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Is it acceptable?

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Is it acceptable that the man in the video has had 1% benefit in any kind of an interaction with any female? This is not about talking about the message of the video, however, showing him having a gf does not prove that Japan is better if that was his intention, because in fact it's utterly humiliating that a woman has to deal with someone who is below average looking, it's a sign of a decaying society. It's the opposite of what he's trying to prove.

We know that the context of couples existing has arisen from others having no escape and no opportunities at all. A completely locked system where pre-determined winner category individuals take everything and loser category individuals (let's say a socially isolated below average looking man) are perfectly normally expected to have not kissed a girl at age 30, since there is no action or interaction that they can take outside of committing a felony, in order to get laid. Let's say I know about someone killing themselves and also I have a girlfriend. My hypothetical relationship couldn't exist without the context in which one of the possible factors is a person (AKA me) failing, which can mean having no opportunities at all and being looked at with looks of religious disdain by women for walking down the street, or for example, dying. Otherwise the success means nothing since it wouldn't be contrasted to anything.

A couple in public is interacting with a pure dominance hierarchy, it's not about competition, it's, like I have said in the paragraph above, about someone else not having any opportunities and being "intrinsically not a winner." That person can also even further dig a hole for themselves by being ideologically possessed and believing owen cook or andrew tate or whoever, about how you can have any position except complete pessimism when it comes to success with women. Let alone the fact that people think someone who is 5'4, has a disabled voice etc. has the same chances as a male model, think about the fact that social circles and systems are completely self-interested and not there for YOU, but for themselves, and that you couldn't have anything to possibly offer to them, as proven by the fact that they are currently choosing the worst people imaginable instead of countless others.

Ultimately, I don't think men can be lied to for much longer that their lowest point even compares to what men who get laid are. The question will no longer be "How can I Improve?" but "How could the men that women choose over me possibly go lower?" You can ignore societal issues and infantalize women while telling men their slightest flaw means they're the devil, but this will push the issue into a position where it's only solutions will be one side which finds the state of things unacceptable, going against some other side.

The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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