Julian gabriel

This Forum doesn’t feel healthy to me

53 posts in this topic

@Julian gabriel

On 14/11/2023 at 8:27 AM, Julian gabriel said:

If this forum truly feels healthy holistic and beneficial to you then so be it.


But to me it feels like an avoidance of personal responsibility. The endless debates and conversations regarding hypotheticals are not as developmentally significant as the shit hitting the fan.

The shit hits the fan when you get off the computer and go talk to strangers or walk into the woods at night or do some drug ur scared of doing because it may drive you mad and in that madness you may find your brave heart.

I understand that this criticism is ultimately a projection because all things are. 

But I possess an adequate intuition, therefore this post may be useful for some.

   you are partly right, and you are free to leave whenever this site has lost value to you. You are free to stay or go.

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17 hours ago, Yimpa said:

Ah, yes. The classic 10-day Vipassana retreat.

Gotta make your mind breathe sometimes :P

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 2023-11-14 at 7:37 AM, CARDOZZO said:

The paradox is that people who have results doesn't have time to be on online forums.


They are taking massive action, living their lifes to the maximum.

Hey now. What's the point of being extremely efficient and effective with your time and energy if you don't have at least a little extra of it to piss away somewhere? :P

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@Julian gabriel  Everything gets easier when you don't take on the collective zeitgeist of a space, even if it's a limited aspect of that space. Of course, not being here as frequently makes things easier too.

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On 11/14/2023 at 1:57 PM, Julian gabriel said:

If this forum truly feels healthy holistic and beneficial to you then so be it.


But to me it feels like an avoidance of personal responsibility. The endless debates and conversations regarding hypotheticals are not as developmentally significant as the shit hitting the fan.

The shit hits the fan when you get off the computer and go talk to strangers or walk into the woods at night or do some drug ur scared of doing because it may drive you mad and in that madness you may find your brave heart.

I understand that this criticism is ultimately a projection because all things are. 

But I possess an adequate intuition, therefore this post may be useful for some.

It's the kind of expectations you place on a place. Negativity exists everywhere. It's how you deal with it. Also the collective subculture of a place in relation to you, the ability to read the room. Don't be too involved though. Turn the negative into positive. 

If everyone learned to chill out, every place is cool. Ya? 

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Have you performed a surgery on someone and removed their tumor, if not, then I'm not gonna pay attention. 

Bottomline - there are people who are serious and people who aren't. That makes all the difference. 

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On 11/17/2023 at 10:42 PM, Buck Edwards said:

Have you performed a surgery on someone and removed their tumor, if not, then I'm not gonna pay attention. 

Bottomline - there are people who are serious and people who aren't. That makes all the difference. 

Come to me baby, I remove your tumor called heart with swiss knife. Then you really start to pay attention! :D

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It's expectations and I had the same. I wanted quick snappy communication and pointers of guidance, but was left having to filter through it the same way as reddit or any other site. Half of the threads barely seem to fit the the goal of the site and there is so much discussion of culture war, banter, philosophies and sentiments that could long have been condensed and dismissed when actualizing Leo's communicated understanding.

So it is annoying and your frustration is real, valid and authentic, but that just means that it's not what you're looking for and you have to be selective by going case by case. But I see that you seek a community to share insights in and get into novel discussions to learn new perspectives, though you might soon realize that's it's just easier to do that head on and just roam the internet specifically for that which you seek to learn or connect to.

Edited by Keryo Koffa

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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@Keryo Koffa Notice how you are looking for information that fits with your bias. 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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On 11/19/2023 at 5:28 PM, Yimpa said:

@Keryo Koffa Notice how you are looking for information that fits with your bias. 

Duh! What else are we supposed to do here? It's a forum, meant for communication and exchange of information, particularly of the nature of the subject matter taught by Leo. Attracting individuals interested in this type of discourse, that then get disappointed by their reasonable expectations, granted the whole premise of the existence of this place. As long as we have ego, we keep looking for things, so are you. I have a bias, I have a million biases, that's how I navigate life, that's how I experience reality. Else I wouldn't be alive. We strive to kill our ego to find deeper truth, but truly, we're here for a reason. And that reason is to feel and experience, because that's what we are. And we can go deeper if we want to, and it means the world to do so, but all layers are intertwined and on the layer I am right now, looking for meaningful discussions, I call bs.

    Iridescent       💥        Living Rent-Free in        🥳 Liminal 😁 Psychic 🥰 
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It is a million times better than scrolling through TikTok. The point of life isn't to constantly be doing personal growth. You must do things that you enjoy. This forum is here for the entertainment of all of us, as well as allowing us to connect with like-minded people. Think about if this forum didn't exist. People would waste time in other ways, and we would have no access to people who think similar to us. This forum is a very rare place and should be preserved. 

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Skip the solipsism, pua, and mental masturbation threads and it will be fine.


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14 minutes ago, Noahsteelers34 said:

This forum is a very rare place and should be preserved. 

Preserving onto any particular thing is particularly flawed.

There is only God.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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