
Hamas-ISIS crimes against women

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Feminism helped to so many women and improved the world in so many ways. I see myself as a feminist.

Because of that, I cannot deny my disappointment of the women organizations in the world not acknowledging the rape and the abuse Israeli women endured by Hamas-ISIS terrorists. Their silence is suspicious.

I have found on the October 7 brutal massacre by Hamas-ISIS, that for the women organizations in the world, all the women are important regardless their ethnicity, race or religion and any act of violence towards women is bad and must be condomend and stopped unless... they are Israeli/Jewish women.

If they are Israeli or Jewish women, that's fine, killing is fine, raping is fine, kidnapping is fine, the abuse and the humiliation is fine, this is just a justified resistance by the "freedom fighters".

I feel ashamed of those women organizations ruled by women who define themselves as feminist, this is not my feminism, sorry.

Even if they believe that Israel is a colony and occupation, there is a limit to what should be acceptable as legitimate resistance. There is a limit to what should be tolerated and justified.

Killing innocents is not legitimate resistance, raping women and girls is not legitimate resistance, torturing and burning people alive is not legitimate resistance, killing all the animals they met in the Israeli territory, including farm and house animals is not a legitimate resistance, killing babies, cutting them and beheading them is not a legitimate resistance.

It is terrorism caused by pure hatred fueled by radical Islamic ideology and nothing can justify this. 


Why UN Women doesn't condonm Hamas crimes against Israeli Women?

Edited by Lila9


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Pretty sure all sane people condemn Hamas terrorism.

Why do you need explicit condemnation when it is so obviously wrong? It doesn't accomplish anything but virtue signaling.

Nobody is pro-rape or kidnapping.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Pretty sure all sane people condemn Hamas terrorism.

Why do you need explicit condemnation when it is so obviously wrong? It doesn't accomplish anything but virtue signaling.

Nobody is pro-rape or kidnapping.

Exactly. It's like we don't need moral lessons in 2023 haha. 

My name is Reena Gerlach and I'm a woman of few words. 


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28 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Pretty sure all sane people condemn Hamas terrorism.

Why do you need explicit condemnation when it is so obviously wrong? It doesn't accomplish anything but virtue signaling.

Nobody is pro-rape or kidnapping.

Hamas needs to be held accountable. The Palestinian authority should’ve enforced a checks and balance system to keep Hamas in check.

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The problem is the western feminist movements aren’t in countries that support Hamas, the countries support Israel. Israel’s occupation and regular bombings of Palestine kill, starve, and injure far more women than Hamas. The IDF has at various times themselves raped Palestinian women.

Also, the UN women have condemned the Oct 7 attack.

Edited by Raze

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52 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

Feminism helped to so many women and improved the world in so many ways. I see myself as a feminist.

Because of that, I cannot deny my disappointment of the women organizations in the world not acknowledging the rape and the abuse Israeli women endured by Hamas-ISIS terrorists. Their silence is suspicious.

I have found on the October 7 brutal massacre by Hamas-ISIS, that for the women organizations in the world, all the women are important regardless their ethnicity, race or religion and any act of violence towards women is bad and must be condomend and stopped unless... they are Israeli/Jewish women.

If they are Israeli or Jewish women, that's fine, killing is fine, raping is fine, kidnapping is fine, the abuse and the humiliation is fine, this is just a justified resistance by the "freedom fighters".

I feel ashamed of those women organizations ruled by women who define themselves as feminist, this is not my feminism, sorry.

Even if they believe that Israel is a colony and occupation, there is a limit to what should be acceptable as legitimate resistance. There is a limit to what should be tolerated and justified.

Killing innocents is not legitimate resistance, raping women and girls is not legitimate resistance, torturing and burning people alive is not legitimate resistance, killing all the animals they met in the Israeli territory, including farm and house animals is not a legitimate resistance, killing babies, cutting them and beheading them is not a legitimate resistance.

It is terrorism caused by pure hatred fueled by radical Islamic ideology and nothing can justify this. 


Why UN Women doesn't condonm Hamas crimes against Israeli Women?

   Because the USA holds real superpower, not the UN. At best the UN gives sanctions bht the superpower enforces those sanctions and embargoes.

   This is why they need a strong enforcement arm from men to protect themselves against ISIS/HAMAS. Pure feminism and egalitarianism is not enough in these places, you are dealing with spiral dynamics stage purple/red groups that don't respect stage orange/green valued cultures and the left wing of the west, they'll happily slaughter, rape, torture, and enslave stage green valuing groups due to lower cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, consciousness, other lines of development in life and societal domains, and ideologically differences. Environment and ecology plays a factor as well.

   Legitimate resistance? I don't know how you'd define resistance, maybe you're thinking in terms of democracy resistances, but there's plenty of historical events of freedom fighters and revolutions that turned bloody, coups like the Frend revolution, the American war of independence, the American revolution, the Apache and Comanche conflicts, and many more. The average of all revilts turn violently, with few peaceful resistances.

   How do you know what should or shouldn't be tolerated and justified, if they don't have a patriarchal organisation of stage red/blue military or police to enforce women's rights and feminism during the Israel/Palestine conflict? Do they even care, as the survival of Palestine, Gaza and West bank, and the survival of Israel as an ethnostate is at stake here?

   What is your version of feminism that is different to that organisation's form of feminism?

   I do agree with you, yes to ISIS and HAMAS those are justified evils. Rape, torture, murder, theft, genocide of Jews and Isralis are in thejr perspective, because of their stage purple/red values, is fine as that's a show of dominancr and strength. Don't like it? Better arm yourself or come with a group armed and ready to fight them and enforce your rights then.

   Feminism helped the world globally? Has feminism and egalitarianism in Japan, South Korea, Russia, and other westernized  countries helped improve the birthrate crisis? Helped improve intaked family homes and reduced divorce rates?

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Violence isn’t just physical. Even communication can be violent. Consider nonviolent communication as a way to address these issues more openly.

At its core, nonviolent communication is  choosing not to engage in dysfunctional behaviors. After all, that’s what you want ended in the first place.

Choose not to throw water onto a grease fire. This allows more mature and creative solutions to arise naturally. This is key to addressing complex issues in the long-term.


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35 minutes ago, Raze said:

The problem is the western feminist movements aren’t in countries that support Hamas, the countries support Israel. Israel’s occupation and regular bombings of Palestine kill, starve, and injure far more women than Hamas. The IDF has at various times themselves raped Palestinian women.

Also, the UN women have condemned the Oct 7 attack.

The symmetry you are trying to do is a joke.

For hamas these acts are the norm.

For Israelis these kind of acts are exceptional and rare, similar to the typical % of criminals you can find in any other developed country in the world.

And as for the casualties: hamas - intentional, IDF - not intentional. Night and day. Good night from Israel.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Pretty sure all sane people condemn Hamas terrorism.

Why do you need explicit condemnation when it is so obviously wrong? It doesn't accomplish anything but virtue signaling.

Nobody is pro-rape or kidnapping.

It's not about that. It's about the UN Women and other women organizations in the world being biased in favor of one side while it's expected from them to be more objective and condomn all the harm caused to all the women in this war, regardless their political opinions. 

The UN women didn't mentioned the severe and brutal acts done by Hamas against Israeli women.

25 minutes ago, Raze said:

If you really read this you see that they don't mention Hamas murder, rape and kidnapping of Israeli women by Hamas, they just say some general statement:


"UN Women condemns the attacks on civilians in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories and is deeply alarmed by the devastating impact on civilians including women and girls."


Again, there is no mention of Hamas commiting brutal acts such rape murder and torture of women bodies, no mention of kidnapping of Israeli women of all the ages.



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Because it is common sense that it is wrong. Why condemn something when it is common sense? 

No sane person would support raping women.

However Israel has done a lot of morally shady things so it is more of a target to be condemned.

Also Hamas is not a country nor an official government, it is just seen as an ISIS type of thing and people do not feel the need to explicitly condemn them.

Also Hamas has no international support from practically anyone. Israel does. 

53 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

IDF - not intentional

IDF does not target civilians for the sake of targeting civilians but it does not care at all about the number of civilians including childreen that die if their attacks also kill Hamas people. They said "We killed 50 civilians (or 80 not sure) at a refugee camp and we got 1 Hamas guy. For them it is fine. So maybe they did not target those civilians explicitaly, but they simply do not care about them. They are seen as NPC in a video game. Their lives are worthless.

If they actually cared then they would not pull the trigger. They would say: "If we get this guy using this bomb, dozens of civilian's and kids will die and that is not acceptable for us. We will figure out another way that will do less collateral damage". I mean 50 civilians to kill 1 soldier is dictator style thinking. Stalin the tyrant of the USSR said during the great purge "If we kill 50 innocent people to get 1 enemy of the state, that is a fine ratio". 

Let that sink in.

I really really do not believe that Israel has no other choice here. They have one of the most advanced armies in the world and its population tends to be quite smart and educated. I am sure if they actually wanted they could have gotten the same number of Hamas dead with fewer civilian deaths. Surgical precise attacks is the answer.  

The fundamental issue is that I have noticed in interviews of Israeli important people that they feel like all people in Gaza share responsibility for the attack and therefore they deserve to be punished. They are seen as 1 with Hamas, and their deaths are payback for what Hamas did. Which is quite disgusting considering half dying are kids which are by default innocent.

1 example

Look at how he reacts, you can tell by his voice he does not see Palestinians as more innocent than Hamas. He is just annoyed by them. Zero empathy.

And to think this cu** was PM and was better than the current PM.

Edited by Karmadhi

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3 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

IDF does not target civilians for the sake of targeting civilians but it does not care at all about the number of civilians including childreen that die if their attacks also kill Hamas people. They said "We killed 50 civilians (or 80 not sure) at a refugee camp and we got 1 Hamas guy. For them it is fine. So maybe they did not target those civilians explicitaly, but they simply do not care about them. They are seen as NPC in a video game. Their lives are worthless.

If they actually cared then they would not pull the trigger. They would say: "If we get this guy using this bomb, dozens of civilian's and kids will die and that is not acceptable for us. We will figure out another way that will do less collateral damage". I mean 50 civilians to kill 1 soldier is dictator style thinking. Stalin the tyrant of the USSR said during the great purge "If we kill 50 innocent people to get 1 enemy of the state, that is a fine ratio". 

Let that sink in.


Because Al Jazeera said so?

Please give me a serious source with a link. I have never heard any senior Israeli official admit any kind of ratio like this.

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Pretty sure all sane people condemn Hamas terrorism.

Why do you need explicit condemnation when it is so obviously wrong? It doesn't accomplish anything but virtue signaling.

Nobody is pro-rape or kidnapping.

Hamas is, most Palestinians, many pro-Palestine protesters including Arabs and Westerners, channels like Aljazeera. There is definitely widespread denial. The UN and Western feminists don't give a shit ("because Israelis are white colonizers and oppressors" - which is bullshit). It would definitely help to recognize these most unimaginable abhorrent atrocities. Israelis clearly see how little the "compassionate" stage-green people and institutions care for them.

But on the other hand, I also don't blame people for mentally locking out or ignoring this because if you really get what happened it is extremely hard to accept. Westerners are definitely too naive and innocent to truly phantom what happened.

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2 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

Because Al Jazeera said so?

Please give me a serious source with a link. I have never heard any senior Israeli official admit any kind of ratio like this.

Israeli military made a tweet saying we got a hamas guy when we bombed this refugee camp and the death toll of that refugee camp was around 50. I saw footage in my instagram at the aftermath of that refugee camp attack. Dead kids and people trying to get each other from the rubble. Horrible stuff.

This is not rocket science.

But if you want another source.


Edited by Karmadhi

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7 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Israeli military made a tweet saying we got a hamas guy when we bombed this refugee camp and the death toll of that refugee camp was around 50.

This is not rocket science.

When you make little girls suffer by cutting off their breasts while raping this toll becomes acceptable. 

Yes, the civilian people of Gaza are innocent but also not completely. It's comparable to the civilians in Nazi Germany. 

Edited by Vrubel

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5 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

 people of Gaza are innocent but also not completely.

40% are kids so they are innocent. Are you also going to blame now kids for this? 

5 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

It's comparable to the civilians in Nazi Germany

We had different morality back then. If you use old school morality system to justify IDF bullshit then also what Hamas did is fine because in the past that is how most wars were fought. Mongols used to make mountains with the heads of the people they killed. So justifying 1 side war crimes by picking a point in history where they were "ok" is shameless and manipulative. I can easily also do that to call Hamas actions "textbook military practice". But I do not. Because we live in 2023 where this things, as well as IDF actions are illegal and not acceptable. 

5 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

When you make little girls suffer by cutting off their breasts while raping this toll becomes acceptable

The issue is that you are killing people that have nothing to do with it. 40% are kids. By default innocent. 

Your attitude in equating those kids with Hamas is the attitude IDF does which justifies these barbarities in their minds.


Edited by Karmadhi

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57 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

Because the USA holds real superpower, not the UN. At best the UN gives sanctions bht the superpower enforces those sanctions and embargoes.

It's not only UN, women organizations in the world are biased in favor of one side and it's upsetting. Even if they can't do anything about Hamas, it would be enough to mention it at least and bring it to the collective awareness. Because if they as feminists don't talk about it, it's as if they are fine with it or support what Hamas have done in the name of "resistance".

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

Pure feminism and egalitarianism is not enough in these places, you are dealing with spiral dynamics stage purple/red groups that don't respect stage orange/green valued cultures and the left wing of the west, they'll happily slaughter, rape, torture, and enslave stage green valuing groups due to lower cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, ego development, consciousness, other lines of development in life and societal domains, and ideologically differences. Environment and ecology plays a factor as well.

Yes, totally different values, and they can't really control Hamas but they could at least not be that silent about Hamas crimes against women and make it clear that occupation or not, colony or not, rape, murder and torture of women is wrong and not legitimate. 

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

What is your version of feminism that is different to that organisation's form of feminism?

Raping women is always wrong and unnecessary. Even if the women raped are not in my "political party".

True feminism should care about all the women and not being selective.

1 hour ago, Danioover9000 said:

Feminism helped the world globally? Has feminism and egalitarianism in Japan, South Korea, Russia, and other westernized  countries helped improve the birthrate crisis? Helped improve intaked family homes and reduced divorce rates?

Historically it helped women to get equal rights to men, less depended on men for survival and saved women from abuse and limiting tranditinal roles that limit human's natural development.



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14 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:


The issue is that you are killing people that have nothing to do with it. 40% are kids. By default innocent. 

Your attitude in equating those kids with Hamas is the attitude IDF does which justifies these barbarities in their minds.


War brings with it a crude form of justice. What is disgusting is to absolve Hamas and by extension the Palestinians of all responsibility. 

I would much rather die under the rubble of a bombed building than to be raped and tortured. How you die and kill matters. Death in itself is not the worst thing here. 

Edited by Vrubel

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1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

Israeli military made a tweet saying we got a hamas guy when we bombed this refugee camp and the death toll of that refugee camp was around 50. I saw footage in my instagram at the aftermath of that refugee camp attack. Dead kids and people trying to get each other from the rubble. Horrible stuff.

This is not rocket science.

But if you want another source.


This Jabalia case is a very specific one, which intelligence sources claimed there was an entire battallion's headquarter in tunnels under houses in that camp. This is not at all just "one hamas commander". 

This is an area civilians have been asked to leave before, by the way.

Also couple of buildings there have collapsed beause of hamas's tunnel underneath them.

ALSO, when IDF decides to eliminate a hamas commander, this tends to be very accurate with a guided missile to his house/car.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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1 hour ago, Yimpa said:

Violence isn’t just physical. Even communication can be violent. Consider nonviolent communication as a way to address these issues more openly.

At its core, nonviolent communication is  choosing not to engage in dysfunctional behaviors. After all, that’s what you want ended in the first place.

Choose not to throw water onto a grease fire. This allows more mature and creative solutions to arise naturally. This is key to addressing complex issues in the long-term.


That's wonderful what you say but can you elaborate on how it's related to the topic?


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31 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Also Hamas is not a country nor an official government, it is just seen as an ISIS type of thing and people do not feel the need to explicitly condemn them.

Also Hamas has no international support from practically anyone. Israel does. 

So is that mean that Hamas should never be accountable to their crimes? 



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