I still can’t wrap my mind around homosexuality

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I mean, the whole purpose of sexual pleasure, evolutionary speaking, is to propagate humanity. So, from that perspective homosexuality is a deviation. 

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Who said the purpose of humanity is to propagate itself?

You just said it. Its a perspective.


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6 minutes ago, HMD said:

I mean, the whole purpose of sexual pleasure, evolutionary speaking, is to propagate humanity. So, from that perspective homosexuality is a deviation. 

If that were the case then pregnancy would result from every instance of sexual intercourse but it doesn’t.

theres A hypothesis that when an immediate population ( large family)occurs,  a genetic switch happens in a later pregnancy resulting in homosexual offspring that opt out of competition with other siblings. 

there’s also plenty of instances of people in a society who simply choose to broaden their options when the pickings are slim. 

there’s also instances of trauma related to the opposite sex and the person will recoils from anything that is opposed to themselves sexually. 

spiritually, sex differentiation doesn’t matter when you start to transcend the idea of the body. Loving unconditionally doesn’t require the other person to do or be anything in particular.

perhaps you can’t wrap your head around it because you can’t step outside your own perspective to see other ways of being?


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40 minutes ago, HMD said:

I mean, the whole purpose of sexual pleasure, evolutionary speaking, is to propagate humanity. So, from that perspective homosexuality is a deviation. 

Evolutionary speaking, it's definitely a deviation from survival. Spirituality speaking, it's a deviation towards unity.

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Apart from humans having sex for pleasure, lots of animals do that as well, some chimps have sex to calm down aggression for example. Aside from that there are gay animals as well. 

As @koops said its just a perspective that the purpose of humanity is to propagate itself through sex, it could be we evolve to not have sex for reproduction and just have test tube babies or AI takes over, either way being gay or having sex for pleasure wouldnt make any difference. 

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@Adrian colby No, I understand why some people would be gay and how unconditional acceptance plays its role in advancing people spiritually. 

But at this rate would pedophilia or incest become normal? And cannibalism? Would that be an advancement?

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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@An young being yeah, and a radical one.

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but is advancing spiritually in this manner actually good for society? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

it could be we evolve to not have sex for reproduction and just have test tube babies or AI takes over, either way being gay or having sex for pleasure wouldnt make any difference

That’s a cool perspective. Not sure if it’s practical at all or not,  though.

But I get what you are saying: Sex doesn’t have to be about reproduction and if we look at the animal kingdom, sex serves other purposes as well. But again, primarily it serves the purpose of ensuring the sperm reaches the egg. 

Now, we can use it for other purposes and I get that. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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I feel the same way about the Xbox 

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When I was a kid and first heard about it was so confusing. It's never gets a natural response at first and sort of has to be beaten into you to believe in it 

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20 minutes ago, HMD said:

@An young being yeah, and a radical one.

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but is advancing spiritually in this manner actually good for society? 

It is good in the sense that it increases open mindedness among the society. But coming to individual perspective, it is the same as asking if a male and a female loving and marrying each other is good for the society. You may tell that a matured daughter and father marrying each other may also sound like the same thing, but it isn't. They have an option to sexually love somebody else, but homosexual people don't have any other option.

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8 minutes ago, HMD said:

@Adrian colby No, I understand why some people would be gay and how unconditional acceptance plays its role in advancing people spiritually. 

But at this rate would pedophilia become normal? And cannibalism? 

You could argue that pedophilia and cannibalism involve imposing on another being without their consent and causing traumatic ( mental/ physical) harm or death. 

in a relationship or sexual act which is predominantly consenting, homosexuality does not fall under imposing on another being. 

you are arguing the dismissal of a type of human who participates in a cooperative relationship based on it leading to the normalisation of relationships based on suppression and harm. There is no logical link between the two. 

you sound like you are trying to justify your pre existing beliefs because you can’t accept the reality of the existence of these people. 

there are instances of consenting in cannibalism but I’d hazard a guess that it’s extremely rare and if we are talking about peodophelia regarding kids under the teenage age( no consent ) or kids in their teens who did consent but their sexual partner was of an age gap that made it legally wrong. There are also homosexuals that participate in non consensual behavior as well. All things can apply to the above. But for society to hold itself together, there are lines or boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed and one of those is imposing on others or preventing others. 

the universe explores and experiences itself in many diverse ways. To say that one of those ways is wrong is to misunderstand the nature of reality. 

perhaps it would be better to voice what it is about homosexuality that bothers you personally and go down a path of self enquiry into the resistance you feel towards it. Try not to use narratives like ‘evolution’ to justify your feelings about it as that is blaming external circumstances instead of getting the answers from within yourself. 

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2 hours ago, HMD said:

@Adrian colby  But at this rate would pedophilia or incest become normal? And cannibalism? Would that be an advancement?

There have been periods of human history in certain parts of the world these things were okay. I would say, we actually have advanced by saying these things shouldn't happen and that they are not okay. Because they aren't.

I would say there are risks to homosexuality becoming mainstream, as well as things like Trans. These do pose risks and dangers and it's worth talking about. It's also okay to be confused about it, to ask questions etc. As long as we aren't hating and attacking people.

That being said, I do think that Homosexuality, where it's between two consenting adults is fundamentally different than pedophelia and cannibalism. Consent, and how it affects peoples minds and development is important.

Being a gay man engaged to another gay man is probably healthier than them trying to pretend they are straight and being in some kinda fake marriage. Is is a defect or deviation? It's probably more of a defect hiding and demonizing your homosexuality than accepting it. That I don't know.

There are apes that exist that have lots of sex. It's not just use for procreation but for fun, socializing and even making up after fights. These apes are a good example that sex isn't as simple as "To has babes"

Gay men exist, so I'd say it's natural. Our ideal about procreation etc is only one paradigm. Human sexuality is much more complex than just procreation. We exist for like 60-100 years and are consciousness. Not just drones to procreate. We experience reality and enjoy playing Xbox. 


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Autism is also a deviation, yet the richest human being on this planet happens to be autistic.


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I still can’t wrap my mind around homosexuality

Just like you can’t wrap your mind around being on the autism spectrum. Extremely complex stuff, especially if you haven’t experienced it firsthand. 

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5 hours ago, HMD said:

I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but is advancing spiritually in this manner actually good for society? 


Yes, because it accelerates the arrival of a post-sex society.

And to be clear, a post-sex society isn't marked by a society that no longer has sex - quite the opposite.

It's a society that regards sex as trivial and of little importance. Sex, specifically recreational sex in all its forms, would be no different from going to the cinema, visiting a restaurant, or playing golf. Funny little things we do for fun, but nothing more than that.

Gone is the stigma and taboo. It's just sex. Nothing more.

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Try it out maybe its a hidden desire you need to fulfill behind the ego

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10 hours ago, HMD said:

I mean, the whole purpose of sexual pleasure, evolutionary speaking, is to propagate humanity. So, from that perspective homosexuality is a deviation. 

I am neither gay nor want children. Big shocker though, I liked sex. You can't tell me there are not a ton of straight guys who have that exact perspective, because I grew up with them. Some start wanting to settle down as they age, some have accidental families because they were careless, and others don't do either. 

I don't buy for a second that somewhere deep in every man's soul is a desire to father children. Not historically and not presently. Often historically it just came about from the physical act not by design, and often historically in some societies, it was a limited number of powerful or successful men who fathered most of the children.

I am barely attracted to anyone though these days and that's another set of people, and another conversation.

Oh and if you are wondering. I can't afford a family, which is the main reason for me personally during my lifetime.

Edited by BlueOak

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Says who. If it exists, it serves a purpose. Purpose as in part of the big picture. Our limited minds need not question creation, if anything, try to see what part does it fit.

Know thyself....

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