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Rafael Thundercat

Help with sources on Dopamine unbalance

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So, my older brother have a kid in his 9 yrs and the boy wake up go to computer, go to school back home computer, if not computer is watching Game comments in youtube and some very creppy vlogers on YT the ones like the one I will post soon bellow. So i need some good videos to open the eyes of this both parents there are clulles of how allowing the kid to just going by is running his reward system.


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I don't know if videos will do the job. It's not that easy to change a person's mind.

Also, I feel like this dopamine thing is getting a bit too inflated. I see the problem more in a philosophical way, basically you're wasting your life. That's a point that could become apparent to anybody. At the same time, if the parents don't see that... it may mean they need to solve this problem for themselves first.

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