
How Did You Find Your Life Purpose?

4 posts in this topic

I'm currently working on finding my life purpose, and I thought it'd be a great idea if some of you guys shared your stories of how you managed to do so.

There's potential for some powerful thoughts and lessons from your experience that might trigger some helpful thoughts and ideas in myself as well as other people who are currently trying to find their life purpose.

Here are some prompts and questions that might help you communicate your experience:

  • How exactly did you find your life purpose?
  • Which obstacles did you have to overcome in order to find your life purpose?
  • What held you back from finding your life purpose?
  • How did you find your passion?
  • What were the most powerful clues you've found to help you discover your life purpose (e.g. your greatest strengths, your bliss, exposing yourself to new experiences, talking to new people or your existing friends, ChatGPT,...)?
  • Reflect back and tell me, has there been a specific experience you had that triggered/led to you finding your life purpose?

Feel free to add your own prompts.

Also: If you've found your life purpose, I'd love to have a phone/video call with you, perhaps understanding your journey and your process will help me on mine :)

Much love <3

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You can create one.

You should consider that we have a industry around the word "purpose".

Be careful.

Follow your curiosity, obsession and think about:

  • What am I paying attention during the day?

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A purpose is not so much found as it is created by you. 

What do you enjoy? What are your interests? What are you doing when time seems to fly by? What hobbies do you pursue? What do you like to read about and study? What do you talk passionately about with others?

A research phase might be needed if the answers to those questions aren't yet clear to you. Figure it out for yourself.

For example, a purpose could be having fun being healthy. A medium or strategy for that could be taking up running, signing up for marathons, going to the olympics, teaching others about fitness and nutrition, starting a podcast, lifting weights, playing soccer, promoting your work on social media, etc. There are countless strategies for meeting your purpose.

Examples like becoming a gamer, a chef, an actor, a soccer player, a mechanic, a gardener, a philosopher, a biologist, a college professor, a martial artist, a novelist. Overall, mastering a skill is a good place to start.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Congrats on articulating what you want. Its a significant first step!


I will do my best to answer the questions, and reframe them if necessary.

  1. How exactly did you find your life purpose?

My experience is that Life purpose is a multi leveled thing, there is a facet of discovery, and mostly of creation. When I was 20, I had dropped out of college, had been living alone for a while, working two jobs saving up to move to Oregon. I had also been working on Leo's Life Purpose course (For the first time,) for the past few months. I was tripping on 4-ACO-DMT, all alone, and had an insight. "What if my life purpose is Music?!" Something clicked, it all made sense, all the years I had practiced violin growing up, even producing some music as a teen, was re-contextualized as pieces of my 'Life Purpose' Puzzle. 

From there it was three years, and 3 more times starting Leos course before I actually started Producing music. All that while, Here and there thinking of it, making changes in my habits, working haphazardly on specific disfunctions of mine like my low self-esteem, people pleasing, lack of success with women, etc. February of 2020, I chose to start producing, not yet knowing how to turn this into a life purpose, but feeling called to it. 

I created music, invested hundreds of hours, and through that gained more clarity into WHY I create music, and its relationship to my life purpose. By this point I had tried 10-25 different life purposes statements, some feeling more authentic then others, hoping more authenticity would be found on my path.

I continue on this path up till today. Version one of is up, and I have invested hundreds of hours into the backend of the brand I am building. set to launch in July of 2024.

This whole path has been multi-layered and individual. I am not saying that your path will unfold like this, instead, this is how it worked for me. 

Something I want to make clear is that I had a TON of ideas what my life purpose would be before I started producing music, how it was going to impact people, different roads I could have gone down. Even after producing music I was working multiple jobs and trying new things, some of them informing my life purpose, and because of those experiences and decisions (or lack of decision,) I happened to end up where I am now.

  1. Which obstacles did you have to overcome in order to find your life purpose?

I will  order these in what seems to be the priority to me, (None of these are completely overcome, but progress has been made.)

  1. Lack of Self understanding: Values, Vision, Strengths, Interests.
  2. Lack of Education about self-actualization
  3. Lack of Health: I treated my body like a trashcan and didn't exercise at all
  4. Low Self-Esteem and Self Belief
  5. Lack of success with Women
  6. What held you back from finding your life purpose?
    1. My Self.
  7. How did you find your passion?
    1. Passion seems to come and go for me, some days I feel excited to work on my Life-Purpose, Others I don't, I rely more on habits and routines. Passion is wonderful and I take it when it comes.
    2. Big picture though, doing things that are authentic to me lead to passion. 
  8. What were the most powerful clues you've found to help you discover your life purpose (e.g. your greatest strengths, your bliss, exposing yourself to new experiences, talking to new people or your existing friends, ChatGPT,...)?
    1. The year before I had the Psychedelic experience leading to the insight about music being my life purpose, I had taken LSD for the first time. During that trip I had a recognition of how MASSIVE reality is, and how EVERYTHING I KNOW COULD BE FALSE.
    2. Other Tools: Leo's Life Purpose Course, 'The Big Leap, By Gay Hendricks,' 'Mastery, By George Leonard," ChatGPT.
  9. Reflect back and tell me, has there been a specific experience you had that triggered/led to you finding your life purpose?
    1. Already covered this in the first response. 

I would be happy to Jump on a call and Chat.


All the best, Stay True, Stay You.

Waking Call The Inspiration, Music and Perspective for an Authentic Life.

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