
What will I become

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Hi I am new here, I have to say this guy was the start of my journey long ago after watching his video who am I? It took me through shadow work which was scary, but I did it and over come my fears, I had a shadow guide that helped me on the other side, I can say darkness is beautiful, there is no evil there, it’s just space, nothingness and blissful, I have rid myself of all beliefs, and it is wonderful, I feel like hugging this guy, and sending a big thank you. My whole life has changed, relationship separate, I feel free and out of the old pattern,  am finding myself more and more, who I will become is another question?

something I wanted to ask is how I seem to be vibrating very high 3khz it gets so unreadable at times, I don’t know what I am suppose to do with it, and it changes frequency on both sides, I see geometry shapes in my vision, and as I manipulate the shapes, the frequency changes, I am still practicing with this, to find a balance between both, I wonder am I channeling? If anyone has had similar experience? 

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@Peacelily I have no idea what your talking about with the vibrations

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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You will become who/whatver you want. The question is whether you will do it out of ignorance or out of wisedom. The same way goes up and down. Good luck!

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29 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

The question is whether you will do it out of ignorance or out of wisedom

That is the first time I’ve ever seen wisdom spelled that way. Very clever!

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11 hours ago, Thought Art said:

@Peacelily I have no idea what your talking about with the vibrations

Apologies I should have mention, by vibrations I mean ringing like  (tinnitus) very high frequency. Which I can manipulate only through meditation and geometry.

 wisedom? Do what? Creating ego to think you can do what you want!, The ignorance is thinking you can do it with wisdom! I have none, I am nothing less and nothing more, Up, down? There is so much to geometry that is far beyond up and down. 

Edited by Peacelily

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