Being A Visionary

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I was reading Leo's blog post on being a visionary.

I want to understand your POV.

  • Can you become a visionary?
  • How can you cultivate your mind in a unique way to be a visionary?
  • What should you practice? read? being? doing? having?


Edited by CARDOZZO

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That's the thing you are not thinking like a visionary, you are thinking opposite you want book to tell you how to be it, while the visionary is the one who is tapping into uncharted theritory and creating thing nobody else did, you are on your own and you are only one that sees it.

That's why game is tough because it forces you to be the one of your kind and who will tell you that? noone you are on your own.

Same problem with self growth who will grow you?noone but its easier because master can show you the path just where to look,  visionary is the one creating the path...


Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf I agree with yourself on some aspects.

Even geniuses will need some reference points to connect the dots.

Steve Jobs = Meditation, Zen, Japanese Gardens, Autobiography of A Yogi, Zen Mind, Beginners Mind.

Elon Musk = Physics, First Principles Thinking, Sci-Fi Books.

I think we need to contemplate what we can change, because genetics is another game.

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@CARDOZZO You need to conect dots that's the game,you need to take the information a mold it into your own but if you think you will find it in a book written literally no. But again if you ask this queastion you cant be visionary because visionary sees what he needs to do ,what he needs to read, where he needs to go...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf Your vision is more black/white without gray areas, right?

For myself, It can be seen as LEGO, where you contemplate your pieces, connect them, discard others.

Visionaries also get feedback.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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@CARDOZZO I wrote " you take the information" that means you get the feedback but the feedback is not a copy its a brand new never seen before original that's my point.

Lego analogy is good.

For example Leo discovered/created a alien conciousness, nobody is talking about that, because its original but to get there he got alot of feedback but in the end created something nobody found,thats a visionary in my book.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@CARDOZZO No problem,love this topic but to my knowledge there is not much to talk about,but if somebody has more knowledge im glad to hear.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I found this videos where Ralston is talking about being a genius:





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An important part of being a visionary is fully embracing being different. Shedding old belief systems and not being afraid of experimentation.

This is super challenging for me, as I was brought up in a very conservative environment, even though I’ve always intuited that I cannot fit into any particular system or way of thinking. Brainwashing is truly a bitch. 

These past few years I finally said fuck it and I’ve slowly been leaving my family, old friends, religion, educational system… ALL of it, and recontextualizing what all of those even are.

This is easier said than done. It’s actually easier to stay in those systems and survive in that way, go ahead and take your antidepressants and pretend to be happy. The cost if your ability to live authentically will be severely limited.

I AM reborn

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4 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:

I was reading Leo's blog post on being a visionary.

I want to understand your POV.

  • Can you become a visionary?
  • How can you cultivate your mind in a unique way to be a visionary?
  • What should you practice? read? being? doing? having?

It's a combination of being genetically and tempermentally suited to it, and then working to cultivate those gifts. Similar to athletics.

You can feed your mind lots of diverse and inspiring material to jog the visioning process.

4 hours ago, CARDOZZO said:

@Leo Gura Do you think enlightenment is a key factor to become a visionary?

Obviously not since few visionaries are enlightened.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

An important part of being a visionary is fully embracing being different. Shedding old belief systems and not being afraid of experimentation.

This is super challenging for me, as I was brought up in a very conservative environment, even though I’ve always intuited that I cannot fit into any particular system or way of thinking. Brainwashing is truly a bitch. 

These past few years I finally said fuck it and I’ve slowly been leaving my family, old friends, religion, educational system… ALL of it, and recontextualizing what all of those even are.

This is easier said than done. It’s actually easier to stay in those systems and survive in that way, go ahead and take your antidepressants and pretend to be happy. The cost if your ability to live authentically will be severely limited.

Great share.

I'll get that with myself: letting go and recontextualization.

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I have visions all the time, however I am distracted also so I loose a lot of my visions. I am daydreaming all the time

My visions come true, if I am focused 100%. 100% means really pushing me hard. 

Then I get visions so unreal at the moment my ego deines them and say they cannot happen. But they happen in near future anyways. These are life changing Visions. 

I think it's good to visualize things as a prerequisite for having Visions. 


Edited by OBEler

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Solitude is number 1. Not full isolation, but long periods of solitude is a must.

Inspirational reading, contemplation and introspection.

I also like the concept by Sam Ovens of just 'looking outside the window from 10,000 feet view'. 
Understanding trends.
Understanding where the Adjacent posible in your field is.


So: Solitude + inspiration + contemplation + introspection + deep 'feel' and understanding of where your niche is at.

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@OBEler are you into lucid dreaming? Sounds like it would be right up your alley.

I AM reborn

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I’ve come to realize that I am mentally ill from current society’s point of view. No need to sweat. I’m just way ahead of the times and I’m no longer trying to compete with slowpokes. 

I AM reborn

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@Yimpa I could access lucid dreams in my youth, and out of body experiences (with very hard Training). It was very interesting but for my life here on earth unpracticable and of no value. 

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