
The Phenomena: “More consciousness feels like less” How do you deal with it?

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I was wondering, how do you deal with that phenomena? I mean, every time I raise my consciousness I start noticing more and more moments where I’m acting unconsciously. Somehow logically it’s clear that should be a sign of raised consciousness but it feels like opposite. 

Feels like I’m lowering the levels. There are some moments where it literally feels scary. 

Do you think it’s not normal? Am I doing it too fast? 
How do you deal with it?

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noticing is another word for awareness which is your true nature ... the more you notice the more you dissolve

stay in notice mode as much as possible, don't attach any story to what you notice, you don't even need to remember anything at all

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55 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

stay in notice mode as much as possible

Well, that’s an extremely exhausting if I don’t control it. Not sure how you do that but if I stay so “as much as possible” during the day, on the next day I’m not able to do anything and get headaches. 

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8 minutes ago, Justdoit247 said:

Well, that’s an extremely exhausting if I don’t control it. Not sure how you do that but if I stay so “as much as possible” during the day, on the next day I’m not able to do anything and get headaches. 

it's like a muscle you have to train, don;t overdo it and take breaks plenty, eventually it becomes the default

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1 hour ago, gettoefl said:

don't attach any story to what you notice, you don't even need to remember anything at all

Well, here I can’t get it. 
Do you mean to move like “on autopilot” and only watching myself doing stupid stuff all the time? And do not correct what I’m doing? Is that the purpose of noticing you mean?
or I got it wrong?

(If so that sounds very dangerous, because right now I have physical health issues and my levels of awareness dropped significantly. My doctor is not allowing me to restart my trainings [especially the mental] because I need the energy to recover. I believe I won’t be able to move the EEG even a single number above or below if I test me, but I’m able to notice a lot (of things I don’t want to do). So you mean I better go fully back to auto? Ok. I see how that could save me energy and maybe will help me to recover better, but if I don’t control myself when I go to the fridge (for example) and let “her” do what “she” wants … then the strict diet and therapy I do will fail every day. 

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14 minutes ago, gettoefl said:
23 minutes ago, Justdoit247 said:


it's like a muscle you have to train, don;t overdo it and take breaks plenty, eventually it becomes the default

That is well know to me, that’s why I was confused about your recommendation. But it’s interesting to know how do you control it so to get the perfect doses? (because too much is bad and to little will never help me move forward). Now I’m so back to basics, that this part is very crucial. I wonder is you have some pointer for that balance?

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5 minutes ago, Justdoit247 said:

That is well know to me, that’s why I was confused about your recommendation. But it’s interesting to know how do you control it so to get the perfect doses? (because too much is bad and to little will never help me move forward). Now I’m so back to basics, that this part is very crucial. I wonder is you have some pointer for that balance?

be gentle start small dont push yourself ... body is a machine, it does what it thinks is best ... it's not the boss, you are ... your job is to witness and not react and forgive whatever happens ... everything is happening for your benefit, to shake you into seeing your true nature and then being it which means you take part but you know it's not important

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Being conscious of unconsciousness is higher consciousness. Before they were so unconscious that did not even exist for you.

Also another thing to take into account is ego backslash. But sounds more like the first one for you

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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1 hour ago, gettoefl said:

be gentle start small dont push yourself ... body is a machine, it does what it thinks is best ... it's not the boss, you are ... your job is to witness and not react and forgive whatever happens ... everything is happening for your benefit, to shake you into seeing your true nature and then being it which means you take part but you know it's not important

Thank you very much for the advice. It’s not very measurable but I suppose it’s hard to evaluate for someone else. There is only the “importance” I do not agree. My physical health crashed my mental achievements completely. So if I let the “machine” kill the rests, by following like a sheep and only observing… then the boss is also out of the game (throwing the baby with the water).

hope you understand what I mean.

I somehow have to find way to balance it back again. But I need one year to recover my physical health (said my doc)  … during that time it is very hard… because I see all. 😢 and actually I just was wondering how to find way to hack it. But not really clear ideas yet. 😞

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1 hour ago, Davino said:


Being conscious of unconsciousness is higher consciousness. Before they were so unconscious that did not even exist for you.

Also another thing to take into account is ego backslash. But sounds more like the first one for you


Thank you! No, no, the second is more close, now when I’m thinking about it. Just we probably have to replace the ego backlash with a physical-health backlash. 
I think that’s exactly the way I can explain it. 

It’s like I rolled down the hill I was climbing and now I have to restart climbing up but because everything hurts from the crash the restart is like with -100 of a speed. 

probably because all is so slow, it feels so scary. It’s like you are in a crash and you see all on slow motion (but only from time to time) the rest of the time you don’t know where you are. And when your head is again for short somehow ok, then you have again the painful glimpses. 

That was the most expensive and painful lesson I have ever experienced. 
and not because I was not taking care of my health. Opposite! I was doing all what I know could be good! Only to find out that I was soooooo ignorant. It is over 1 year now I study all what I can to find out that I did not know anything about my health one year ago. 
It was such a painful awakening! The benefits to know all that are tremendous but the price is also very high. 
it’s somehow total confirmation about the balance: as much as you give as much you could get. 

and I’m very happy to can share and get ideas here. It’s easier to contemplate and see from side especially when you feel “half-head”. Hm, ok! Half is way over estimated. It’s more like 5%. 😞

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No such a thing as being conscious of being unconscious. Either you are conscious THIS VERY MOMENT, or you dont. 

As a rule of thumb, if there are any type of low vibrational thoughts of guilt or judging, you can be dead sure you are not in a conscious state.

Edited by Javfly33

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