
Are Men And Women Like Apples And Oranges ?

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6 hours ago, Emerald said:

Human beings are highly androgynous by nature as we both contain the masculine and feminine.  It is only our social customs that makes us want to polarize our gender in the first place. And likewise, it is our social customs now that make us want to ignore the existence of masculinity and femininity. It's only when we can own both sides of the polarity that naturally occur in each individual that we can truly be alive in the fullest sense. It is the masculine/feminine polarity that creates life itself. Without both aspects of ourselves, we become dead and inert.

That men have a feminine energy within them and women have a masculine energy in them: that is the great curse of Carl Jung. An unfortunate legacy he left behind.

Naturally, men do not possess anything feminine and women do not possess anything masculine. At the root level of the mind, masculinity is masculinity is masculinity. Same with femininity. There is no room for anything else down there.

It is our social customs that continue to instil the opposite belief and perpetuate androgyny within individuals, which is the real cause of inertness. Yes, healthy society as a whole is androgynous as it contains both masculine and feminine poles, but androgyny within individuals cancels the poles between individuals and weakens the connections.

Where most people get confused is in labelling behaviours, qualities and characteristics such as nurturing, caring, consideration, giving, creating, comforting etc as "feminine", and action taking, courage, decisiveness, confidence, strength as "masculine". This is incorrect. These behaviours, qualities and characteristics can be expressed to a greater or lesser degree in any individual, male or female, in combination with any level of masculinity in men or femininity in women. For example, a male nurse or psychologist can have lots of nurturing and empathic energy towards his clients, but still be very masculine. Likewise, a successful business woman can be very action prone and confident, but still be very feminine.

Edited by abgespaced

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2 hours ago, abgespaced said:

That men have a feminine energy within them and women have a masculine energy in them: that is the great curse of Carl Jung. An unfortunate legacy he left behind.

Naturally, men do not possess anything feminine and women do not possess anything masculine. At the root level of the mind, masculinity is masculinity is masculinity. Same with femininity. There is no room for anything else down there.

It is our social customs that continue to instil the opposite belief and perpetuate androgyny within individuals, which is the real cause of inertness. Yes, healthy society as a whole is androgynous as it contains both masculine and feminine poles, but androgyny within individuals cancels the poles between individuals and weakens the connections.

Where most people get confused is in labelling behaviours, qualities and characteristics such as nurturing, caring, consideration, giving, creating, comforting etc as "feminine", and action taking, courage, decisiveness, confidence, strength as "masculine". This is incorrect. These behaviours, qualities and characteristics can be expressed to a greater or lesser degree in any individual, male or female, in combination with any level of masculinity in men or femininity in women. For example, a male nurse or psychologist can have lots of nurturing and empathic energy towards his clients, but still be very masculine. Likewise, a successful business woman can be very action prone and confident, but still be very feminine.

This has not been my experience of being a person nor has it been my experience of observing people. Can you clarify what you mean by men not having any femininity to them and vice versa? If you don't mean particular traits relative to the masculine and feminine, what do you mean?

Something that I've noticed in people that stands out more readily than in the average person, is that we can often find many men and women who fall more toward the contrapositive side of the polarity relative to their gender. Most people fall more toward the same polarity as their gender (e.g. men are more masculine/women are more feminine), but there are plenty of exceptions on this spectrum. There are men who are overwhelmingly feminine and women who are overwhelmingly masculine. And this is something that they can't even pretend to not be. Their looks may even reflect a non-traditional degree of masculinity and femininity. Some women have broad shoulders, are tall, and grow facial hair. Some men are short and dainty with big eyes. And this is just the outward look without yet looking at behaviors. For example, if we look at the archetypal feminine gay man, I can't see how you would say that there is no femininity in him. The very way a man like this speaks and moves is undeniably feminine to my perception. Can you clarify how a man who I see as so clearly being more feminine, has no femininity to him simply because he is male?

Also, I've noticed that people who are more androgynous are very creative people with a lot of interesting ideas and a fully developed personalities. Many artists, writers, and poets are very androgynous. It is often men who cling to ideas of traditional masculinity and women who cling to ideas of traditional femininity who are very dull and trapped by their identifications. They end up painting themselves into boxes because they adhere to rules and social conscriptions about how they should behave relative to their gender. Like I would say that I'm definitely a more feminine person, myself. But I've always had a love affair with my masculine side. I would not want to make some rule against being able to have that part of myself. That would be a major repression and loss of vitality to my life. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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We are born out of a male cel and a female egg so thats 50/50.

The feminine and masculine energy's have nothing to do with man or woman. 

Male useing the left site of the brain more. Which is for logic etc etc

Female right site for recieving, careing, art etc etc.

Male and female need to perfect balance both energies so we can use our full potential.

To open your hart for change is feminine ernergy for example.

Its like ying and yang giving and recieving.

to perfect balance.

29.16 gives some info on it.

I just wonder about the pineal gland its wright in the middle which energy would it use?

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On 4/3/2017 at 0:35 AM, Loreena said:

Are Men And Women Like Apples And Oranges ?

I'm more like a pear.

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6 minutes ago, Lai said:

I'm more like a pear.

Great you are the ONE thats beautiful

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2 hours ago, Lai said:


Beautiful eyes :xtrollface.giftrollface.giftrollface.gif

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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On 4/3/2017 at 1:16 AM, Prabhaker said:

Woman is woman, man is man; they are unique beings. They are not equal, they are not unequal either; they are simply different. They are opposite polarities. Their being opposites attracts them to each other. The farther away they are, the deeper will be the attraction; the more different from each other they are, the more will be the charm and beauty and attraction.

Women should behave like women, according to their nature. Psychologically there is no equality; there is only uniqueness. The woman has to assert her uniqueness, and she has a different way of expressing herself. She is different and she should remain different; her difference is her beauty — and the difference between men and women is their attraction. 

Women all over the world are trying in every possible way to behave like men. They are wearing men’s clothes, smoking cigarettes like men, and whatsoever they can do. They use language like men have always used it, becoming arrogant, aggressive, losing the feminine quality. They have lost something — something soft, feminine, receptive, passive, is no more there.

The woman needs to become as feminine as possible, only then can she flower. And the man needs to be as masculine as possible, only then can he flower. When they are polar opposites, a great attraction, a great magnetism, arises between them. And when they come close, when they meet in intimacy, they bring two different worlds, two different dimensions, two different richnesses, and the meeting is a tremendous blessing, a benediction. We can make a better world together. Men and women should be really half-and-half of a whole. There are qualities which men have and women do not have; there are qualities which women have and men do not have. Both together, the human being will be richer in every possible way.

Tell all this to the endocrine disruptors in everything. 

nothing is anything

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@Prabhaker Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of masculine tendencies and feel sexy/whole being aggressive/swaggery or being soft/feminine. I like both. What I mean is that it's unreasonable to tell people they have to take a position on the gender scale to be happy when our bodies and collective consciousness are changing. 

Edited by eskwire

nothing is anything

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28 minutes ago, eskwire said:

I have a lot of masculine tendencies and feel sexy/whole being aggressive/swaggery or being soft/feminine. I like both.

Everybody is both. But up to now, the society has been conditioned in such a way, we have been taught and brought up in such a way, that man is man, woman is woman. This is a very false arrangement, untrue to nature. If a man starts crying and weeping, people start telling him, “Don’t weep like a woman, don’t cry like a woman; don’t be sissy.” This is nonsense — because a man has as many tear-glands in his eye as a woman.

If nature had not meant for him to cry and weep then there would have been no tear-glands. Now this is very repressive. If a girl starts behaving like a man, is ambitious, aggressive — mm? — people start thinking that something is wrong: something hormonal is wrong. They call her a tomboy; she is not a girl. This is nonsense! This division is not natural; this division is political, social.

A woman is more woman, less man and a man is more man, less woman. Trouble arises when someone deliberately tries to behave like other, instead of living naturally , spontaneously. 

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