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There are no positive or negative thoughts, good or bad feelings, etc.

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That there are positive or negative thoughts is a belief. That there are good or bad feelings is a belief. That there are right or wrong views is a belief.

It's either a thought about another thought, a thought about a feeling or a thought about what's being perceived.

To think and to label is duality, by default. Quite obviously so, but maybe not to everyone.

Language is duality. You cannot speak without automatically implying duality.

Next time you catch yourself thinking about how negative your thoughts are... stop, take a step back and realize that it's all just one thought. Never positive or negative. Just a thought. 

Same goes for feeling. Whatever you feel, it's never good or bad. It can be intense or overwhelming... but it's always just a feeling. 

Sadness, despair, hopelessness, devastation, anger, boredom... all just one feeling. 

Excitement, joy, bliss, peace, love... all just one feeling.

Instead of thinking of it as separate feelings that arise periodically and unpredictably... think of it as just one big ass spectrum. One feeling. One emotion. One energy in motion - quite literally. And it can feel like anything.

Even if it's a 'physical sensation'... it's always just one sensation. Not good or bad. Just a sensation.

Next time you accidentally hit your toe, or hurt yourself a bit in any way, take a step back and try to locate the pain within your awareness. Really try to find the source of it. If you 'zoom in' enough, you will find nothing. But on the surface, at first glance - so to speak... it's all just fuzz. Vibration. Nothing else. Not good or bad, right or wrong... it just vibrates. That's what feeling is. As everything else in direct experience. Vibration.


Just because there is ultimately no good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong... it does not mean that you should neglect or harm yourself or others. It's not that you can't, or you shouldn't, or that it's wrong... no. You don't do it because you are conscious, wise and mature enough. Because you know better.

The idea is not to declare that it's all meaningless and illusory and create chaos... but simply to see through illusion and meaning and learn how to optimize your 'state of being' and your life experience.

Edited by ivankiss

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I'd like to see you say that as someone rips your skin off. All those "epiphanies" would fly out the window.

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@strangelooper Classic response.

Yes, I'd probably cry in pain like a lil bitch, but that would not change the fact that there is no good or bad, positive or negative, etc.

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Yeah, finding the balance point between the absolute and the relative is the true mastery. 


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@Vibroverse Yeah, and if I was a hardcore nondualists I'd say that there is no relative :DAnything relative is just a thought. That there is relative is a thought.

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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Vibroverse Yeah, and if I was a hardcore nondualists I'd say that there is no relative :DAnything relative is just a thought. That there is relative is a thought.

Yeah, sure, relative is a thought, but it you think in that way, then absolute also is a thought, we can even say that there is nothing but thought, that reality is thought. 

I mean, from an idealist and nonduality perspective, we can say that this is thought thinking itself in the form of a multiplicity of thoughts. 


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@Vibroverse The absolute cannot be a thought nor can it actually be thought of. Cannot put an infinite amount of water into a limited bucket.

You do not have to think about a single thing in order to be conscious right now. It's effortless.

Edited by ivankiss

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

@Vibroverse The absolute cannot be a thought nor actually thought of. Cannot put an infinite amount of water into a limited bucket.

You do not have to think about a single thing in order to be conscious right now. It's effortless.

Yeah, sure. It is found in the stillness between thoughts, in that sense. 


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@Vibroverse Yup. And then 'one day', it's pretty much all there is, with an occasional thought or feeling passing by. Which is also it lol.

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Yeah, and being honest to yourself and "working" on your shadows in the process is very very important, imho. You know, otherwise we are so good at getting lost in mental masturbations. At least i know that i am. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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@Vibroverse Definitely.

I am knee - deep in 'shadow work' these days, sorting all kinds of shit out, while preaching about nonduality here on the forum lol. One would think those things are contradictory or mutually exclusive. But that's not true.

It is possible to struggle and have a lot of shit on your plate... but then also have the ability to see through it all and know that there is no you, no shadows, no struggle, etc.

Just pure, direct, undisturbed consciousness.

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Yeah, i agree. And i think the greatest philosophical or spiritual insights can come to you only when you are honest with yourself, and aim only for the inner resonance with your true self.

You know, i mean, the greatest mental understandings, so to speak, also come from your increased resonance with your true self, through self honesty, shadow work, meditativity, and shit like that. 


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Great post Iván. Lotes of wisdom here. You articulated It nicely.

Will revisit this. Not quite there with  my understanding at my level of low consciousness :D

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7 minutes ago, Vibroverse said:

Yeah, i agree. And i think the greatest philosophical or spiritual insights can come to you only when you are honest with yourself, and aim only for the inner resonance with your true self.

You know, i mean, the greatest mental understandings, so to speak, also come from your increased resonance with your true self, through self honesty, shadow work, meditativity, and shit like that. 


Indeed. Honesty is crucial. There is no Truth without honesty. There is no work being done and no progress being made without honesty. One cannot reach self - realization without honesty.

That is why saying 'I am in pain' - if it's coming from a place of honesty, is far more awake and truthful than saying 'I am God or everything is One' - if it's coming from a place of falsehood.

8 minutes ago, cjoseph90 said:

Great post Iván. Lotes of wisdom here. You articulated It nicely.

Will revisit this. Not quite there with  my understanding at my level of low consciousness :D

Thank you, glad you resonate. It's not as woo woo as it may seem... In fact, it's far more simple than I managed to describe :D

All the best to you!

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Has it worked for you this ideas?

Do you not prefer to have a pleasant relaxed experience vs an anxious stressed experience?

Even if conceptually, intellectually, are 'the same'.

Answer honestly. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 These are not ideas that work or do not work. This is just about seeing things for what they are. A thought is a thought. A feeling is a feeling. Not good, not bad.

And yeah, of course I prefer feeling relaxed over stressed. 

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You're moving up and down the vibration scale, closer or farther from the epicenter. Each vibration level has its qualities and nature, which can be experienced. In this sense, good and bad, as an assessment of the mind conditioned at a given level, do not exist. Everything exists IN, nothing outside. You have complete freedom to move between levels of existence - because - you are IT.

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39 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

You're moving up and down the vibration scale, closer or farther from the epicenter. Each vibration level has its qualities and nature, which can be experienced. In this sense, good and bad, as an assessment of the mind conditioned at a given level, do not exist. Everything exists IN, nothing outside. You have complete freedom to move between levels of existence - because - you are IT.

You are the vibrating that is vibrating itself into vibrating itself into vibrating itself, and you are infinity being itself. Welcome the waves, and master being the surfer that is the wave. The ocean is the wave within wave within wave. 


Edited by Vibroverse

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On 14.11.2023 at 4:22 PM, ivankiss said:

@Vibroverse Yeah, and if I was a hardcore nondualists I'd say that there is no relative :D Anything relative is just a thought. That there is relative is a thought.

...which is of course a relative notion, like anything that can be put into words.

Can't out-trick the great Trickster himself. :P

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@Bazooka Jesus The statements itself is dualistic, because language, yes. But that does not change the reality od truth. Which is, that there is no duality ;)

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