
Do you really want other bubbles of consciousness?

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The price of other bubbles being conscious if it were the case is suffering on a mass universal scale. And it's crazy to comprehend too like all these creatures somehow merge into the one consciousness, through having a soul ego or just they merge and later incarnate again until Nirvana is achieved... Meanwhile the solipsism story, metaphysical solipsism is much simpler. Only big me is here and i'm experiencing myself as a human, but really all is myself I Am it. No one else suffers only me and whatever meat suit or type of energy body i choose to inhabit or subconsciously limit myself to. So this in defense of other in the form of these stories I used to believe such as souls, after life, other consciousnesses,it's becoming sort of silly and weird, I find it illogical in the end.

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Whatever story you tell yourself, it is experienced with the same simplicity, although the story itself might be complex.

If other minds do exist, your experience of yourself is not going to change, you are not going to feel their pain. If they don't exist, your experience of yourself is not going to change, you are not going to feel their pain. Compassion was always extended from your experience.

6 hours ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

The price of other bubbles being conscious if it were the case is suffering on a mass universal scale.

And also, pleasure on a universal scale?

You cannot experience anything on a universal scale though because you're not experiencing everything at once, that is a generalization created through thought, and same goes for any other minds. Really, nothing would change experientially.

Experience is simple. Solipsism seems simpler because it gets you to stop thinking about other people and it reduces the thoughts that you expose yourself to, similar to what would happen in meditation. No more thinking about "universal scales", just me. The issue is not the belief system, but your ability to handle your own imagination.

Describe a thought.

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Both are true. They always have been and always will be. You are all those people at once, and yourself. The best way my logical mind could put it rationally was, to imagine jumping between a billion lifetimes every moment of every day. This all happens simultaneously in patterns that repeat, but if you want a logical way to put it, you could think of it like that to help model it. You are right now you, and me, the other poster, and everyone here. Individually and collectively. What you do to them, you do to yourself. In a complex and neverending pattern.

You are in, and are nirvana. You are in, and are the most horrible circumstance you imagine. You are everything in between,

Edited by BlueOak

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That you believe it is impossible for there to be others and have a world without suffering only shows to me a self-limiting belief pattern. Be alone if you wish, but we can always be All One together.

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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2 hours ago, tuku747 said:

Be alone if you wish, but we can always be All One together.

In reality we are always One and there is no way we can be separate, Only if imagined 

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If you focus on your direct experience as awareness, and let it be a feeling experience instead of a thinking experience, then your thinking will also come into alignment. 

Everyone is you, there is only one i here, but it seems to, magically, be able to appear as many selves and processes, and so on, but it is one infinite magic, or the void, that is going on. 

However, as i said, approach reality from a feeling and awareness perspective, instead of trying to find the right mental model into which reality fits, because all mental models are reality morphing itself into various forms, including the mental modes, one of which is you. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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10 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

If you focus on your direct experience as awareness, and let it be a feeling experience instead of a thinking experience, then your thinking will also come into alignment. 

Everyone is you, there is only one i here, but it seems to, magically, be able to appear as many selves and processes, and so on, but it is one infinite magic, or the void, that is going on. 

However, as i said, approach reality from a feeling and awareness perspective, instead of trying to find the right mental model into which reality fits, because all mental models are reality morphing itself into various forms, including the mental modes, one of which is you.


The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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44 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

If you focus on your direct experience as awareness, and let it be a feeling experience instead of a thinking experience, then your thinking will also come into alignment. 

Everyone is you, there is only one i here, but it seems to, magically, be able to appear as many selves and processes, and so on, but it is one infinite magic, or the void, that is going on. 

However, as i said, approach reality from a feeling and awareness perspective, instead of trying to find the right mental model into which reality fits, because all mental models are reality morphing itself into various forms, including the mental modes, one of which is you. 


The void vibrates itself into existence, as a possible story, and from it comes endless varieties and possible stories. The possible story with a possible story within a possible story, eternally, here languageing, hmm. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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2 hours ago, tuku747 said:


I took offense to that

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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