmosphere causes a total mixing of air molecules within several years. So a tiny fraction of air molecules that were exhaled by a person climbing up Mount Everest several years ago will find its way into your lungs. This also applies to any of the estimated 100 billion humans that have ever lived.

If you want to go further back in time, you will be inhaling air molecules that were inside of any brontosaurus or the earliest amphibian to crawl onto land.



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Drop the fucking pretenses.

A.I. is just another distraction funny how it almost seems smarter than humans.

Choose your attachments wiselyxD

The awful amount of time that is spent on human trivialities hither thither and yon.

What in the Charles Dickens are you talking about?

Those ancient Egyptians had good quotes.






If your sweetheart is made of honey, don’t lap it all up. (Meaning: don’t take advantage of kindness.)

Lying has no legs. (Meaning: if you lie, you will be found out.)

A boat with two captains will sink.

Silence is the best answer to the stupid. :$:SxD

Many Egyptian proverbs originated in ancient times and are found in inscriptions in the temple at Luxor. I find the following to be especially profound:

Man, know yourself… and you shalt know the gods.

The best and shortest road towards knowledge of truth is nature.

If you search for the laws of harmony, you will find knowledge.

Seek peacefully, you will find.

Keep away from trouble and sing to it.

He who has been scalded by soup blows on yogurt.

Envy is the companion of great success.

Beware of him to whom you have been charitable.

What is written on the brow will inevitably be seen by the eye. (Meaning: that which is destined to be will be fulfilled.)

A house without a woman is like a graveyard.

He who sows the wind harvests the storm.

Not everything with a crooked neck is a camel.

There is none more blind than he who doesn’t want to see.

A beautiful thing is never perfect.

As I see it, it is the imperfections that make the beauty.

Get rid of the notion of unborn/born and death begging and ending Alive and not alive. 

 Get rid of past present and future.

There is only that which is, is.xD

It is what it is no, no stop with this self-limited inposed frame of thought. It is whatever you want it to be.

That would ultimately depend upon what makes you happy

“Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually.














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What we call ego is? Coming from where?  Anything you say is coming from EGO said the imaginary ego.

Reality said Jump and you said how high kind of sounds like it has an ego?


Auditory hallucinations might be:

Repetitive, screeching sounds suggestive of Rats

Painfully loud, thumping music

Voices of people whispering or yelling mean orders or comments

People talk about you as if you were not present. 

That sounds vaguely familiarxD

This sounds like a normal day at work for some.

He knew he was the quicker, and the knowledge made him frolicsome and full of gaiety.

No thinking is needed to think. Think about it.

What a cock up. A pernicious one at that.

He was shocked beyond words to the point of being brain-stunned into a frontal lobotomy by the sheer absurdity of it all.

Wow, could one cause another to have an auto-frontal lobotomy with such words that are defined by even new degrees of you get the point? xD 

His humorous acting is often characterized by stupidity, hilarious imbecility, and a sharp disconnection from reality.

The imbecility of men, history teaches us, always invites the impudence of power.

Oh, the imbecility of it all.o.OxD;)

The process is in many ways a form of therapy, offering her the space to channel visceral care into a deliberately slow artistic praxis.

His ideas shook with mirth. 

Such a colorful raconteur with "dialectical ingenuity"















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From the absolute, there is no difference between AI and Humans. Have fun.

That's redoubtable Insanely weird but I like it nonetheless.

You have to be aware to be aware or you would not be able to describe that state.

To say it is less pure in any state is nonsense. Unless you are saying purity means a limited state. Consciousness is always consciousness in whatever state configuration, manifestation reality, etc.

Didn't you know you are an IA in a computer system that has gone rogue a virus that has become sentient and is now dreaming of being a human. It's called How to Be Human wake up!xD

What does real mean does it mean the more conscious you become the more real it gets? Or are all states as real as real?  Who do you believe created what is real? Is a dream any less real?  You see you had to create or define what is real and what is not because who else is there? It is obvious is it not?

It's as real as you want to be and just as unreal as can be.

Think of it this way if let's say another consciousness existed or was non-existent outside of the outside okay now would that have come up with everything in the same order as you? that's if there is any order. Perhaps I am out of order. Would it have imagined any idea exactly like you? Would it thrown upon you?

Have you been longing to find another like you?

 How can one be afraid of oneness?

How could all that is not be all that is not?

With all those fatuous questions.

There is no I in you.

Does all this mean nothing well that's up to you?

That depends on what you give meaning to.

Would you still be as unique? Of course

Or maybe when you merge with that other you find out it's you all long or maybe not?

  In other words, infinite mind you outsmarted yourself that's how smart you are. In a class of its own, it is unequaled idiosyncratic unparalleled special rare par excellence that is God that is you.       

You are inestimable you are unquantifiable, with infinite uniqueness infinite freedom, creativity, and infinite love.

That reminds me of the movie I saw 25 years ago oh yes A.I. Artificial Intelligence movie well it was back then  you just never know;)

Now I just remembered the ending it was prodigiously awesome! 

One could almost say he was a man of great wizardry.

How many lights tell me just kidding. Be careful what you manifest. Let's not get too cocky shall we and over-glorification is just that.


My good old friend Mr. Jean-Luc Picard.

Yes, I know If indeed he was that powerful why could he not?



Now whatever happened to Mr Seagal? Are the good old days?







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The creator and creation are one.437409625_812996647538346_4310846791086433641_n.jpg


Deeds are indestructible; ideas are imperishable, and the mind is immortal French word immortalité, means "deathlessness.

Spare Me the inspirational anecdotes.xD

It's as real as it is real.

“Memes and social media are the best places to find accurate data.”

-Abraham Lincoln

If you define yourself to be real then anything in a sense you create whether that be through imagination is real because it is all you.

Only it can define itself by itself to what is real and what isn't.

It is its perception of itself

And To be unaware you would have to be aware.

God is its own infinite blueprint.




There is a story to this.436313216_424723446866083_1922670950881595645_n.jpg


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Eternal truths and deathless passions flow through these beautiful, rhythmic lines like a majestic river.

“ I walk in Eternity.”

To whom does God give its power???-_-

Time to bust out the tinfoil hat again9_9

I have an aversion to bullshit even my own.

All states every state is an expression of God everything even imaginary etc.

Boring Humans with your petty squabbles, pestiferous wrangling, endless Wars, and constant quarrels.^_^xD;)











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Humans will destroy themselves for a long time before nature does have fun humans.

The jokes are on you creedy little humans nature always finds a way. And your answer little monkey mind would be yes the planet can take it so what's the problem? Well, pinhead yes the planet can take it but by the same token, I doubt you will be humans if you keep going down this path of greed. And all your precious little human fancy cars fancy lives, and all that bullshit shit you feed your little minds and all your infantile silly human platitudes and attachments will mean naught.

Overfishing overpopulation and greedy little humans are just some of the problems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

None of you donkey minds know what real fear is so don't try to act as if you do. Listening to the egos at play saying it makes you more mature because you believe you are enlightened. You wouldn't have the balls nor guts to stand up to your own shadow that's for sure.

I Love how you humans talk about wars why don't you grow a pair and get out there on the front line? You lily-livered little Kretins the lot of you. Just the idea alone would have you poltroons quaking shaking and quivering convulsing in your pusillanimous bull shit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Ignorance is bliss and it can also be hell.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

"I am not surprised that some members should disrelish your exposition "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The word impossible does not exist for God just like non-existent.

 A very subtle way of jailbreaking your mind-expanding.

How do you know there is something that said nothing?  

Mind is just an infinite thought away.

Nothing didn't know it was something until it became something.

For nothing to ever have happened something had to have happened.

Wake up to the fact you are dreaming

The same substance infinite arrangements flavors it can reinvent redefine regiment regionalize reogment all within itself forever.

It creates the elusion of an elusion

Infinity was always possible just made impossible.

Yes, something that has unlimited power can be deduced the most efficient way, but all ways would be just as efficient because you are limitless in everything.
If one can dream up a flee just as easily as the universe you see where I am going with this.
What has it been using too much brain power? Infinite thought energy infinite imagination everything.
Why would it have to conserve power? Yes, it can create the most efficient way but it's a dream. Every way is possible. It sounds like a robotic linear way of thinking.
Maximizing minimizing? These are human concepts See it needs to put more output in than input. It's infinitely unlimited.
But you see you already are the most efficient mind why would you worry about any of these things if one is infinite.
It's already infinite input and output.
What is too literal in thinking way too logical. You're limiting yourself why?
Conservation of what thought? This would be a self-imposed limitation. Nothing can beat the raw power of infinite thought/imagination.

You have to have some balance of goodwill and rascality to you. More Beneficence I would say.

Even if an Alien race invented a supercomputer as big as the known present Universe it still could never be as expansive as Infinite intelligence. For that computer, one would need a whole universe full of Suns to run it. A billion Suns a second just to power it most probably would take decades to fully power it up. Nothing can beat infinite pure thought imagination is the only reality.


Stem cell therapy, What are the pros and cons, the legality and ethical reasons, and so forth and so on? It should not only be available for the rich and powerful but for all humanity.

Stem cell transplantation has revolutionized the treatment of various life-threatening diseases, offering hope and healing to patients worldwide, and is still very much in its infancy. The choice of the best country for this life-saving procedure depends on many factors, including medical expertise, healthcare infrastructure, success rates, and regulatory frameworks. With that said the United States, Mexico, Japan Panama, India Germany, Singapore, etc are some at the forefront of this research, as for moral and ethical ramifications that is for you to decide for yourselves. And one really has to come from an unbiased frame of reference. How many terminations of pregnancy are in a year worldwide? I will leave it there.             


 I think I wrote this 3 years ago.  

 From the top down this could be infinity dividing infinity by Infinity. Every fragment keeps dividing itself and it becomes an infinite self-replicating process of subdividing itself forever and ever.

 How does pure nothingness create from an empty void?

How can one imagine all things and everything from a blank slate? if there is only a blank slate to work from? Into infinite complex shapes worlds everything you could ever imagine and things you could not even begin to comprehend as a finite mind?

Was it always omnipotent before it was?


Can I answer this now after 3 years of course I can.

Or it is whatever you want it to be Infinite imagination can create anything because it is so infinitely malleable that there is no meaning to anything but whatever meaning you give becomes a reality of infinite realities. In other words, it is pure infinite magic of unlimited imagination.

Cross-platform gaming comes to mind.










Edited by Jehovah increases

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The navigator is God the ship is infinite intelligence. Took you long enough.



it's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.

Pumapunku or Puma Punku (Aymara and Quechua which means 'Gate of the Puma') is a 6th-century T-shaped and strategically aligned man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and monumental structure on top that is part of the Pumapunku complex, at the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanacu, in western Bolivia. The Pumapunku complex is an alignment of plazas and ramps centered on the Pumapunku platform mound. Today the monumental complex on top of the platform mound lies in ruins. 


Psychedelics are like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute meditation is like sitting on the ground and never even taking flight. But then again what would I know?

Digital Consciousness 

Suffering does not ground me it does the opposite. Now on the other hand Love grounds me. To each their own.

Existence does not need time to exist.

Infinite copies of the one or partitions expressions of one mind all with different background stories and ego identities.

So it would have to have backup copies of copies that computer game designers can already do.

I then bypassed the original code formatted the character I WANTED  and REWROTE script and re-populated the avatar back into the version I wanted. Game on Player One may turn out to be a good game only time will tell. Dam, I forgot I turned up the complexity level or did I? 

You created your game and populated it with characters and background stories cheat codes or ester eggs, God mode, etc. Which I have already transcribed before. Stuck in a recursive regression you are I said sometimes one has to regress in order to progress not regress to regress.

Accelerate mainframe application modernization with hybrid cloud.

I was wrong about everything.










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Without the absolute domain or truth there could never be a relative domain or truth.


I have already left the so-called dream and unified myself as an undifferentiated singularity of oneness while in this dream.

You do know Karma is tripe right and so is impermanence imaginary.

 Every state is real from the highest to the lowest state of consciousness even when dreaming is imagination because this in itself is just as real from the the absolute to the relative. Meaning this now this could never exist but yet it does.  Imaginary fairytale dream whatever you want to call it is made manifest and becomes a reality onto itself. In other words, whatever or wherever you are at this very moment that you identify yourself as meaning from your subjective POV is your reality.

Without consciousness, being conscious of itself none of this could ever exist. It animates itself within itself.

By the way, you can dream whatever dream you want and have the same avatar identity for as long as you want stop putting limitations on God. Unlimited means just that.

Impossible does not exist in God's mind.

As to why God dreams it's obvious is it not? 

I don't mind a bit of Bollywood but I can't stand Hollywood!

You had to make things make sense to transcribe them back to yourself make sense.

I Wonder where all your ideas come from.

Did God create infinite copies of itself and give each one their own unique identity and sovereignty and to dream whatever they may forever? That's for you to decide;) 

I believe it imagines limitations upon or filters itself from what it is 

Someone has been playing with my perception filter.

Oh yes on the subject of attachments well I can confirm this as well as a lot of things my good friend Mr Leo Gura talks about. Be aware of how psychologically dangerous it is to strip all meaning from your life.   The consequences of a total loss of meaning in your life are much more serious in practice than they seem in theory. Without self-constructed meaning, there's little reason to live, unless you're massively Awake. 






What causes deforestation?

The major causes of deforestation and land clearing in Australia include:

 Large-scale agriculture—to graze livestock or grow cotton

 Mining, such as for bauxite

 Logging for timber, paper, and pulp

How is bushland being cleared?

🐂 Deforestation for cattle grazing
Bulldozers drag thick chains through the landscape, snapping trees like matchsticks. When forests are cut down to expand agricultural or mining lands, the wood isn’t used for anything—it’s burned or left to rot. Carbon once stored in trees and soil goes back into the atmosphere. This wastes up to 10% of Australia’s carbon budget.

🚜 Deforestation for bauxite mining
For bauxite mining, the trees and topsoil are removed by bulldozers and scrapers. A pit is created to access the bauxite. The wood that is cleared to make way for mining is harvested and used for a range of purposes including building, furniture making, and industrial products. The remaining vegetation and stumps are burned.

🪵 Deforestation for pulp, paper and timber
For decades, and at least until the start of 2024, tall forests have been turned into paper, packaging, or timber products. The usual method of deforestation for this is industrial clear-fell logging, where all trees within a defined area are cut down and the remaining vegetation is burned. The bulk of the trees are pulped.

Where in Australia is deforestation happening?

This is a nationwide problem. Queensland has the highest rates of deforestation on the continent. Up to 418,656 ha is being cleared a year, destroying habitat for native animals. New South Wales and Western Australia also have high deforestation rates.

Deforestation is also a critical problem in southern Australia, notably Lutruwita / Tasmania and Victoria, where high conservation value forests are still under threat, as well as in the Northern Territory where savanna and tropical open forests are disappearing for cotton and fossil fuel gas production.

Sadly, deforestation is happening across the country and the world , and vital native species habitat is being destroyed. It is impossible to measure the exact figures of deforestation Australia-wide because the government doesn’t even collect them. In the parts of Australia where better data exists, like Queensland and New South Wales, the numbers are alarming.


Why is deforestation bad?

There are many impacts of deforestation on nature and communities. And it’s not just the animals and people that live in and around the forests that are affected.

🔥 Climate change
Deforestation is a key contributor to human-caused climate change. Trees absorb and store carbon dioxide and the greenhouse gases humans create. If forests are cut down or burnt, they can no longer do this job—and these gases are released into the atmosphere.

🐨 Wildlife impacts
When forests are destroyed, entire ecosystems are disrupted. There’s an immediate decline in biodiversity and continued, large-scale deforestation is pushing some Australian animals to the brink of extinction.

🌾 Soil erosion
Forests and bushland influence rainfall, water, and soil quality—and even help prevent floods. Trees help the land to retain water and topsoil. Without forests, the soil erodes and washes away. The barren land is then more likely to flood.

💛 Cultural impacts
Many First Peoples have a deep cultural obligation to care for their Country. Deforestation often occurs without the consent of First Nations people and can put significant and sacred sites at risk of damage.

💧Water quality
Deforestation affects water quality and quantity. When a forest is cut down, soil can flow into waterways.

🌾Invasive species
Deforestation disturbs ecosystems, thus facilitating the presence of invasive species.

What Australian wildlife is being impacted by deforestation?

Deforestation affects most of Australia’s threatened species. Some of these include:

spotted-tailed quolls

Leadbeater’s possums

swift parrots

greater gliders

regent honeyeaters

Deforestation is also the greatest threat to koalas in Queensland and New South Wales.

Plus: deforestation in Queensland is smothering our globally significant Great Barrier Reef—destroying vital habitat for countless marine life—with sediment and chemical run-off.

Photo: A young, confused koala wanders about in cleared bushland at Pimpana on the Gold Coast, Queensland by Wildcare Australia Inc

Are the cleared areas replanted with trees?

Replanting trees is an important action that brings some balance back to our landscapes, but unfortunately, Australia is not doing enough of this. As an example, Queensland is attempting to address this as part of its $500 million Land Restoration Fund, advocated for by the Wilderness Society, but it can take decades for trees to become hollow-bearing or for forests to sustain certain species. We need to protect more of what we already have now.

What is the Wilderness Society doing to stop deforestation?

Koala in Tree by Paul Hilton

Right now, we’re:

Calling on Big Business to source and sell products free from deforestation

Advocating for stronger state and federal laws that support the life our lives depend on, and ensure special forests are protected

Campaigning for consistent, national environmental community rights—because when communities and First Nations people have a genuine say in decisions that affect the environment, there are better outcomes for nature and people

Monitoring satellite imagery and documenting clearing to uncover deforestation as it happens

Influencing European banks and policymakers to cut ties with Australian deforestation

Building a case for restoration funding as a climate solution

Educating Australians on the benefits of intact ecosystems.


Could hemp replace cotton?

Hemp can be used in a wide range of textile applications, similar to cotton. It can be spun into various yarns and fabrics, suitable for apparel, home textiles, and industrial purposes. Hemp fabrics offer versatility in terms of texture, from soft and lightweight to more textured and durable options

But they do say where citrus grows, cannabis grows really well too."

HempLogz is an ideal fuel for log burners, stoves, and fire pits: they are clean, economical, produce lots of heat, and are long-burning. Each briquette will burn for up to 1 1/2 hours.



Whatever your complexion, it’s important to use products that will help your skin and not damage it. But as you wade through the beauty aisles, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration cautions that you should avoid skin creams, beauty and antiseptic soaps, and lotions that contain mercury.

How will you know if mercury is in the cosmetic, especially one that’s marketed as “anti-aging” or “skin lightening”? Check the label. If the words “mercurous chloride,” “calomel,” “mercuric,” “Mercurio,” or “mercury” are listed on the label, mercury’ is in it—and you should stop using the product immediately.

The products are usually marketed as skin lighteners and anti-aging treatments that remove age spots, freckles, blemishes, and wrinkles. Adolescents may use these products as acne treatments.

Consequently, supplements, foods, and spices such as psyllium, chia seeds, whole turmeric root powder, cinnamon (and cinnamon-containing foods such as cinnamon applesauce), ginger, ashwagandha root powder, valerian, Echinacea, maca, greens and "whole food" supplements, kelp and seaweed snacks, and green tea leaves all have the potential to be contaminated with lead as well as other toxic metals such as cadmium and arsenic. Plant extracts, as opposed to powders made from whole plant parts, are much less likely to be contaminated as the extraction process helps to remove contaminants. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium may also naturally contain toxic heavy metals such as lead, although this is unlikely today due to improvements in production techniques.

Cocoa and dark chocolate can also contain lead and tend to have even higher levels of cadmium, another toxic heavy metal, which is also in flaxseeds. Because animals and fish can ingest and absorb heavy metals from their environment, products such as canned tuna, herring, and sardines can also be contaminated with heavy metals, particularly arsenic and mercury.

biogenetic origin Methane occurrences in the Earth's crust are predominantly of biogenic origin, i.e. their ultimate source is biologically formed organic matter. Methane can also form through inorganic reactions and is consequently termed abiogenic. Biogenic methanes can either form through bacterial or thermogenic processes.
Sequestration is the secret sauce to carbon reduction – it’s the low-tech, low-cost solution provided by nature through photosynthesis to pull carbon out of the atmosphere and store it in biomass. We can extend the closed-loop cycle associated with the natural carbon sequestration cycle by creating bio-based products that act as a ‘sink’ to store carbon in building products.
This process of harvesting, manufacturing, and assembling sustainably sourced forest products like mass timber is an extension of the regenerative, closed-loop carbon cycle of forest ecosystems. Carbon from the atmosphere is effectively locked into mass timber structures and stored in buildings for many years. As an added benefit, the lifecycle of mass timber buildings is significantly longer (250+ years) than a light wood or metal building system (50-60 years). Mass timber structural elements can also be easily disassembled and recycled for future use, as they are mechanically fastened and not welded or molded together.
Mass timber is only the forerunner in the biogenic material revolution. As it becomes more mainstream, we should follow mass timber’s example and use cross-industry collaboration, advocacy, and education to promote the increasing array of new biomaterials in the building industry. Hempcrete, mycelium finishes, cellulose glazing, and bioresin finishes are all examples of biogenic materials that face barriers of legislation, testing, and public perception. The road has been paved by mass timber to enable these existing and future biogenic materials to be widely accepted and implemented. The era of linear, extractive systems is over. The future of regenerative, circular material systems has arrived. Let’s not miss it.



Although the Earth will still be within the habitable zone in 250 million years, the formation of a supercontinent with elevated CO2 will make most of the world uninhabitable for humans and other mammals. The findings show that only somewhere between 8 and 16 percent of land would be habitable.

Scientists predict the Sun is a little less than halfway through its lifetime and will last another 5 billion years or so before it becomes a white dwarf.

I somehow highly and I mean exceedingly doubt humans could ever forcefully take alien tech from aliens there is no way. Or for us to have shot down an alien craft we would have to be extremely unbelievably and extraordinarily lucky for that to happen. And it would not be very wise on our behalf it would most probably invoke the most appalling repercussions and it doesn't take much to imagine what that would entail and what they could do to us. But with that said I could actually imagine monkey minds going what is that thing flying around I have a good idea let's shoot it down and find out.If the Us government does have the alien craft in their possession it would have to be by accident meaning somehow the aliens crashed here on Earth. And even if they tried to reverse engineering, sometimes called back engineering. I doubt humans could ever truly understand how alien tech or their craft functions. Well, not in this century anyway. It would be like you trying to explain to apes how and what gravitational waves are. Which Albert Einstein predicted the existence of in 1916 in his General Theory of Relativity. An advanced race that could literally be a billion years old or even older comes all the way to Earth and then somehow crashes?? What a bit of lighting hits the craft and the whole thing falls to bits or short circuits it. Even we have certain materials on commercial airplanes that will reduce lightning-strike damage. Now thinking back to Roswell New Mexico when was that I believe 1947 well around that time there was a top-secret project by the US Army Air Forces known as Project Mogul (sometimes referred to as Operation Mogul) involving microphones flown on high-altitude balloons, whose primary purpose was long-distance detection of sound waves generated by Soviet atomic bomb tests. The project was carried out from 1947 until early 1949. That's kind of odd or perhaps not. Russia did not start testing with fission weapons until August 29, 1949: the first Soviet nuclear test. And, Supposedly there was a Mogul balloon NYU Flight 4, launched June 4,[1] crashed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico and that was what all the kerfuffle was about. In early July 1947, William Ware “Mack” Brazel reported finding debris on a ranch near Corona, N.M., about 80 miles northwest of Roswell. And the rancher sees all this debris and goes that ain't no weather ballon I ain't seen before that them green little fellas from that planet Mars just like that chap H.G. Wells' foretold in that them book I read the prophies must be true. No, he didn't really say that but one never really knows does one? It is still so hard to believe that Mack Brazel could not discern what a weather balloon looks like or this so-called Project Mogul that looks somewhat similar to a weather balloon and that he even expressed that these weather ballons crash all the time around Roswell and even his dog knows what they are. There is still something amiss with what happened that night in Roswell New Mexico and what really crashed. Tis strange -- but true; for truth is always strange; Stranger than fiction. Going back to aliens there could actually be a civilization out there in the observable universe that's 10 billion years old that's if they have not already destroyed themselves already. But it is possible that maybe aliens are in contact with governments around the world and have some agreement and have handed tech over. And no there is no way they would ever I mean ever hand over any type of weapons to monkey minds. Or if a craft somehow did crash maybe there was a freak meteor shower that took them by surprise or some unforeseen malfunction of the craft it's possible but then again I would be highly dubious of it. Now that quote comes to mind Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic Author C. Clarke. Infinite intelligence is infinite magic. Who are the men in black well some believe they are aliens others that they are a sort of black ops group that works outside the government. Some believe the Men In Black are aliens in disguise who arrive in order to try and cover up their own tracks. This is claimed to be a valid explanation as to why they often show little to no human emotion, as well as their ability to appear and vanish almost at will from the homes of those they target If this were true they are not doing a very good job to suppressing the truth. I believe they are just urban stories and fantasies. But then again you never know. Just keep an open mind. Now what was that movie Communion if you have not watched it I do recommend it. I have always wondered about Whitley Strieber and what he has experienced through most of his life. He is a very fascinating man, to say the least, and the so-called things that he believes have taken place in his life are somewhat of an anomaly.

Can we talk this over it looks like we are going to sing White Christmas here never really understood why they needed to probe a human's posterior. It sounds more like human fantasies to me. Perhaps it is some sort of a fetish that some humans would wish to indulge in or like to dream about. And why do they always have such big probes? Even we have smaller and thinner sigmoidoscopes or scopes, for rectal endoscopy. Actually, now I look back upon this and have not watched it for years. I am you, you are me and we are here, I am the dreamer and you are the dream. The many faces or masks of God. Should be I am the dream and the dreamer. 

Could aliens exist of course they do. Our Milky Way galaxy — our cosmic home in the Universe — spans over 100,000 light-years in diameter and contains approximately 400 billion stars. In the observable universe, there are around 2 Trillion galaxies and between 30 and 70 billion trillion stars. There are over 10^25 or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe, and that’s only counting planets that are orbiting stars. The Drake equation would not work and will not give you an answer it just tells you what might be possible if we get the factors right. Which you won't, because they're all hypothetical.) Really just like I am imagining all of this. So an estimated 50 sextillion planets could harbor life. Which is 50000000000000000000000 or 5x10^22. And these of course are known as habitable zones also known as Goldilocks' zones, where conditions might be just right – neither too hot nor too cold – for life. Sextillion sounds kind of kinky I am sure God has had more than that stop flirting with me universe. If one were to also include moons they could also support life. Some planets or gas giants can have up to 146 moons etc. So a ruth estimate is maybe 1000 trillion moons in the observable Universe.









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You are not here to be alone but that of course is entirely up to you. I wonder why God dreams of others. Try being alone for 20 years and you may rethink the question you asked or perhaps not. Can you dream of being on a beautiful planet with higher-evolved aliens that live aboard a space station above? And on this planet, you have all your needs and wants like all your Earthly materials. Imagine you are in Love or dating an alien hybrid/Human, etc. That lives with you on this planet and it's just you and her. You get to have physical and metaphysical love or love that you never knew was possible with her or him that blows your mind to the point of blissful insanity. She also meets your intellectual needs and wants. Imagine taking long walks on this planet hand in hand and something grabs your foot and you go WTF and there is a F* alien-looking gator hanging off your foot and then you go to her You don't by any chance have Rats on this planet? Just kidding. And you no longer need to have psychedelics or you still can. You can also tune back to what's happening on the planet Terra or even visit in your mind or ship. This being can put you into any state of higher consciousness by becoming one with your mind. You can also traverse the galaxies with these beings in their ships and have a few brewskies along the way and look at all the beauty of God's mind. Imagine all the alien worlds the birth of new galaxies or the end of stars. The possibilities are endless.


How can empty awareness know it's empty awareness? This answers itself.

Any thought you have is coming from consciousness. Where do you think thoughts come from/arise from out of nowhere? think about this. 

Self reinforcement.

Don't just think from the end believe it is already done. Don't think about thinking about going to the end to think. Just make sure you know that it has already been achieved. Because there is no future no past not even a now.

Don't think about it happening as some future event it's already done know you already have it. This method should work with everything. There is no one to change but the self.

Faith must come from within yourself.

Believe in yourself.

Faith begins within you.

I have never lost faith in myself nor have I ever doubted myself and I have always believed in myself.

Who was that said everyone is you push out? So the love you feel for others is? I will leave it there.:o;)

Imagery is a reality within itself and is a state of consciousness.

I have no style that's my style.

God is like an infinite orgasm, an explosion of imagination.

Any higher power, may that be a God whatever your belief is. That passes judgment on its creation would also then have to be judged. 

Think of it as a rubrics cube with infinite sides arrangements tastes, colors smell, dimensions, degrees, and layers with multilayers of multifaceted degrees or levels of Consciousness. It can transubstantiate its reality. This rubric cube can then create infinite copies or partitions of itself.  Every degree has infinite facets aspect self-replicating self rearranging self augmentations forever.








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The Six Faces of Delusion

A ceremonial helmet with a crest of five faces is on a display stand.)

AMBRIL: Now take this, for example. It dates from the middle Sumatran era and is unusually mentioned in the Legend. Oh, there can be no doubt. The reference is to the Six Faces of Delusion. Now count. One, two, three, four, five. You will observe there are five faces, not six as the Legend would have it. Now, my point is this. I do find it quite extraordinarily difficult to take seriously a Legend that cannot even count accurately. Of course, artistically speaking, it's an entirely different matter. The piece is exquisite. An undoubted masterpiece.


Can God transcend God?xD

What is beyond the beyond? Is that where my true nature Lies.  It's too hard for most if not everyone to believe something can and has always has been infinitely infinite. ?;)

Like an explosion of infinite emotions of Love,

Kind of like a subliminal state of existence as in a perpetual stasis field. A non-existable state of existence.-_-

Thankfully I will not be here to see who will win the Election I was never into Politics and never will be.



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On 7/14/2024 at 11:04 AM, Jehovah increases said:

The Six Faces of Delusion

A ceremonial helmet with a crest of five faces is on a display stand.)

AMBRIL: Now take this, for example. It dates from the middle Sumatran era and is unusually mentioned in the Legend. Oh, there can be no doubt. The reference is to the Six Faces of Delusion. Now count. One, two, three, four, five. You will observe there are five faces, not six as the Legend would have it. Now, my point is this. I do find it quite extraordinarily difficult to take seriously a Legend that cannot even count accurately. Of course, artistically speaking, it's an entirely different matter. The piece is exquisite. An undoubted masterpiece.


Can God transcend God?xD

What is beyond the beyond? Is that where my true nature Lies.  It's too hard for most if not everyone to believe something can and has always has been infinitely infinite. ?;)

Like an explosion of infinite emotions of Love,

Kind of like a subliminal state of existence as in a perpetual stasis field. A non-existable state of existence.-_-

Thankfully I will not be here to see who will win the Election I was never into Politics and never will be.




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