
Questions about God keep me Awake

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31 minutes ago, Mannyb said:

Does it matter?

I'm not sure what are you doing here if you're asking such a question. 

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43 minutes ago, TheGod said:

You're not grasping my question 

You asked what is the cause of the current scenario and I gave an answer. Infinity cycling through all possibilities at complete random. 

What did I miss? 

Edited by Parallax Mind

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Observe how your mind is constructing this reality. No need to figure out how or why or if it is doing it, as it really speaks for itself, so to speak.

I AM Godzilla

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My questions are way too deep for most of you guys. 

Half of you don't understand what I'm asking and the other half is brainwashed with spiritual dogmas 

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@TheGod i mean, even Mr. Leo himself gave you an answer to your question.

Who do you want to ask next? Santa Clause?

I AM Godzilla

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11 minutes ago, TheGod said:

My questions are way too deep for most of you guys. 

Half of you don't understand what I'm asking and the other half is brainwashed with spiritual dogmas 

your questions are easily understood. The answers not so much.

Consider that since god is all powerful and since you cant answer your own questions, ask then why would god decide to take his own power away, this might be a good place to start.

Edited by Francis777

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18 hours ago, TheGod said:

How would I as God choose what to dream? 

if god is infinite then he doesn't need a how, infinity says so. You cannot comprehend the workings of gods intelligence in your ego state, that it the problem. Such deep questions will only be understood from gods POV. Stop assuming you will be able to comprehend everything god can just because you've realised that your god even in your limited self.

Edited by Francis777

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Here's my way of looking at it:

Think about the direction of reasoning.

When you ask "why?", it implies forward reasoning. "Why did this happen?" (You go forward in time to explain why it happened. / aka The intention)

When you ask "how?", it implies backward reasoning. "How did this happen?" (You go backward in time to explain how it happened.)

The reason for why You exist is this present moment. The answer to why You exist is now. Why else would you exist if it wasn't for this present moment?

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20 minutes ago, Francis777 said:

if god is infinite then he doesn't need a how, infinity says so. You cannot comprehend the workings of gods intelligence in your ego state, that it the problem. Such deep questions will only be understood from gods POV. Stop assuming you will be able to comprehend everything god can just because you've realised that your god even in your limited self.

You're right. There is no point in trying to get answers to my questions because my ego-mind won't be able to get them. 

The only way is direct experience in different states of consciousness. 
I need to let go of because it's keeping me away from the truth. I need to relay on my own self. 

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13 hours ago, TheGod said:

From all your answers guys, I realized that nobody knows what's going on 

I answered you, from direct experience. Funny that you consider that I said come from spiritual dogma. What kind of answer fits for you? Any that comes from anyone with the name in red? 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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15 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

because exactly this is necessary to fit the infinite mosaic of the cosmos. It is like a perfect and infinite clock in which everything fits. 

On 21/11/2023 at 10:05 AM, TheGod said:


"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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13 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

If I am in low consciousness that I don't realise I am God, then who is keeping me in this state? What force keeps me in the dream?

@Breakingthewall Could you answer this pls?

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Go back to the drawing board and keep contemplating what you are.

You've convinced yourself you've experienced it based on hearsay. It's easy to fall into beliefs as of they were an experience. It's clear to me as your closed questions are coming from a cosmology, not a a place of genuine wonder.

Neither is this a matter of experience.

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2 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

@Breakingthewall Could you answer this pls?

Nobody is keeping you in that state, the issue is focus. If you are focused on experience, on survival, your focus will be closed. What closes are barriers and the barriers are made of fear, in all its manifestations. If you break barriers your focus will be more open. If there is no barrier, your focus will be infinite, or in other words, there will be no focus. 

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31 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Nobody is keeping you in that state, the issue is focus. If you are focused on experience, on survival, your focus will be closed. What closes are barriers and the barriers are made of fear, in all its manifestations. If you break barriers your focus will be more open. If there is no barrier, your focus will be infinite, or in other words, there will be no focus. 

But if I lost my power as God, which power is limiting me in this state?

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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1 hour ago, LSD-Rumi said:

But if I lost my power as God, which power is limiting me in this state?

4 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

 I would say that reality is emergent due to the absence of limits, and that intelligent and magical conscious reality occurs spontaneously in a way that so far no one has understood, I would say that happens because the infinite organizes itself in the most efficient way spontaneously, if the word "organize" can be applied to the infinite, and this is the intelligence.

The story of: I am God creating reality to play hide and seek with myself, seems false to me. That's not the thing, God is not someone, and he is not creating reality, reality creates itself and cannot not be. The infinite intelligence that the cosmos is, is a consequence of the infinite, is a natural phenomenon, not someone bored playing games. The simplistic explanations that you are God doing things are tempting because the logical mind understands them easily, but that does not make them true.

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@Breakingthewall There is the traditional Explanation of nonduality that differs from what Leo suggests in his worldview. It suggests that God branches infinitely like am infinite tree, and you are a branch of this tree. God maintains you in your state until you raise your consciousness to the level that eliminates the distinction between you and him and you become God again. In this explanation, God generates your reality rather than you as God generate it. 
@Leo Gura @Razard86What do you think about this? 

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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17 hours ago, TheGod said:

I'm not sure what are you doing here if you're asking such a question. 

Let’s find out, answer the question. 

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@TheGod You don't have to have all the answers


Just trust it to God or the Universe that its not meaningless; your existence is for a purpose even if you don't know it yet yourself 

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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3 hours ago, LSD-Rumi said:

There is the traditional Explanation of nonduality that differs from what Leo suggests in his worldview. It suggests that God branches infinitely like am infinite tree, and you are a branch of this tree

I think it's obvious, In infinity infinite cyclic forms arise. all of them are total infinity, and all of them exist right now.

I am a form and also, beyond the form, the total infinity. This means that all reality is within me, but also outside in the sense that as a form I have limits. If the form disappears, the limits too, then I will be all forms and all existence indifferently. but here is something impossible to understand: I already am that now. The other forms are also infinite, they are other manifestations of the infinite, which can be divided infinitely and remain the same infinite. 

That nothing exists outside of my direct experience is true and false. true because here and now, in this moment, which is total reality, everything is. false because as a limited form I can't see it. It's out of my perception. But I can realize at any moment that there and now is infinity, everything is here, complete existence. 

btw, this does not contradict Leo's solipsism, I think he knows this, you can listen to his poem, very good btw, to know how he sees reality. All that solipsism is a provocative way of expressing the usual

Edited by Breakingthewall

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