28 cm unbuffed

How To Solve That Problem

108 posts in this topic

15 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

What are excuses?

Fear or discomfort of being seen as wrong, I would say. So you always paint the story in such a way that you come out looking a like good guy. 

I'm not sure if that was your question. 


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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8 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:



Yeah, let's just ignore the elephant in the room that is another man's dick in her mouth an hour before she met with you.


Its 2023. Lots of normal girls have rotations now. Actually hookers have better hygiene and practice. Some use gloves for example

So now you want sex with a virgin without having to go through the process of interacting with women?

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8 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Fear or discomfort of being seen as wrong, I would say. So you always paint the story in such a way to you come out looking a like good guy. 

I'm not sure if that was your question. 

"So you always paint the story in such a way to you come out looking a like good guy." This seems to be spot on.

It was intended to stimulate questioning, thanks for your contribution btw!

It seems like you excuse yourself in order to feel right about not having done something. It justifies your inaction. They are not true and are disempowering.

I recommend being honest. That is, if you end up not doing something you said you were going to do, you be straight with yourself: "I was late to the meeting", "I didn't attend that" "I didn't do that" rather than superimposing excuses on your failure to act: I didn't have the money, traffic was horrible, I didn't have the time, I was tired, my brother told me so, etc.

Edited by UnbornTao

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On 11/17/2023 at 6:45 PM, Tenebroso said:

All the people talking down self righteously on the OP. He is actually right this 'this women are wonderful' narrative is silly and is actually more harmful to the women you claim to care about. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that women are for the most part a chore to deal with it, does not make you toxic or spiritually undeveloped to observe that. Plus abusers, toxic, violent men have no trouble attracting all kinds of women, what does that say about female nature that society is so scared to talk about it.

Do you not see the hypocrisy here. Look at all the OP's responses and how disrespectful he has been. How he belittles people who are trying to help him or give him advice. HOW IS HE FUCKING RIGHT WITH THE WAY HE IS RESPONDING. IT doesn't matter if he doesn't like the responses or not. The same fucking shit he's addressing with women is the same shit he's doing and worse. You guys kill me with this women hating shit and when you see the one's doing the hating their demeanor is repulsive. No wonder.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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To the OP, all I have to say to you is, I feel sorry for the hookers you pick up as I can imagine the hate you will project unto them. I read most if not all of your responses and 99% of them were rudely expressed. You mentioned how you would be giving up your so-called "dignity" if you were to see hookers, but I can assure you, you already gave it up on this forum by the way you responded here and some of your language. Maybe the hooker you see might restore some of that dignity back within you that you lost already by your disrespectful responses to others who are just trying to help. 

You obviously have a lot of self-hate within you and no amount of worthy or loving advice will come close to match that kind of energy. So, before you come in a forum looking for advice you don't want or expect it in a way you would like it to be given, I suggest you go work on that self-hatred of yours because you still have real life, with real people to deal with - not like here where you can hide behind a fucking screen and through around all those cynical remarks trying to put down people who are just trying to help. @28 cm unbuffed

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

You mentioned how you would be giving up your so-called "dignity" if you were to see hookers, but I can assure you, you already gave it up on this forum by the way you responded here and some of your language.


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5 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

So now you want sex with a virgin without having to go through the process of interacting with women?


I don’t think he ever indicated anything close to that, as ignorant as he seemed to be.

What is with people thinking sex with virgins is good? Must be people who aren’t good at sex at all and they should fucking learn — like what could the problem be even?… did they not do at least some research into what a clitoris is or how to hit the g spot with the penis I mean damn. And if they come fast just take a break. And if they can’t get it up try pills but if that doesn’t work they should throw in the towel anyway and move on, unless they just like making women feel good in which case they have two hands or hopefully at least one.

Edited by The0Self

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@UnbornTao :)

@28 cm unbuffed  :)

Best friends forever. Group hug. Muahahaaha


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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The deepest forms of love with a significant other is not merely through sex or social interaction in the human domain. You can also have a telepathic communication with them. You’ll know  it’s telepathic when both of your walls break down and your lives are changed forever.


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23 hours ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:


Are you talking to me or this @Salvijus guy? Not sure

Mostly a question thrown around for everyone to ask him or herself.

Edited by UnbornTao

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@Princess Arabia

I fucking love myself, you had a bad day or something? All I hear is you screaming at me for no reason than the ones that you probably imagined 🤗.


You guys try to throw some nasty stuff on me, but none of you hit yet, keep trying 🙏.

But also it would be nice if some of you could (at least try) to answer my question. It's easier to hate me because I don't agree with what you think is the ultimate truth and there are no other ways. I prefer to stay open-minded and do not accept your route, with all the respect. 

Of course, I did some name-calling, but you can't simply expect me to just sit there and accept whatever you're projecting/imagining/expecting me to listen to without fighting back. I know exactly what I'm doing and where I'm at with the process of healing, trust me on that.

That doesn't mean that I can't do some experimental stuff. 😇

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@28 cm unbuffed I hear you. Nobody knows the solution, figure it out for yourself. Masturbate, struggle with your socializing, learn to enjoy the presence of women, suppres your sex drive, get over your traumas, are some options that come to mind.

That said, interacting with women might be simpler than you make it out to be. You're doing stuff in your mind that adds unnecessary complexity and maybe even pain. I know this sounds like more of a possible description of the problem rather than a solution per se but I wanted to put it out there.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Yeah, you're right. 

This topic is mainly an exercise to check-mate my brain so that my negative beliefs about all of that get shattered / I find some kind of solution that I didn't think about before.

I'm fine. I know what I'm doing. I'm pretending a bit to get people's reactions. 

Thank you all for participating 🫡


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14 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

I'm pretending a bit to get people's reactions. 

Just like your mum ;)

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On 16/11/2023 at 6:25 PM, 28 cm unbuffed said:

And to these spiritual egoists giving me "good advice" that I didn't ask for and that only serves them  - namaste 🫡☮️🙏

You asked "what do I do about this"

People gave you different good suggestions of what you could do about this.

But did you really expect the answer to be something that your ego likes, and requires no work on your part?

That's foolish.

If you're really open-minded, you will go try out a bunch of suggestions that you don't like and don't want to do.

If you really care about "truth", you know that it is in experience, not preconceptions.

But alas, I think you have demonstrated that this thread was just meant for you to confirm what you already believed.

Too bad you had to drag people along in the pretense that you were actually looking for suggestions.

Edited by flowboy

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This is what I wrote in my first post before I asked a question about what should I do:


I don't want a girlfriend, in fact - I don't like women

What a fucked up, sociopathic design this is? You have a dick that is telling you to fuck, but to do that, you have to deal with women, that you don't even fucking like.

Please help me, I can't struggle with this any longer...

All of the advice was like: "There's something wrong with you, you should like them", and here's what you can do with that: (...)

Fuck your musts and shoulds, I'm not convinced. 


If everyone else jumped off a bridge, would you?


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