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Plasma Donation Decreases PFAS

3 posts in this topic

Recently I've become aware of how everyone is loaded with PFAS, these resilient particles used in Teflon and other industrial systems.

Their health effects have been very unknown except for people with high levels of exposure for long periods of time. This means that the majority of people will not know the consequences of these particles.

So I did some research if there is anyway to detox or remove PFAS from the body and I found some interesting results.

There was a study in Australia covering 285 firefighters (who are exposed to PFAS because of their practical uses)

They were split into 3 groups. A blood donation, plasma donation, and observation group.

In the end after 1 year the plasma group saw major decrease, blood group saw minor, and observation saw none.

There are a lot of details left out so I'll link the study below.

But it seems that PFAS latch on to fat and protein so that is why the plasma is more beneficial, also you can donate plasma twice a week where you can only donate blood every 12 weeks.

But this has me considering donating plasma weekly just to keep my levels down and prevent any unknown dangers.

What do you think? @Leo Gura

Firefighter Study

Paper on possible side effects


Edited by AdamDiC

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Thanks for sharing your findings @AdamDiC.

Have you followed through with the idea? After reading your suggestion I'm also interested in adopting the practice.

However, one has to weigh the benefits versus other (improbable) plasma donation risks, such as air embolism.

Perhaps it would make sense to test your PFAS levels before proceeding with a recurrent plasma donation.

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If that were true, basing this on the assumption that these particles circulate around the body all the time rather than being deposited in tissue or simply eliminated by the liver and the digestive system (which is the most likely outcome of most chemicals), the question is, is it ethical to donate for the purpose of dumping out your chemical waste that will eventually end up in someone else's body?

Would you be happy if, say your daughter who requires a transfusion after a car accident, got a litre of such blood infused into her veins?

I'd argue that donation is unlikely to have any effect on this whatsoever because those chemicals will end up in deeper tissue or in your stool

Edited by Michael569

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